DROP Statements

  • Capella Columnar
  • reference
    This topic describes how you use DROP statements to delete Capella Columnar objects.

    A DROP statement is the inverse of a CREATE statement.

    DROP statements cannot execute while the cluster is in a scaling state. The evaluation of such DDL statements fails. You can reattempt the action after scaling is complete.


    DropStmnt EBNF
    DropStmnt ::= DropDatabase
                | DropScope
                | DropCollection
                | DropSynonym
                | DropIndex
                | DropFunction
                | DropView

    See sqlpp:9_udf.adoc#dropfunction and 5a_views.adoc#dropview for information about dropping functions and views. To drop links you use the UI. See sources:delete-entity.adoc#remove-link.

    DropStmnt Diagram
    DropDatabase | DropScope | DropCollection | DropSynonym | DropIndex | DropFunction | DropView

    DROP Database

    When you drop a database, all of the scopes and other database_object entities in that database are also dropped.

    You cannot drop a database if any other databases exist that use entities belonging to that database.

    DropDatabase Diagram

    DROP Scope

    When you drop a scope, the system also drops any user-defined functions in that scope. However, you cannot drop a scope if there are any user-defined functions or views in other scopes that depend on user-defined functions or collections or views within the scope you attempt to drop.

    Show DropScope Diagram
    "DROP" "SCOPE" DatabaseAndScopeName ("IF" "EXISTS")?

    DROP Collection

    You cannot drop a collection if a user-defined function in the same or a different scope uses it.

    Show DropCollection Diagram
    "DROP" "COLLECTION" QualifiedName ("IF" "EXISTS")?

    DROP Synonym

    Show DropSynonym Diagram
    "DROP" "SYNONYM" QualifiedName ("IF" "EXISTS")?

    DROP Index

    Show DropIndex Diagram
    "DROP" "INDEX" ("IF" "EXISTS")?


    This example drops the remoteCapella.remoteBeer scope, if it already exists. Dropping a scope also drops any collections contained in it and disconnects any remote links associated with those collections.

     DROP SCOPE remoteCapella.remoteBeer IF EXISTS;
    Show additional examples

    This example removes individual collections and all of the data they contain.

     DROP COLLECTION remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewBelgium;
     DROP COLLECTION remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewGermany;
     DROP COLLECTION remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewUS;

    The following example drops the synonym.

     DROP SYNONYM remoteCapella.remoteBeer.h;

    The following example drops the indexes.

     DROP INDEX remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewBelgium.beer_name_idx;
     DROP INDEX remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewBelgium.brewery_name_idx;
     DROP INDEX remoteCapella.remoteBeer.brewBelgium.brewery_loc_idx;