Function: Advanced Binary KV

  • Capella Operational

      Goal: Show and Advanced Accessor Binary Write.

      • This function advancedBinaryKV demonstrates creating, marshalling and unmarshalling binary docs.

      • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) a "source" collection, and a "destination" collection.

      • Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).

      • Will operate on any mutation where the KEY or starts with "advancedbinarykv".

      • The function will create two documents: a binary document and a normal JSON document.

      • Each document will be updated via the Advanced Accessor couchbase.upsert() and then will be verified.

      • The verification and logging will demonstrate binary marshalling and unmarshalling.

      • The return value of couchbase.upsert() on success will indicate either "datatype":"json" or "datatype":"binary"

      • advancedBinaryKV

      • Input Data/Mutation

      • Output Data/Logged

      // To run configure the settings for this Function, advancedBinaryKV, as follows:
      // Version 7.1+
      //   "Function Scope"
      //     *.* (or try if non-privileged)
      // Version 7.0+
      //   "Listen to Location"
      //   "Eventing Storage"
      //     rr100.eventing.metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "dst_col",       "",   "read and write"
      // Version 6.6.2
      //   "Source Bucket"
      //     source
      //   "MetaData Bucket"
      //     metadata
      //   Binding(s)
      //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket",      "Access"
      //       "bucket alias", "dst_col",       "destination", "read and write"
      function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
          if (!"advancedbinarykv")) return;
          var doc_is_binary = true;
          var prefix;
          var wrkdoc;
          var is_bin_ary = [true, false];
          // loop twice first create a binary doc and then create a normal JSON doc
          for (let doc_is_binary of is_bin_ary) {
              if (doc_is_binary) {
                  // Note, we could create binary docs via 'cbc'
                  //     "cbc create bindoc -V '^LZ' -U couchbase://localhost/source -u Administrator -P password"
                  // However it is easier to make a binary document via pure JavaScript code
                  prefix = "bindoc";
                  var arr = new Uint8Array([1, 0, 2, 3]);
                  var bindoc = arr.buffer;
                  wrkdoc = bindoc;
              } else {
                  // make a normal JSON doc
                  prefix = "jsondoc";
                  wrkdoc = {
                      "jsondoc": 1
              // ========================================================================
              // Test basic Bucket Op, i.e. JavaScript map exposed via a bucket binding
              dst_col[prefix + "_put"] = wrkdoc;
              // ========================================================================
              // Test Advanced Accessors
              // Make a key for Advanced Accessor tests ( note, "datatype" in meta is not needed / ignored )
              var key = prefix + "_upsert";
              var new_meta = { "id": key };
              log("1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col,", new_meta, ",", wrkdoc, ")");
              var result = couchbase.upsert(dst_col, new_meta, wrkdoc);
              if (result.success) {
                  log('2 success adv. upsert: result', result);
              } else {
                  log('2 failure adv. upsert: id', key, 'result', result);
              var tmp = couchbase.get(dst_col, {  "id": key });
              log('3 couchbase.get(dst_col', {  "id": key }, ') => ', tmp);
              couchbase.upsert(dst_col, { "id": key + "_from_adv_get",  "datatype": "bin" }, tmp.doc);
              var tag;
              var disp;
              if (tmp.meta.datatype && tmp.meta.datatype == "binary") {
                  tag = "binary";
                  disp = new Uint8Array(tmp.doc);
                  log('4 ' + tag + ' equal = ' + buffersEqual(tmp.doc, wrkdoc), '(was binary so unmarshalled)', disp);
              } else {
                  tag = "json";
                  disp = tmp.doc;
                  log('4 ' + tag + ' equal = ' + (JSON.stringify(tmp.doc) === JSON.stringify(wrkdoc)),
                      '(was json so just the doc)', disp);
      function buffersEqual(buf1, buf2) {
          if (buf1.byteLength != buf2.byteLength) return false;
          var dv1 = new Uint8Array(buf1);
          var dv2 = new Uint8Array(buf2);
          for (var i = 0; i != buf1.byteLength; i++) {
              if (dv1[i] != dv2[i]) return false;
          return true;
      INPUT: KEY advancedbinarykv:1
        "id": 1,
        "type": "advancedbinarykv"
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.566-07:00 [INFO] "1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col," {"id":"bindoc_upsert"} "," {} ")"
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.566-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. upsert: result" {"meta":{"id":"bindoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580566458368"},"success":true}
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "3 couchbase.get(dst_col" {"id":"bindoc_upsert"} ") => " {"doc":{},"meta":{"id":"bindoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580566458368","datatype":"binary"},"success":true}
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "4 binary equal = true" "(was binary so unmarshalled)" {"0":1,"1":0,"2":2,"3":3}
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col," {"id":"jsondoc_upsert"} "," {"jsondoc":1} ")"
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. upsert: result" {"meta":{"id":"jsondoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580568031232"},"success":true}
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "3 couchbase.get(dst_col" {"id":"jsondoc_upsert"} ") => " {"doc":{"jsondoc":1},"meta":{"id":"jsondoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580568031232","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
      2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "4 json equal = true" "(was json so just the doc)" {"jsondoc":1}