Goal: Keep the last N user notifications seen related to a user ID (these could be any documents).
This function keepLastN demonstrates how to keep a user record with the last N activities.
Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection.
Needs a Binding of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).
Will operate on any mutation with a key starting with "nu:" of the form "nu:#:#".
The key "nu:#:#" contains two numbers. The first # is an increasing notification number, the second # is the user ID.
Anytime we insert a new record we want to remove the earliest notification record for the user so we only have at most N records for each user. We assume that nid always increases across time as such we ignore duplicates.
For our test we will keep just the three (3) most recent notifications per user ID.
Input Data/Mutation
Output Data/Mutation
Two variants of this function are available a 6.6 version (this Function) that implements userspace CAS and a 6.6.1+/7.0.0+ version which uses true CAS
keepLastN (userspace CAS)
javascript// To run configure the settings for this Function, keepLastN, as follows:
// Version 7.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try bulk.data if non-privileged)
// Version 7.0+
// "Listen to Location"
// bulk.data.source
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "src_col", "bulk.data.source", "read and write"
// Version 6.X
// "Source Bucket"
// source
// "MetaData Bucket"
// metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "src_col", "source", "read and write"
* Process all mutations, however updateNotifyArrayInKV(...) will only
* data with KEYS like nu:#:#
function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
const MAX_RETRY = 16;
const MAX_ARRAY = 3;
const DEBUG = false;
updateNotifyArrayInKV(doc, meta, MAX_RETRY, MAX_ARRAY, DEBUG);
* reads form KV and manipulates the result to only keep 'MAX_ARRAY' items
function addToNtfyArray(src_col, user_id, insert_json, MAX_ARRAY, DEBUG) {
var ntfy_id = insert_json.nid;
var random_csum;
var user_doc = src_col["user_plus_ntfys:" + user_id];
if (!user_doc) {
// generate unique random #
random_csum = Math.random();
user_doc = { "type": "user_plus_ntfys", "id": user_id, "notifications" : [], "random": random_csum };
} else {
if (user_doc.notifications[0].nid >= ntfy_id && user_doc.notifications.length === MAX_ARRAY) {
// do nothing this is older data, we assume that nid always increases
return null;
} else {
// find insert position
for(var i=0; i<=user_doc.notifications.length + 1 ; i++) {
if (i < user_doc.notifications.length && user_doc.notifications[i].nid === ntfy_id) {
// do nothing this is duplicate data we already have it, assume no updates to notifys
return null;
if (i == user_doc.notifications.length || user_doc.notifications[i].nid > ntfy_id) {
// add to array middle or end
user_doc.notifications.splice(i, 0, insert_json);
random_csum = Math.random();
// update unique random #
user_doc.random = random_csum;
while (user_doc.notifications.length > MAX_ARRAY) {
// ensure proper size
if (DEBUG) log("user_plus_ntfys:" + user_id,user_doc);
return user_doc;
* creates, gets, and updates (via replace) the KV tracking array document
function updateNotifyArrayInKV(doc, meta, MAX_RETRY, MAX_ARRAY, DEBUG) {
// will process ALL data like nu:#:#
var parts = meta.id.split(':');
if (!parts || parts.length != 3 || parts[0] != "nu") return;
var ntfy_id = parseInt(parts[1]);
var user_id = parseInt(parts[2]);
//log("Doc created/updated " + meta.id + " ntfy_id " + ntfy_id + " user_id " + user_id);
var insert_json = {"nid": ntfy_id, doc};
// this is a can be improved in version 6.6.1 as CAS operations are supported.
// we utilize a 'random' tag in the document itself to emulate a CAS operation.
for (var tries=0; tries < 16; tries++) {
var user_doc = addToNtfyArray(src_col, user_id, insert_json, MAX_ARRAY, DEBUG);
if (user_doc == null) {
// do nothing
var random_csum = user_doc.random;
// this is a read write alias to the functions source bucket, write then reread
src_col["user_plus_ntfys:" + user_id] = user_doc;
user_doc = src_col["user_plus_ntfys:" + user_id];
// we use the random values to perform a CAS, we give up after 16 attempts
if (random_csum !== user_doc.random) {
// failure need to retry
if (DEBUG) log("CAS like operation failed: tries "+tries+
" random_csum:",random_csum,"!==", "user_doc.random",user_doc.random);
} else {
// success could even delete the input notification doc here
if (DEBUG) log("CAS like operation success: tries "+tries+
" random_csum:",random_csum,"!==", "user_doc.random",user_doc.random);
log ("FAILED to insert id: " + meta.id, doc)
We want to create a test doc set
key | data |
nu:1:1 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:2:2 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:3:1 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:4:1 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:5:1 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:6:2 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:7:2 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:8:1 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:9:2 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
nu:10:2 |
{"somekey":"someValue"} |
Use the Query Editor to insert the above data items (you do not need an Index)
sql++ UPSERT INTO `bulk`.`data`.`source` (KEY,VALUE)
VALUES ( "nu:1:1", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:2:2", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:3:1", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:4:1", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:5:1", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:6:2", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:7:2", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:8:1", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:9:2", {"somekey":"someValue"} ),
VALUES ( "nu:10:2", {"somekey":"someValue"} );
jsonNEW/OUTPUT: KEY user_plus_ntfys:1
Note, we add/create the property _random_ in the tracking doc as we use _random_ is used to emulate CAS.
"type": "user_plus_ntfys",
"id": 1,
"notifications": [{
"nid": 4,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
}, {
"nid": 5,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
}, {
"nid": 8,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
"random": 0.9071605464143964
NEW/OUTPUT: KEY user_plus_ntfys:2
"type": "user_plus_ntfys",
"id": 2,
"notifications": [{
"nid": 7,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
}, {
"nid": 9,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
}, {
"nid": 10,
"doc": {
"somekey": "someValue"
"random": 0.5637501636850883