Function: Basic Binary KV

  • Capella Operational

      Goal: Show Basic Bucket Op Binary Write and Read.

      • This function basicBinaryKV demonstrates creating, marshalling and unmarshalling binary docs.

      • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection.

      • Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).

      • Will operate on any mutation where the KEY or starts with "basicbinarykv".

      • The function will create one binary document and write it then read it back.

      • The document written will be read back and verified demonstrating binary marshalling and unmarshalling.

      • On a second deployment the binary doc that was written on the first deployment will cause a mutation.

      • basicBinaryKV

      • Input Data/Mutation

      • Output Data/Logged

      // To run configure the settings for this Function, basicBinaryKV, as follows:
      // Version 7.1+
      //   "Function Scope"
      //     *.* (or try if non-privileged)
      // Version 7.0+
      //   "Listen to Location"
      //   "Eventing Storage"
      //     rr100.eventing.metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "",        "read and write"
      // Version 6.6.2
      //   "Source Bucket"
      //     source
      //   "MetaData Bucket"
      //     metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket", "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "source", "read and write"
      function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
          if ( === "bindoc_kvput") {
              // if we deploy/undeploy/deploy we will see the document we created on the first deploy
              // Note that meta.datatype === "binary" on this mutation.
              log ("4. received binary mutation",doc,"unmarshalled ("+new Uint8Array(doc)+") meta:",meta);
              log ("5. deleting the binary doc with KEY 'bindoc_kvput'");
              delete src_col["bindoc_kvput"];
          if (!"basicbinarykv") || src_col["bindoc_kvput"]) return;
          var arr = new Uint8Array([1, 0, 2, 3]);
          var bindoc = arr.buffer;
          // Write via a Basic Bucket Op, i.e. JavaScript map exposed via a bucket binding.
          // Note the JavaScript map only returns the doc (unlike the mutations received via
          // OnUpate which also has meta) so do not know if we just read a binary doc or text
          src_col["bindoc_kvput"] = bindoc;
          log ("1. wrote bindoc",bindoc,"unmarshalled ("+new Uint8Array(bindoc)+")");
          // Read via a Basic Bucket Op, i.e. JavaScript map exposed via a bucket binding
          var retdoc = src_col["bindoc_kvput"];
          log ("2. read retdoc",retdoc)
          log ("3. test bindoc("+
              new Uint8Array(bindoc)+") == retdoc("+
              new Uint8Array(retdoc)+") => " + buffersEqual(bindoc,retdoc));
      function buffersEqual(buf1, buf2) {
          if (buf1.byteLength != buf2.byteLength) return false;
          var dv1 = new Uint8Array(buf1);
          var dv2 = new Uint8Array(buf2);
          for (var i = 0; i != buf1.byteLength; i++) {
              if (dv1[i] != dv2[i]) return false;
          return true;
      INPUT: KEY basicbinarykv:1
        "id": 1,
        "type": "basicbinarykv"


      2021-04-10T15:13:14.903-07:00 [INFO] "1. wrote bindoc" {} "unmarshalled (1,0,2,3)"
      2021-04-10T15:13:14.904-07:00 [INFO] "2. read retdoc" {}
      2021-04-10T15:13:14.904-07:00 [INFO] "3. test bindoc(1,0,2,3) == retdoc(1,0,2,3) => true"

      SECOND DEPLOYMENT (note the "datatype" of "binary")

      2021-04-10T15:14:06.581-07:00 [INFO] "4. received binary mutation" {} "unmarshalled (1,0,2,3) meta:"
      2021-04-10T15:14:06.581-07:00 [INFO] "5. deleting the binary with KEY 'bindoc_kvput'"