statement enables you to create a user-defined function.
There are two types of user-defined function:
Inline functions are defined using SQL++ expressions, including subqueries. They enable you to name and reuse complex or repetitive expressions, including subqueries, in order to simplify your queries.
External functions are defined using an external language. They enable you to create functions that may be difficult or impossible to define using built-in SQL++ expressions. The only supported language is JavaScript.
Global Functions and Scoped Functions
You can create user-defined functions at two different levels of the SQL++ logical hierarchy.
A global function is created within a namespace, at the same level as the buckets within the namespace. When you call a global function, any partial keyspace references within the function definition are resolved against the function’s namespace, regardless of the current query context.
For example, when you call a global function
which contains the keyspace reference`travel-sample`
, the keyspace reference is always resolved within the context of the function to thedefault:`travel-sample`
bucket. -
A scoped function is created within a scope, at the same level as the collections within the scope. When you call a scoped function, any partial keyspace references within the function definition are resolved against the function’s scope, regardless of the current query context.
For example, when you call a scoped function
which contains the keyspace referenceroute
, the keyspace reference is always resolved within the context of the function todefault:`travel-sample`.inventory.route
When you create a user-defined function, the current query context determines whether it is created as a global function or a scoped function. If you want to create a user-defined function outside of the current query context, you must include the full path to the function when you specify the function name.
Similarly, when you call a user-defined function, the current query context determines the path to the function. If you want to call a user-defined function outside of the current query context, you must include the full path to the function when you specify the function name.
Finally, it is important to note that a global function is not the same as a scoped function stored in the default scope in a bucket.
External Libraries
External functions are stored in libraries. Like user-defined functions, these libraries may also be scoped or global. This enables you to keep the code for external functions separate where required.
Code which is stored in a scoped library is private to users of that scope, and is not visible or available to users of another scope. Code which is stored in a global library is available to users of all scopes.
A global library may have the same name as a scoped library, and scoped libraries may have the same name as each other.
For example, you may have a global math
library, and a math
library in each scope.
RBAC Privileges
To manage global internal functions, you must have the Manage Global Functions role. To manage scoped internal functions, you must have the Manage Scope Functions role, with permissions on the specified bucket and scope.
To manage global external functions, you must have the Manage Global External Functions role. To manage scoped external functions, you must have the Manage Scope External Functions role, with permissions on the specified bucket and scope.
Users with the Manage Scope External Functions role also have read-only access to any global external library.
To execute global internal functions, you must have the Execute Global Functions role. To execute scoped internal functions, you must have the Execute Scope Functions role, with permissions on the specified bucket and scope.
To execute global external functions, you must have the Execute Global External Functions role. To execute scoped external functions, you must have the Execute Scope External Functions role, with permissions on the specified bucket and scope.
For more details about user roles, see Authorization.
statement takes a different syntax depending on the type of function you are creating.
Refer to Inline Functions or External Functions below.

Inline Functions
There are two alternative syntaxes for defining an inline function: a syntax with braces {}
and a syntax using the LANGUAGE
The two syntaxes are synonymous.

- function
(Required) Refer to Function Name below.
- params
(Optional) Refer to Function Parameters below.
- body
(Required) Refer to Function Body below.
Function Name

The function name specifies the name of the function to create.
It is recommended to use an unqualified identifier for the function name, such as func1
or `func-1`
In this case, the function is created as a global function or a scoped function, depending on the current query context.
To create a global function in a particular namespace, the function name must be a qualified identifier with a namespace, such as default:func1
Similarly, to create a scoped function in a particular scope, the function name must be a qualified identifier with the full path to a scope, such as default:`travel-sample`.inventory.func1
If the function name is an unqualified identifier, it may not be the same as a reserved keyword. A function name with a specified namespace or scope may have the same name as a reserved keyword.
Function Parameters

[Optional] The function parameter list specifies parameters for the function.
If you specify named parameters for the function, then you must call the function with exactly the same number of arguments at execution time.
If you specify no parameters, then you must call the function with no arguments.
To create a variadic function, that is, a function which you can call with any number of arguments or none, specify ...
as the only parameter.
Function Body
The function body defines the function.
You can use any valid SQL++ expression.
If you specified named parameters for the function, you can use these in the expression to represent arguments passed to the function at execution time.
If you specified that the function is variadic, any arguments passed to the function at execution time are held in an array named args
The optional OR REPLACE
clause enables you to redefine a user-defined function if it already exists, whereas the optional IF NOT EXISTS
clause enables the statement to complete successfully without replacing the function.
When a function with the same name already exists within the same context: [1]
If the
clause is present, the existing function is replaced. -
If the
clause is present, the statement does nothing and completes without error. -
If neither of these two clauses is present, an error is generated.
These clauses are exclusive.
If the statement contains both the OR REPLACE clause and the IF NOT EXISTS clause, an error is generated.
External Functions

