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The cbcollect_info tool provides detailed statistics for a specific node.


The basic syntax is:

cbcollect_info [options] [output-file]

where output-file is the name of the .zip file containing the diagnostic information.


The cbcollect_info command gathers statistics from an individual node in the cluster.

To collect diagnostic information for an entire cluster, run the command for every node that exists in that cluster. If you are experiencing problems with multiple nodes in a cluster, you may need to run it on all nodes in a cluster.

A root account is required to run this command and collect all the server information. There are internal server files and directories that this tool accesses that require root privileges.

To use this command, remotely connect to the machine which contains the Couchbase Server then issue the command with appropriate options. This command is typically run under the direction of technical support at Couchbase and generates a large .zip file. This archive contains files which contain performance statistics and server logs.

cbcollect_info is one of the most important diagnostic tools. Run cbcollect_info on all nodes in the cluster, and upload all of the resulting files to Couchbase technical support.

This tool is at the following locations:

Table 1. Tool locations
Operating System Location




C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbcollect_info

Mac OS X

/Applications/Couchbase Server.app/Contents/Resources/couchbase-core/bin/cbcollect_info

The tool creates the following log files in the output archive:

Table 2. Output files
File Log Contents


Contains information on activities performed by the Backup Service.


Contains information about the performance of cbcollect_info.


Contains system-level information, primarily the result of shell commands. Generated at collection-time.


Contains the design documents for each bucket in JSON format, taken from the view file on disk.


A diagnostic summary of the cluster manager, obtained by downloading /diag output from the node’s running service.


Metadata used for Phosphor KV tracing.


A dump of all ini configuration files.


Contains major events that have affected the cluster, like bucket creation, and rebalance information such as vBucket movement.


Contains information relating to the core memcached component, including DCP stream requests and slow operations.


Troubleshooting log for the Analytics service.


Debug-level troubleshooting log for the Analytics service.


Shutdown log for the Analytics service.


Trace-level troubleshooting log for the Analytics service.


Troubleshooting log for the babysitter process which is responsible for spawning all Couchbase Server processes and respawning them where necessary.


Troubleshooting log for the couchdb subsystem which underlies map-reduce.


Debug-level troubleshooting for the cluster management component.


Error-level troubleshooting log for the cluster management component.


Eventing service logs.


Troubleshooting logs for the full-text search service.


Troubleshooting log for the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) component used in Couchbase Server versions after 4.0.


The admin access log records server requests (including administrator logins) to the REST API or Couchbase Server web console. It is output in common log format and contains several important fields such as remote client IP, timestamp, GET/POST request and resource requested, HTTP status code, and so on.


The admin access log records internal server requests (including administrator logins) to the REST API or Couchbase Server web console. It is output in common log format and contains several important fields such as remote client IP, timestamp, GET/POST request and resource requested, HTTP status code, and so on.


Troubleshooting log for the indexing and storage subsystem.


Info-level troubleshooting log for the cluster management component.


JSON RPC logs.


JavaScript and other view-processing errors are reported in this file.


Troubleshooting log for the metakv store, a cluster-wide metadata store.


Contains information related to starting up the CouchDB subsystem.


Troubleshooting log for the projector process which is responsible for sending appropriate mutations from Data nodes to Index nodes.


Query service logs.


Contains progress and crash reports for the Erlang processes. Due to the nature of Erlang, processes crash and restart upon an error.


Troubleshooting log for the ssl proxy spawned by the cluster manager.


Contains periodic statistic dumps from the cluster management component.


Troubleshooting log for the view engine, predominantly focussing on the changing of partition states.


Troubleshooting log for the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) component used in Couchbase Server versions prior to 4.0.


Error-level troubleshooting log for the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) component used in Couchbase Server versions prior to 4.0.


Log of traces from cross datacenter replication (XDCR) target endpoint handlers.


Trace-level troubleshooting log for the cross datacenter replication (XDCR) component used in Couchbase Server versions prior to 4.0. Unless trace-level logging is explicitly turned on this log is empty.


