Deploy Eventing Functions

  • Capella Operational
      Use the Capella UI to deploy and undeploy Eventing Functions in your cluster.

      Deploy an Eventing Function

      When you add an Eventing Function to your cluster, the Function is saved in an undeployed state. To activate an Eventing Function, you must deploy it.

      Deploying a Function:

      • Lets the handler to receive and process events or mutations

      • Creates necessary metadata

      • Spawns worker processes

      • Calculates initial partitions

      • Initiates checkpointing of processed stream data

      You cannot edit the JavaScript source code of a deployed Eventing Function.

      To deploy an Eventing Function:

      1. Go to Data Tools  Eventing.

      2. Click More Options (⋮) next to the Function you want to deploy.

      3. Click Deploy to deploy your Function.

      Undeploy an Eventing Function

      You can undeploy a deployed Eventing Function to deactivate it. After a Function is undeployed, you can edit the JavaScript source code.

      To undeploy an Eventing Function:

      1. Go to Data Tools  Eventing.

      2. Click More Options (⋮) next to the Function you want to undeploy.

      3. Click Undeploy to undeploy your Function.

      Check the Deployment Statistics

      You can check the deployment statistics for your deployed Function by clicking the expand arrow next to it.

      Type Description


      The number of processed Functions.


      The number of failures while processing the Function handler code.


      The number of Functions that have timed out.


      The number of mutations to be processed by a Function.

      Next Steps

      After you deploy Eventing Functions, you can manage them.