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Listing Node Services

  • reference
    The services running on a specific node can be listed, with their respective port numbers, by means of the GET /pools/default/nodeServices method and URI.

    HTTP methods and URI

    GET /pools/default/nodeServices


    Couchbase Services (Data, Query, Index, Search, Analytics, Eventing, and Backup) and other essential processes are associated with specific port numbers. A complete list of the associations is provided in Couchbase Server Ports.

    The services and processes currently occupying these port numbers on a given node are listed by means of the GET /pools/default/nodeServices method and URI.

    Curl Syntax

    curl -v -X GET -u [admin]:[password]


    Success gives the status 200 OK, and returns an object containing a list that includes all services and their port numbers, plus any alternate addresses and port numbers that may have been configured.

    If an incorrect primary address is specified, a Could not resolve host: <host-number> error message is displayed.

    If the URI is incorrectly specified, a 404 Object Not Found error is flagged.


    The following example pipes the returned object to the jq command, to facilitate readability:

    curl -v -X GET -u Administrator:password \ | jq

    The displayed output is as follows:

      "rev": 2142,
      "nodesExt": [
          "services": {
            "mgmt": 8091,
            "mgmtSSL": 18091,
            "eventingAdminPort": 8096,
            "eventingDebug": 9140,
            "eventingSSL": 18096,
            "indexAdmin": 9100,
            "indexScan": 9101,
            "indexHttp": 9102,
            "indexStreamInit": 9103,
            "indexStreamCatchup": 9104,
            "indexStreamMaint": 9105,
            "indexHttps": 19102,
            "kv": 11210,
            "kvSSL": 11207,
            "capi": 8092,
            "capiSSL": 18092,
            "projector": 9999,
            "n1ql": 8093,
            "n1qlSSL": 18093
          "thisNode": true,
          "hostname": "",
          "alternateAddresses": {
            "external": {
              "hostname": "",
              "ports": {
                "kv": 9000,
                "n1ql": 9050
      "clusterCapabilitiesVer": [
      "clusterCapabilities": {
        "n1ql": [

    The output may include information on ports used by:

    • REST and HTTP-based management, including Couchbase Web Console (8091 and 18091).

    • The Eventing Service (8096, 9140, and 18096).

    • The Index Service (9100, 9101, 9102, 9103, 9104, 9105, 19102, and 9999).

    • The Data Service (11210 and 11207).

    • XDCR and Views (8092 and 18092).

    • The Query Service (8093 and 18093).

    • The Backup Service (8097, 18097, and 9124).

    See Also

    A complete list of Couchbase Services and the ports they occupy, along with information on custom port mapping, is provided in Couchbase Server Ports.