- function
(Required) Refer to Function Name below.
- params
(Optional) Refer to Function Parameters below.
- obj
(Required) Refer to External Object below.
- library
(Required) Refer to External Library below.
Function Name

The function name specifies the name of the function to create.
It is recommended to use an unqualified identifier for the function name, such as func1
or `func-1`
In this case, the function is created as a global function or a scoped function, depending on the current query context.
To create a global function in a particular namespace, the function name must be a qualified identifier with a namespace, such as default:func1
Similarly, to create a scoped function in a particular scope, the function name must be a qualified identifier with the full path to a scope, such as default:`travel-sample`.inventory.func1
If the function name is an unqualified identifier, it may not be the same as a reserved keyword. A function name with a specified namespace or scope may have the same name as a reserved keyword.
Function Parameters

[Optional] The function parameter list specifies parameters for the function.
If you specify named parameters for the function, then you must call the function with exactly the same number of arguments at execution time.
If you specify no parameters, then you must call the function with no arguments.
To create a variadic function, that is, a function which you can call with any number of arguments or none, specify ...
as the only parameter.
External Object
The name of the JavaScript function that you want to use for the user-defined function. This parameter is a string and must be wrapped in quotes. External functions in SQL++ only support plain JavaScript, without any of the added language features supported by functions in the Eventing Service.
External Library
The name of the JavaScript library that contains the function you want to use. This parameter is a string and must be wrapped in quotes. You must create the JavaScript library and the JavaScript function using the SQL++ Functions REST API. For details, refer to Functions REST API.
The name of a scoped external library must include the bucket name, the scope name, and the library name, separated by slashes.
For example, to refer to a scoped library called my-library
located in the inventory
scope within the travel-sample
bucket, you would specify the library name as travel-sample/inventory/my-library
The optional OR REPLACE
clause enables you to redefine a user-defined function if it already exists, whereas the optional IF NOT EXISTS
clause enables the statement to complete successfully without replacing the function.
When a function with the same name already exists within the same context: [1]
If the
clause is present, the existing function is replaced. -
If the
clause is present, the statement does nothing and completes without error. -
If neither of these two clauses is present, an error is generated.
These clauses are exclusive.
If the statement contains both the OR REPLACE clause and the IF NOT EXISTS clause, an error is generated.
For simplicity, none of these examples implement any data validation or error checking. If necessary, you can use conditional operators to check the parameters of a user-defined function, and the ABORT() function to generate an error if something is wrong.
This statement creates a function called celsius
, which converts Fahrenheit to Celsius.
The function is variadic.
For purposes of illustration, this expression converts just the first argument supplied at execution time, which is stored in the first member in the args
A more realistic variadic function would make use of all the supplied arguments.
sql++CREATE FUNCTION celsius(...) LANGUAGE INLINE AS (args[0] - 32) * 5/9;
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION celsius(100);
This statement creates a function called fahrenheit
, which converts Celsius to Fahrenheit.
The function is variadic.
For purposes of illustration, this expression converts just the first argument supplied at execution time, which is stored in the first member in the args
A more realistic variadic function would make use of all the supplied arguments.
sql++CREATE FUNCTION fahrenheit(...) { (args[0] * 9/5) + 32 };
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION fahrenheit(100, "ignore this");
As the function is variadic, you can use any number of arguments when you call the function. Arguments which are not used by the function expression are ignored.
The following statement creates a function called lstr
, which returns the specified number of characters from the left of a string.
The expression expects two named arguments: vString
, which is the string to work with, and vLen
, which is the number of characters to return.
sql++CREATE FUNCTION lstr(vString, vLen) LANGUAGE INLINE AS SUBSTR(vString, 0, vLen);
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION lstr("Couchbase", 5, "ignore this");
"code": 10104,
"msg": "Incorrect number of arguments supplied to function lstr - cause: lstr"
