Goal: Show and Advanced Accessor Binary Write.
This function advancedBinaryKV demonstrates creating, marshalling and unmarshalling binary docs.
Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) a "source" collection, and a "destination" collection.
Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).
Will operate on any mutation where the KEY or meta.id starts with "advancedbinarykv".
The function will create two documents: a binary document and a normal JSON document.
Each document will be updated via the Advanced Accessor couchbase.upsert() and then will be verified.
The verification and logging will demonstrate binary marshalling and unmarshalling.
The return value of couchbase.upsert() on success will indicate either "datatype":"json" or "datatype":"binary"
Input Data/Mutation
Output Data/Logged
javascript// To run configure the settings for this Function, advancedBinaryKV, as follows:
// Version 7.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try bulk.data if non-privileged)
// Version 7.0+
// "Listen to Location"
// bulk.data.source
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "dst_col", "bulk.data.destination", "read and write"
// Version 6.6.2
// "Source Bucket"
// source
// "MetaData Bucket"
// metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "dst_col", "destination", "read and write"
function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
if (!meta.id.startsWith("advancedbinarykv")) return;
var doc_is_binary = true;
var prefix;
var wrkdoc;
var is_bin_ary = [true, false];
// loop twice first create a binary doc and then create a normal JSON doc
for (let doc_is_binary of is_bin_ary) {
if (doc_is_binary) {
// Note, we could create binary docs via 'cbc'
// "cbc create bindoc -V '^LZ' -U couchbase://localhost/source -u Administrator -P password"
// However it is easier to make a binary document via pure JavaScript code
prefix = "bindoc";
var arr = new Uint8Array([1, 0, 2, 3]);
var bindoc = arr.buffer;
wrkdoc = bindoc;
} else {
// make a normal JSON doc
prefix = "jsondoc";
wrkdoc = {
"jsondoc": 1
// ========================================================================
// Test basic Bucket Op, i.e. JavaScript map exposed via a bucket binding
dst_col[prefix + "_put"] = wrkdoc;
// ========================================================================
// Test Advanced Accessors
// Make a key for Advanced Accessor tests ( note, "datatype" in meta is not needed / ignored )
var key = prefix + "_upsert";
var new_meta = { "id": key };
log("1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col,", new_meta, ",", wrkdoc, ")");
var result = couchbase.upsert(dst_col, new_meta, wrkdoc);
if (result.success) {
log('2 success adv. upsert: result', result);
} else {
log('2 failure adv. upsert: id', key, 'result', result);
var tmp = couchbase.get(dst_col, { "id": key });
log('3 couchbase.get(dst_col', { "id": key }, ') => ', tmp);
couchbase.upsert(dst_col, { "id": key + "_from_adv_get", "datatype": "bin" }, tmp.doc);
var tag;
var disp;
if (tmp.meta.datatype && tmp.meta.datatype == "binary") {
tag = "binary";
disp = new Uint8Array(tmp.doc);
log('4 ' + tag + ' equal = ' + buffersEqual(tmp.doc, wrkdoc), '(was binary so unmarshalled)', disp);
} else {
tag = "json";
disp = tmp.doc;
log('4 ' + tag + ' equal = ' + (JSON.stringify(tmp.doc) === JSON.stringify(wrkdoc)),
'(was json so just the doc)', disp);
function buffersEqual(buf1, buf2) {
if (buf1.byteLength != buf2.byteLength) return false;
var dv1 = new Uint8Array(buf1);
var dv2 = new Uint8Array(buf2);
for (var i = 0; i != buf1.byteLength; i++) {
if (dv1[i] != dv2[i]) return false;
return true;
jsonINPUT: KEY advancedbinarykv:1
"id": 1,
"type": "advancedbinarykv"
json2021-07-19T11:16:20.566-07:00 [INFO] "1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col," {"id":"bindoc_upsert"} "," {} ")"
2021-07-19T11:16:20.566-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. upsert: result" {"meta":{"id":"bindoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580566458368"},"success":true}
2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "3 couchbase.get(dst_col" {"id":"bindoc_upsert"} ") => " {"doc":{},"meta":{"id":"bindoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580566458368","datatype":"binary"},"success":true}
2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "4 binary equal = true" "(was binary so unmarshalled)" {"0":1,"1":0,"2":2,"3":3}
2021-07-19T11:16:20.567-07:00 [INFO] "1 RUN couchbase.upsert(dst_col," {"id":"jsondoc_upsert"} "," {"jsondoc":1} ")"
2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "2 success adv. upsert: result" {"meta":{"id":"jsondoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580568031232"},"success":true}
2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "3 couchbase.get(dst_col" {"id":"jsondoc_upsert"} ") => " {"doc":{"jsondoc":1},"meta":{"id":"jsondoc_upsert","cas":"1626718580568031232","datatype":"json"},"success":true}
2021-07-19T11:16:20.568-07:00 [INFO] "4 json equal = true" "(was json so just the doc)" {"jsondoc":1}