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Managing Cluster Connections

      By means of the REST API, the maximum permitted numbers of connections can be established and retrieved for memcached connections, and for system-user connections, for the cluster.

      HTTP Methods and URIs

      POST /pools/default/settings/memcached/global
      GET /pools/default/settings/memcached/global


      A Couchbase-Server cluster allows connections to be established, both for memcached and for authenticated system-users. In each case, a maximum permitted number of connections can be established for the cluster, and can be retrieved.

      The Full Admin or Cluster Admin role is required.

      Curl Syntax

      curl -u <username>:<password> -X POST
        -d max_connections=<integer>
        -d system_connections=<integer>
      curl -u <username>:<password> -X GET

      The integer specified as the value for max_connections determines the maximum number of connections that can be established by memcached for the cluster. The integer specified as the value for system_connections determines the maximum number of connections that can be established by authenticated system-users for the cluster.


      Successful use of GET returns 200 OK, and an object containing a key-value pair for each established setting.

      Successful use of POST returns 202 Accepted, and an object containing a key-value pair for any established setting.

      A malformed URI returns 404 Object Not Found.

      Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized. Successful authentication with an inappropriate role returns 403 Forbidden, and an object such as the following: {"message":"Forbidden. User needs the following permissions","permissions":["cluster.admin.memcached!read"]}.

      Specifying, in a POST, an integer whose size is excessive for the environment returns 400 Bad Request, and an object such as the following: {"system_connections":"too_large"}.


      The following example sets the maximum number of connections for authenticated system-users to 50000:

      curl -u Administrator:password -v -X POST \
      localhost:8091/pools/default/settings/memcached/global \
      -d system_connections=50000

      If successful, the call returns an object such as the following:


      The following example sets the maximum number of connections for memcached to 650000:

      curl -u Administrator:password -X POST \
      localhost:8091/pools/default/settings/memcached/global \
      -d  max_connections=650000

      If successful, the call returns an object such as the following:


      The returned object thus indicates that both max_connections and system_connections have now been set.

      The following example returns the current settings for the cluster:

      curl -u Administrator:password -v -X GET \

      If successful, the call returns an object such as the following:


      See Also

      A summary of Couchbase-Server size limits is provided in Size Limits.