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Cluster Query Settings API

    March 23, 2025
    + 12


    The Query Settings REST API is provided by the Query service. This API enables you to view or specify cluster-level Query settings.

    The API schemes and host URLs are as follows:

    where node is the host name or IP address of a node running the Query service.

    Version information

    Version : 7.1


    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded


    • application/json


    Table of Contents

    Retrieve Cluster-Level Query Settings

    GET /settings/querySettings


    Returns all cluster-level query settings, including the CURL access settings.


    HTTP Code Description Schema


    An object giving cluster-level query settings.


    Type Name


    Example HTTP request

    The example below gets the current cluster-level query settings.

    Curl request
    curl -v -u Administrator:password \

    Example HTTP response

    Response 200
    { "queryTmpSpaceDir": "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/tmp", "queryTmpSpaceSize": 5120, "queryPipelineBatch": 16, "queryPipelineCap": 512, "queryScanCap": 512, "queryTimeout": 0, "queryPreparedLimit": 16384, "queryCompletedLimit": 4000, "queryCompletedThreshold": 1000, "queryLogLevel": "info", "queryMaxParallelism": 1, "queryN1QLFeatCtrl": 76, "queryTxTimeout": "0ms", "queryMemoryQuota": 0, "queryUseCBO": true, "queryCleanupClientAttempts": true, "queryCleanupLostAttempts": true, "queryCleanupWindow": "60s", "queryNumAtrs": 1024, "queryCurlWhitelist": { "all_access": false, "allowed_urls": [], "disallowed_urls": [] } }

    Update Cluster-Level Query Settings

    POST /settings/querySettings


    Updates cluster-level query settings, including the CURL access settings.


    Type Name Description Schema



    An object specifying cluster-level query settings.


    HTTP Code Description Schema


    An object giving cluster-level query settings, including the latest changes.


    Returns an error message if a parameter or value is incorrect.



    Type Name


    Example HTTP request

    The example below changes the temp file directory to /tmp and the temp file size to 2048 MB.

    Curl request
    curl -v -X POST -u Administrator:password \
    http://localhost:8091/settings/querySettings \
    -d 'queryTmpSpaceDir=/tmp' \
    -d 'queryTmpSpaceSize=2048'

    Example HTTP response

    Response 200
      "queryTmpSpaceDir": "/tmp",
      "queryTmpSpaceSize": 2048,
      "queryPipelineBatch": 16,
      "queryPipelineCap": 512,
      "queryScanCap": 512,
      "queryTimeout": 0,
      "queryPreparedLimit": 16384,
      "queryCompletedLimit": 4000,
      "queryCompletedThreshold": 1000,
      "queryLogLevel": "info",
      "queryMaxParallelism": 1,
      "queryN1QLFeatCtrl": 76,
      "queryTxTimeout": "0ms",
      "queryMemoryQuota": 0,
      "queryUseCBO": true,
      "queryCleanupClientAttempts": true,
      "queryCleanupLostAttempts": true,
      "queryCleanupWindow": "60s",
      "queryNumAtrs": 1024,
      "queryCurlWhitelist": {
        "all_access": false,
        "allowed_urls": [],
        "disallowed_urls": []

    Retrieve CURL Access List

    GET /settings/querySettings/curlWhitelist


    Returns the cluster-level CURL access settings only.


    HTTP Code Description Schema


    An object determining which URLs may be accessed by the CURL() function.


    Type Name


    Example HTTP request

    The example below gets the current cluster-level CURL access settings.

    Curl request
    curl -v -u Administrator:password \

    Example HTTP response

    Response 200
    { "all_access": false, "allowed_urls": [], "disallowed_urls": [] }

    Update CURL Access List

    POST /settings/querySettings/curlWhitelist


    Updates the cluster-level CURL access settings only.


    Type Name Description Schema



    An object determining which URLs may be accessed by the CURL() function.


    HTTP Code Description Schema


    An object determining which URLs may be accessed by the CURL() function, including the latest changes.


    Returns an error message if a parameter or value is incorrect.



    Type Name


    Example HTTP request

    The example below specifies that https://company1.com is allowed, and https://company2.com is disallowed.

