Visualize Results in Charts

  • Capella Columnar
  • how-to
    After you run a query, you can visualize its results in graphical format.


    To use the workbench for Capella Columnar:

    Configure Graph Settings

    When you select the Chart tab in the query results pane, you can visualize query results in graphical format.

    You select the type of graph, and then choose the fields—JSON keys—to include. For example, to populate a bar or pie chart:

    • For the first, x-axis selection you choose a field with a string-type value

    • For the second, y-axis selection you choose a number-type value.

    For an X-Y graph, on the other hand, both fields must have number-type values.

    In this example for the travel-sample’s airport collection, a bar chart plots the results of a query. The x-axis plots the country and the number of airports is on the y-axis.

    A chart with 3 bars showing the relative number of airports in the US, France, and the UK

    For more information about working with sample datasets, see Access Data.