Couchbase Server 7.0.2 Goal: Perform the Advanced GET operation where Eventing interacts with the Data service.
This function advancedGetOpWithCache merely demonstrates the Advanced GET operation with Bucket Backed Cache enabled.
Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection.
Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).
Will operate on any mutation where doc.type === "test_adv_get".
The optional third parameter to couchbase.get of {"cache": true} enables caching of documents for up to 1 second.
This RYOW caching is 18X-25X faster than reading near static data directly from the Data Service (or KV).
For more information refer to Advanced GET operation in the detailed documentation.
Input Data/Mutation
Output Data/Logged
javascript// To run configure the settings for this Function, advancedGetOpWithCache, as follows:
// Version 7.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try if non-privileged)
// Version 7.0.2+
// "Listen to Location"
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "src_col", "", "read and write"
function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
// filter out non-intersting documents
if (!doc.type || doc.type !== "test_adv_get") return;
log('input doc ', doc);
log('input meta', meta);
// let's read the same item and then try to read a non existent item
var meta_ary = [{"id":"test_adv_get::1"}, {"id":"not_present::1"}];
for (var i = 0; i < meta_ary.length; i++) {
var result = couchbase.get(src_col,meta_ary[i],{"cache": true});
if (result.success) {
log('success adv. get with cache: result',result);
} else {
log('failure adv. get with cache: id',meta_ary[i].id,'result',result);
jsonINPUT: KEY test_adv_get::1
"id": 1,
"type": "test_adv_get"
json2021-10-04T15:54:31.101-07:00 [INFO] "input doc " {
"id": 1,
"type": "test_adv_get"
2021-10-04T15:54:31.101-07:00 [INFO] "input meta" {
"cas": "1633388049399873536",
"id": "test_adv_get::1",
"expiration": 0,
"flags": 33554438,
"vb": 324,
"seq": 3,
"datatype": "json"
2021-10-04T15:54:31.102-07:00 [INFO] "success adv. get with cache: result" {
"doc": {
"id": 1,
"type": "test_adv_get"
"meta": {
"id": "test_adv_get::1",
"cas": "1633388049399873536",
"datatype": "json"
"success": true
2021-10-04T15:54:31.102-07:00 [INFO] "failure adv. get with cache: id" "not_present::1" "result" {
"error": {
"code": 1,
"name": "LCB_KEY_ENOENT",
"desc": "The document key does not exist on the server",
"key_not_found": true
"success": false