Field Data Types

  • reference
March 23, 2025
+ 12
You can assign a data type to a field to tell the Search Service how to analyze its data.

When you create a child field on a type mapping or Create a Search Index with the Quick Editor, you need to set a field’s data type.

If you create a Search index and do not set a data type for a field, the Search Service automatically assigns a field data type. For example, if you created a dynamic type mapping, the Search Service automatically assigns data types to all fields in the type mapping.

The following field data types are available:

Field Data Type Description


The field contains a string. The string can contain numbers and special characters.


The field contains a number. It does not contain any alphabetic characters.


The field contains a date/time value that matches the format of a Date/Time Parser in the index.


The field contains a true or false value.


This field data type is deprecated. It’s included for compatibility only.


The field contains geopoint (latitude and longitude) data, represented as either:

  • A string, as two numeric values separated by a comma.

  • A string, as a geohash point.

  • An array, as two floating point integers.

  • A JSON object, with the properties lon/lng and lat.


The field contains a GeoJSON object.

A GeoJSON object describes a shape made of floating point coordinates with the following JSON properties:

  • A type string, for the type of GeoJSON object. For example, a point or MultiLineString.

  • A coordinates array of floating point numbers, for each latitude and longitude coordinate point in the GeoJSON shape.

For example:

    "type": "LineString",
    "coordinates": [

        [-2.753735609842721, 53.94860827535115],

This JSON object describes a LineString GeoJSON object with 2 latitude and longitude coordinates.

For more information about GeoJSON queries, see the Query object.


The field contains an IP address, formatted in IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR syntax.

For example:

    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": "2001:4800:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"


The field contains an array of floating point numbers or an array of arrays that represent a vector embedding.

Use the vector type to perform vector similarity searches with Vector Search.

For more information about Vector Search, see Use Vector Search for AI Applications.

(Server version 7.6.2 and later) vector_base64

The field contains an array of floating point numbers formatted as a base64 encoded string that represent a vector embedding.

Use the vector_base64 type to perform vector similarity searches with Vector Search.

For more information about Vector Search, see Use Vector Search for AI Applications.