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Manage the backup service repositories.


_couchbase-cli backup-service [--cluster <url>] [--username <user>]
    [--password <password>] [--output] repository [--list] [--get] [--archive]
    [--add] [--remove] [--id <id>] [--new-id <id>] [--state <state>]
    [--profile <name>] [--backup-archive <archive>] [--bucket-name <name>]
    [--cloud-credentials-name <name>] [--cloud-staging-dir <path>]
    [--cloud-credentials-id <id>] [--cloud-credentials-key <key>]
    [--cloud-credentials-region <region>] [--cloud-endpoint <endpoint>]
    [--s3-force-path-style] [--remove-data]


Manage backup service repositories



List the backup repositories.


Get a specific backup repository.


Archives an active repository. This will move the repository into a read only mode. This operation cannot be undone.


Add a new active backup repository.


Remove an archived or imported repository. This operation cannot be undone.


--id <id>

Specify the repository id.

--new-id <id>

Used together with the --archive action flag to specify the new id for the repository once it is archived.

--state <state>

Specifies the repository state. Valid states are 'active', 'archived' or 'imported'

--profile <profile_name>

Specify the profile to use when adding a new repository.

--backup-archive <archive>

The location to store backups in. This location should be accessible by all backup nodes. To use S3 or S3 compatible storages the archive must be in the format: s3://<bucket>/<optional_prefix>/<archive>.

--bucket-name <name>

When adding a repository a bucket name can be supplied so that the repository only backups that bucket.


When removing an archived repository this option can be given to also delete the underlying backup repository and all of its data. This cannot be undone.


--cloud-credentials-name <name>

The identifying name for a set of credentials already stored in the service.

--cloud-credentials-id <id>

The id to use with the object store.

--cloud-credentials-key <key>

The key to use with the object store.

--cloud-credentials-region <region>

The region for the object store.

--cloud-endpoint <endpoint>

Overrides the default endpoint used to communicate with the cloud provider. Use for object store compatible third party solutions.


When using S3 or S3 compatible storage it will use the old path style.


When specifying a host for the couchbase-cli command the following formats are expected:

  • couchbase://<addr>

  • <addr>:<port>

  • http://<addr>:<port>

It is recommended to use the couchbase://<addr> format for standard installations. The other two formats allow an option to take a port number which is needed for non-default installations where the admin port has been set up on a port other that 8091.


Retrieving repository information

To retrieve a summary of all repositories run:

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --list
ID            | State    | Profile | Healthy | Repository"
weekly-all    | active   | _weekly |  True   | a8059549-7fc3-401a-8fb8-008d1e20f1b0
old-data      | archived | _daily  |  True   | d6ccec04-6f03-4599-94c5-b95ac10a4f80
test-data-set | imported | N/A     |  True   | provider

You can also filter to only get repositories in certain state by using the --state flag. If you want more in-depth details for the repository use the JSON output as can be seen below:

To set the backup service configuration use the --set flag and any of the configuration flags for example:

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password  --output json \
  repository --list --state active
  "active": [
      "id": "weekly-all",
      "profile_name": "_weekly",
      "state": "active",
      "archive": "/backup",
      "repo": "a8059549-7fc3-401a-8fb8-008d1e20f1b0",
      "scheduled": {
        "backup_monday_full": {
          "name": "backup_monday_full",
          "task_type": "BACKUP",
          "next_run": "2020-07-13T22:00:00+01:00"
        "backup_wednesday": {
          "name": "backup_wednesday",
          "task_type": "BACKUP",
          "next_run": "2020-07-15T22:00:00+01:00"
        "merge_week": {
          "name": "merge_week",
          "task_type": "MERGE",
          "next_run": "2020-07-12T23:20:00+01:00"
      "version": 1,
      "health": {
        "healthy": true
      "creation_time": "2020-07-10T07:44:18.826195+01:00",
      "update_time": "2020-07-10T07:44:18.826195+01:00"

To retrieve just the information for one repository used instead the --get action flag as illustrated below.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --get --id weekly-all --state active
ID: weekly-all
State: active
Healthy: True
Archive: /backup
Repository: a8059549-7fc3-401a-8fb8-008d1e20f1b0
Profile: _weekly
Creation time: 2020-07-10T07:44:18.826195+01:00

Scheduled tasks:
Name               | Task type | Next run
backup_monday_full | Backup    | 2020-07-13T22:00:00+01:00
backup_wednesday   | Backup    | 2020-07-15T22:00:00+01:00
merge_week         | Merge     | 2020-07-12T23:20:00+01:00

As before you can retrieve all details in JSON format by using --output json before the repository subcommand.

Adding and modifying repositories

To add an repository one can use the --add action flag as shown below.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --add --id new-repository --profile _weekly --backup-archive /backup/service

In the command above we are adding a new repository with name new-repository that is using a base profile _weekly. The base profile defines the schedules of the tasks that the repository will run as well as what services it will backup. Finally the backup archive is the location where the backups will stored. This location is equivalent to a cbbackupmgr archive. Two repository should not use the same archive. Also cbbackupmgr should not be run on the archives managed by the service directly.

If you want an repository that only backs up one bucket or want different backup schedules for each bucket this can be achieved by using the --bucket-name argument to specify which bucket the repository should backup. An example can be seen below.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --add --id new-repository --profile _weekly --backup-archive /backup/service \
  --bucket-name beer-sample

The service also supports creating cloud backup repositories. These are repositories that backup directly to object store. Currently, the only supported object store is S3 and S3 compatible stores. To create a cloud repository you will need to supply some more details, as illustrated in the example below.

$ couchbase-cli -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --add --id cloud-repository --profile _daily --backup-archive s3://cloud-bucket/archive \
  --cloud-staging-dir /backup/staging --cloud-credentials-id id --cloud-credentials-key key \
  --cloud-credentials-region us-east-1

In the command above we can see that the archive supplied for cloud must start with the schema s3:// followed by the bucket name, after, the path to the archive in S3 must be given. A staging directory must also be supplied. This is a location where cbbackupmgr will temporarily store data whilst doing cloud backups. This path must be available in all backup nodes and should have space for roughly 10% of the data set size as reported by the UI. In the command above we have also supplied the cloud credential ID, key and region. This are the details that will be used to communicate with S3. Note that credentials can be stored and reused in the backup service so if you already have the correct set of credentials stored you can replace the id, key and region flags by --cloud-credential-name and give the name of the credential set you want to re-use.

Finally, for S3 compatible stores you can use the --cloud-endpoint argument to override the endpoint use to communicate with S3 and point it to your storage solution address. Some S3 compatible storages only support the old S3 path styles to use those supply the s3-force-path-style argument.

To archive an repository you can use the command below. Archiving an repository moves the repository to read-only mode. This means that no more backup tasks will be run. The repository can still be restored and the data examined but not altered. This action is not reversible.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --archive --id active-repository --new-id deprecated

The last way in which can modify an repository is by removing it. Only archived and imported repositories can be removed. If you want to remove an active repository you first have to archive it as explained above. To remove an repository use the command below. Note that this operation cannot be undone.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --remove --id repository --state imported

Note that by default this command only removes the repository from the service but does not remove the backup repository. The flag --remove-data allows you to also delete the underlying data. This argument can only be used with archived repositories as imported ones could still be in use by another node. To remove the data as well follow the example below, note that once the data is deleted it cannot be recovered.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  repository --remove --id other_repository --state archived --remove-data



Specifies the username to use when executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -u/--username argument on the command line.


Specifies the password of the user executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -p/--password argument on the command line. It also allows the user to ensure that their password are not cached in their command line history.



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