    Curl request
    curl -v -X POST -u Administrator:password \
    http://localhost:8091/settings/querySettings/curlWhitelist \
    -d '{"all_access": false,
         "allowed_urls": ["https://company1.com"],
         "disallowed_urls": ["https://company2.com"]}'

    Example HTTP response

    Response 200
      "all_access": false,
      "allowed_urls": [
      "disallowed_urls": [


    Table of Contents


    Name Description Schema


    When enabled, the Query service preferentially aims to clean up just transactions that it has created, leaving transactions for the distributed cleanup process only when it is forced to.

    The node-level cleanupclientattempts setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : true
    Example : false



    When enabled, the Query service takes part in the distributed cleanup process, and cleans up expired transactions created by any client.

    The node-level cleanuplostattempts setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : true
    Example : false



    Specifies how frequently the Query service checks its subset of active transaction records for cleanup. Decreasing this setting causes expiration transactions to be found more swiftly, with the tradeoff of increasing the number of reads per second used for the scanning process.

    The value for this setting is a string. Its format includes an amount and a mandatory unit, e.g. 10ms (10 milliseconds) or 0.5s (half a second). Valid units are:

    • ns (nanoseconds)

    • us (microseconds)

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    The node-level cleanupwindow setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : "60s"
    Example : "30s"

    string (duration)


    Sets the number of requests to be logged in the completed requests catalog. As new completed requests are added, old ones are removed.

    Increase this when the completed request keyspace is not big enough to track the slow requests, such as when you want a larger sample of slow requests.

    Refer to Configure the Completed Requests for more information and examples.

    The node-level completed-limit setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : 4000
    Example : 7000

    integer (int32)


    A duration in milliseconds. All completed queries lasting longer than this threshold are logged in the completed requests catalog.

    Specify 0 to track all requests, independent of duration. Specify any negative number to track none.

    Refer to Configure the Completed Requests for more information and examples.

    The node-level completed-threshold setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : 1000
    Example : 7000

    integer (int32)


    Log level used in the logger.

    All values, in descending order of data:

    DEBUG — For developers. Writes everything.

    TRACE — For developers. Less info than DEBUG.

    INFO — For admin & customers. Lists warnings & errors.

    WARN — For admin. Only abnormal items.

    ERROR — For admin. Only errors to be fixed.

    SEVERE — For admin. Major items, like crashes.

    NONE — Doesn’t write anything.

    The node-level loglevel setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : "INFO"
    Example : "DEBUG"



    Specifies the maximum parallelism for queries on all Query nodes in the cluster.

    If the value is zero or negative, the maximum parallelism is restricted to the number of allowed cores. Similarly, if the value is greater than the number of allowed cores, the maximum parallelism is restricted to the number of allowed cores.

    (The number of allowed cores is the same as the number of logical CPUs. In Community Edition, the number of allowed cores cannot be greater than 4. In Enterprise Edition, there is no limit to the number of allowed cores.)

    The node-level max-parallelism setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, there is a request-level max_parallelism parameter. If a request includes this parameter, it will be capped by the node-level max-parallelism setting.

    To enable queries to run in parallel, you must specify the cluster-level queryMaxParallelism parameter, or specify the node-level max-parallelism parameter on all Query nodes.

    Refer to Max Parallelism for more information.
    Default : 1
    Example : 0

    integer (int32)


    Specifies the maximum amount of memory a request may use on any Query node in the cluster, in MB.

    Within a transaction, this setting enforces the memory quota for the transaction. The transaction memory quota tracks only the delta table and the transaction log (approximately).

    The node-level memory-quota setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, there is a request-level memory_quota parameter. If a request includes this parameter, it will be capped by the node-level memory-quota setting.
    Default : 0
    Example : 4

    integer (int32)


    N1QL feature control. This setting is provided for technical support only.

    The node-level n1ql-feat-ctrl setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    integer (int32)


    Specifies the total number of active transaction records for all Query nodes in the cluster.

    The node-level numatrs setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, there is a request-level numatrs parameter. If a request includes this parameter, it will be capped by the node-level numatrs setting.
    Default : 1024
    Minimum value (exclusive) : 0
    Example : 512

    integer (int32)


    Controls the number of items execution operators can batch for Fetch from the KV.

    The node-level pipeline-batch setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, the request-level pipeline_batch parameter specifies this property per request. The minimum of that and the node-level pipeline-batch setting is applied.
    Default : 16
    Example : 64

    integer (int32)


    Maximum number of items each execution operator can buffer between various operators.