As the arguments were specified by the function definition, you must use the same number of arguments when you call the function. If you supply the wrong number of arguments, an error is generated.
The following statement creates a function called rstr
, which returns the specified number of characters from the right of a string.
The expression expects two named arguments: vString
, which is the string to work with, and vLen
, which is the number of characters to return.
sql++CREATE FUNCTION rstr(vString, vLen) { SUBSTR(vString, LENGTH(vString) - vLen, vLen) };
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION rstr("Couchbase", 4);
The following statement creates a function called locations
, which selects name and address information from all documents with the specified activity in the landmark
This statement creates a function which returns the mathematical constant φ. The function takes no arguments.
sql++CREATE FUNCTION phi() { 2 * SIN(RADIANS(54)) };
The following statement redefines the function so that it calculates φ using a different method.
sql++CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION phi() { (1 + SQRT(5)) / 2 };
The following command registers two JavaScript functions called encodeGeoHash
and calculateAdjacent
in a library called geohash-js
The function
takes two arguments, a latitude and a longitude, and returns the 12-character geohash for the specified location. -
The function
takes two arguments, a geohash and a direction —"top"
, or"right"
— and returns the geohash of the location next to the original geohash in the specified direction.
shcurl -v -X POST \
http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/geohash-js \
-u Administrator:password \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d 'function encodeGeoHash(latitude, longitude) {
var BITS = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1];
var BASE32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
var is_even = 1;
var i = 0, mid;
var lat = []; var lon = [];
var bit = 0;
var ch = 0;
var precision = 12;
var geohash = "";
lat[0] = -90.0; lat[1] = 90.0;
lon[0] = -180.0; lon[1] = 180.0;
while (geohash.length < precision) {
if (is_even) {
mid = (lon[0] + lon[1]) / 2;
if (longitude > mid) {
ch |= BITS[bit];
lon[0] = mid;
} else
lon[1] = mid;
} else {
mid = (lat[0] + lat[1]) / 2;
if (latitude > mid) {
ch |= BITS[bit];
lat[0] = mid;
} else
lat[1] = mid;
is_even = !is_even;
if (bit < 4)
else {
geohash += BASE32[ch];
bit = 0;
ch = 0;
return geohash;
function calculateAdjacent(srcHash, dir) {
var BITS = [16, 8, 4, 2, 1];
var BASE32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
var NEIGHBORS = { right : { even : "bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx" },
left : { even : "238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp" },
top : { even : "p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy" },
bottom : { even : "14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb" } };
var BORDERS = { right : { even : "bcfguvyz" },
left : { even : "0145hjnp" },
top : { even : "prxz" },
bottom : { even : "028b" } };
NEIGHBORS.bottom.odd = NEIGHBORS.left.even; = NEIGHBORS.right.even;
NEIGHBORS.left.odd = NEIGHBORS.bottom.even;
NEIGHBORS.right.odd =;
BORDERS.bottom.odd = BORDERS.left.even; = BORDERS.right.even;
BORDERS.left.odd = BORDERS.bottom.even;
BORDERS.right.odd =;
srcHash = srcHash.toLowerCase();
var lastChr = srcHash.charAt(srcHash.length - 1);
var type = (srcHash.length % 2) ? "odd" : "even";
var base = srcHash.substring(0, srcHash.length - 1);
if (BORDERS[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr) != -1)
base = calculateAdjacent(base, dir);
return base + BASE32[NEIGHBORS[dir][type].indexOf(lastChr)];
The following statements create two functions:
A function called
, which calls the JavaScriptencodeGeoHash
function from thegeohash-js
library; -
A function called
, which calls the JavaScriptcalculateAdjacent
function from thegeohash-js
sql++CREATE FUNCTION geohash(lat, lon)
LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "encodeGeoHash" AT "geohash-js";
CREATE FUNCTION adjacent(src, dir)
LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "calculateAdjacent" AT "geohash-js";
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION geohash(53.353744, -2.27495);
To view the geohash on a map, go to and follow one of the links provided. At the specified latitude, the geohash represents an area of approximately 11 𐄂 19 millimeters.
sql++EXECUTE FUNCTION adjacent(geohash(53.353744, -2.27495), "top");
To view the geohash on a map, go to and follow one of the links provided. At this level of precision, the geohash should appear to be in almost exactly the same location as the previous one.
Related Links
To manage external libraries of user-defined functions, refer to Functions REST API.
To execute user-defined functions, refer to EXECUTE FUNCTION.
To include user-defined functions in an expression, refer to User-Defined Functions.
To view user-defined functions, refer to Monitor Queries.
To drop user-defined functions, refer to DROP FUNCTION.