Goroutine dump captured for the projector process. A goroutine dump is the equivalent of a full thread dump in other languages and can give valuable insight into what a process is doing at that time.


Contains output from various cbstats commands. Generated at collection-time.


Archive of various system-level logs.


(Linux only.) The logs from systemd.


A list of recent, completed requests. See system:completed_requests.


The following are the command options:

Table 3. cbcollect_info options
Parameter Description

-h, --help

Shows help information.


Specifies the root directory. Defaults to the parent directory of the directory containing cbcollect_info, e.g. /opt/couchbase/bin/.. on Linux.


Increases the verbosity level: If specified, debugging information will be included in the console display.


Specifies that only product-related information should be gathered.


Dumps a list of commands required by cbcollect_info.


If set to true, skips collecting breakpad crash-dumps.


Runs only those tasks that match the specified regular expression. (This flag is provided for debugging purposes.)


Specifies the tmp directory that is used during data processing. This setting overrides any existing setting of the TMPDIR environment variable.


Specifies the server initargs path.


Specifies the redaction level for the logs collected. The level can be either none (the default) or partial.


Salts the hashing of tagged data. The default value is a random uuid. If this flag is used, a --log-redaction-level value should be specified.


Specifies the fully-qualified domain name of the host you want the logs uploaded to. The protocol prefix of the domain name, https://, is optional. It is the default-only supported protocol.


Specifies the customer name. This value must be a string whose maximum length is 50 characters. Only the following characters can be used: [A-Za-z0-9_.-]. If any other characters are included, the request is rejected.


Specifies a proxy for upload.


Specifies the Couchbase Support ticket-number. The value must be a string with a maximum length of 7 characters, containing only digits in the range of 0-9.


To create a diagnostics .zip file, log onto the node and run the cbcollect_info tool.

On Linux, run as root or use sudo:

sudo /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info <node_name>.zip

On Windows, run as Administrator:

C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbcollect_info <node_name>.zip


The following example response shows partial output when running the cbcollect_info command.

Using temporary dir /tmp
Log Redaction () - OK
uname (uname -a) - OK
time and TZ (date; date -u) - OK
ntp time (ntpdate -q pool.ntp.org || nc time.nist.gov 13 || netcat time.nist.gov 13) - OK
ntp peers (ntpq -p) - Exit code 127
raw /etc/sysconfig/clock (cat /etc/sysconfig/clock) - Exit code 1
raw /etc/timezone (cat /etc/timezone) - OK
System Hardware (lshw -json || lshw) - OK
Process list snapshot (export TERM=''; top -Hb -n1 || top -H n1) - OK


adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/couchbase.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/couchbase.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.error.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.error.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.analytics_debug.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.analytics_debug.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.json_rpc.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.json_rpc.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/cbcollect_info.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/cbcollect_info.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.ns_couchdb.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.ns_couchdb.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.analytics.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.analytics.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/stats.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/stats.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/memcached.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/memcached.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.indexer.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.indexer.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.fts.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.fts.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.http_access_internal.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.http_access_internal.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.xdcr_target.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.xdcr_target.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.eventing.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.eventing.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/syslog.tar.gz -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/syslog.tar.gz
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.reports.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.reports.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.query.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.query.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.couchdb.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.couchdb.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.goxdcr.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.goxdcr.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/master_events.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/master_events.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.info.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.info.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/diag.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/diag.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.analytics_shutdown.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.analytics_shutdown.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/systemd_journal.gz -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/systemd_journal.gz
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.analytics_trace.json -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.analytics_trace.json
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.stats.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.stats.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.views.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.views.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ini.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ini.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/kv_trace.json -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/kv_trace.json
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.mapreduce_errors.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.mapreduce_errors.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.projector.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.projector.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.metakv.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.metakv.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.debug.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.debug.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.babysitter.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.babysitter.log
adding: /tmp/tmpY7p_3T/ns_server.http_access.log -> cbcollect_info__20180718-084858/ns_server.http_access.log