    The node-level pipeline-cap setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, the request-level pipeline_cap parameter specifies this property per request. The minimum of that and the node-level pipeline-cap setting is applied.
    Default : 512
    Example : 1024

    integer (int32)


    Maximum number of prepared statements in the cache. When this cache reaches the limit, the least recently used prepared statements will be discarded as new prepared statements are created.

    The node-level prepared-limit setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.
    Default : 16384
    Example : 65536

    integer (int32)


    Maximum buffered channel size between the indexer client and the query service for index scans. This parameter controls when to use scan backfill.

    Use 0 or a negative number to disable. Smaller values reduce GC, while larger values reduce indexer backfill.

    The node-level scan-cap setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, the request-level scan_cap parameter specifies this property per request. The minimum of that and the node-level scan-cap setting is applied.
    Default : 512
    Example : 1024

    integer (int32)


    Maximum time to spend on the request before timing out (ns).

    The value for this setting is an integer, representing a duration in nanoseconds. It must not be delimited by quotes, and must not include a unit.

    Specify 0 (the default value) or a negative integer to disable. When disabled, no timeout is applied and the request runs for however long it takes.

    The node-level timeout setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, the request-level timeout parameter specifies this property per request. The minimum of that and the node-level timeout setting is applied.
    Default : 0
    Example : 500000000

    integer (int64)


    Maximum time to spend on a transaction before timing out. This setting only applies to requests containing the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement, or to requests where the tximplicit parameter is set. For all other requests, it is ignored.

    The value for this setting is a string. Its format includes an amount and a mandatory unit, e.g. 10ms (10 milliseconds) or 0.5s (half a second). Valid units are:

    • ns (nanoseconds)

    • us (microseconds)

    • ms (milliseconds)

    • s (seconds)

    • m (minutes)

    • h (hours)

    Specify 0ms (the default value) to disable. When disabled, no timeout is applied and the transaction runs for however long it takes.

    The node-level txtimeout setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, there is a request-level txtimeout parameter. If a request includes this parameter, it will be capped by the node-level txtimeout setting.
    Default : "0ms"
    Example : "0.5s"

    string (duration)


    The path to which the indexer writes temporary backfill files, to store any transient data during query processing.

    The specified path must already exist. Only absolute paths are allowed.

    The default path is var/lib/couchbase/tmp within the Couchbase Server installation directory.
    Example : "/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/tmp"



    The maximum size of temporary backfill files (MB).

    Setting the size to 0 disables backfill. Setting the size to -1 means the size is unlimited.

    The maximum size is limited only by the available disk space.
    Default : 5120
    Example : 2048

    integer (int32)


    Specifies whether the cost-based optimizer is enabled.

    The node-level use-cbo setting specifies this property for a single node. When you change the cluster-level setting, the node-level setting is over-written for all nodes in the cluster.

    In addition, the request-level use_cbo parameter specifies this property per request. If a request does not include this parameter, the node-level setting is used, which defaults to true.
    Default : true
    Example : false



    An object which determines which URLs may be accessed by the CURL() function.


    Name Description Schema


    Defines whether the user has access to all URLs, or only URLs specified by the access list.

    This field set must be set to false to enable the allowed_urls and disallowed_urls fields.

    Setting this field to true enables access to all endpoints.
    Default : false



    An array of strings, each of which is a URL to which you wish to grant access. Each URL is a prefix match. The CURL() function will allow any URL that starts with this value.

    For example, if you wish to allow access to all Google APIs, add the URL https://maps.googleapis.com to the array. To allow complete access to localhost, use http://localhost.

    Note that each URL must include the port, protocol, and all other components of the URL.

    < string > array


    An array of strings, each of which is a URL that will be restricted for all roles. Each URL is a prefix match. The CURL() function will disallow any URL that starts with this value.

    If both allowed_urls and disallowed_urls fields are populated, the disallowed_urls field takes precedence over allowed_urls.

    Note that each URL must include the port, protocol, and all other components of the URL.

    < string > array


    The Query Settings REST API supports HTTP basic authentication. Credentials can be passed via HTTP headers.


    Users must have one of the following RBAC roles:

    • Full Admin

    • Cluster Admin

    Type : basic

    Refer to Roles for more details.