March 16, 2025
+ 12
The mctimings tool displays timing information for Data Service operations.


The basic syntax is:

mctimings [options] [operation-name]*


The mctimings tool displays timing information for Data-Service operations. The sampling period, during which timings are taken, starts at whichever of the following points in time is the more recent:

  • The last reset of Data-Service statistics by means of cbstats-reset.

  • The last restart of the Data Service (which action itself resets Data-Service statistics).

The sampling period ends when the Data Service receives the mctimings request.

Note that timings taken by mctimings are more comprehensive than those taken by cbstats timings; which, unlike mctimings, only measures the time spent on a request by a front-end worker thread; and does not include time spent fetching items from disk.

The mctimings tool resides in the following locations:

Platform Location




C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\mctimings.exe

Mac OS X



The mctimings tool provides -v and -j options, which respectively print output in histogram and in JSON format. If run without either of these options, mctimings returns timing information for all operations performed during the sampling period in the form of a total figure for each operation.

If both the -v and the -j options are specified, the -j option returns JSON output, and the -v option formats that output for readability.

If run with the -v option (without the -j option), and with no operations explicitly specified, mctimings returns a timing-histogram for all operations performed during the sampling period. If run with the -v option (without the -j option), and with one or more operations explicitly specified, mctimings returns a timing-histogram for each of the explicitly specified operations, as performed during the sampling period.

If run with the -j option (without the -v option), and with no operations explicitly specified, mctimings returns JSON output for all operations performed during the sampling period. If run with the -j option (without the -v option), and with one or more operations explicitly specified, mctimings returns JSON output for each of the explicitly specified operations, as performed during the sampling period.

Operations that can be explicitly specified include GET SET, ADD, REPLACE, INCREMENT, and DECREMENT. A comprehensive list can be found in the memcached binary protocol reference:

The full list of command options is as follows:

Options Description

-h or --host <hostname[:port]>

The hostname of the node with which a connection is made. If no hostname is specified, mctimings attempts to connect to localhost, by default. The hostname can optionally be specified with the port number, in the form hostname:port. For a non-secure connection, the port must be the memcached port, which is 11210. If no port is specified, 11210 is used by default.

If a secure connection is to be made, the port must be specified as the TLS port, which is 11207; and the --tls option must also be specified.

Note that alternatively, the port can be specified by means of the -p option.

-p or --port <port>

The port to which a connection is made. For a non-secure connection, this port must be specified as the memcached port, which is 11210. If a secure connection is to be made, the port must be specified as the TLS port, which is 11207; and the --tls option must also be specified.

-b or --bucket <bucket_name>

Specifies a single bucket for which timings are displayed. Note that the -a (or --all-buckets) and -b (or --bucket) options may not be used at the same time.

-a or --all-buckets

Specifies that timings are displayed for all buckets, per bucket. Note that the -a (or --all-buckets) and -b (or --bucket) options may not be used at the same time.

-u or --user <username>

The username of the administrator who is authenticating.

-P or --password <password>

The password of the administrator who is authenticating. If the specified value is a hyphen (-), the administrator is prompted for the password at standard input. If the -P option is not used, and the -S option is not used, mctimings uses the value of the CB_PASSWORD environment variable, if set. If the -P option is not used, and the -S option is used, the administrator is prompted for the password at standard input.


Read the password from standard input.


Use TLS, optionally authenticating by means of a specified certificate and private key.

-s or --ssl

This option, which specifies that a secure connection is used, is deprecated in Couchbase Server Version 7.1. Use the --tls option, instead.

-4 or --ipv4.

Specifies that connection is made over IPv4. (If neither IPv4 nor IPv6 is explicitly specified, mctimings attempts to use the protocol-version specified by the naming service.)

-6 or --ipv6

Specifies that connection is made over IPv6. (If neither IPv4 nor IPv6 is explicitly specified, mctimings attempts to use the protocol-version specified by the naming service.)

-v or --verbose

If used without the -j option, specifies that operation timings are displayed as histograms, each with an accompanying total. If specific operation names are provided, output is limited to these operations; otherwise, output covers all operations.

If neither this option nor the -j option used, the displayed output consists only of totals — one for each of all the operations performed during the sampling period.

If the -j (or --json) option is used in addition to -v, -j causes the output to be provided as JSON, and -v formats the JSON output, for readability.

-j or --json [=pretty]

Specifies that JSON output should be displayed, in addition to totals. If specific operation names are provided, output is limited to these operations. Otherwise, output covers all operations.

If neither this option nor the -v option used, the displayed output consists only of totals — one for each of all the operations performed during the sampling period.

If the -j (or --json) option is used in addition to -v, -j causes the output to be provided as JSON, and -v formats the JSON output, for readability. The JSON output can also be formatted by means of the =pretty argument to this option.

-f or --file <path.json>

Display as histograms and totals the contents of a JSON file created by prior use of the -j (or --json) option.

-h or --help

Display help text.


The mctimings tool provides output of three kinds.

  • Output that consists only of totals is generated by non-use of the -v and -j options. This displays, on each output-row, the operation name to the left, and the number of operations performed during the sample period displayed to the right.

  • Output that consists of histograms with totals is generated by use of the -v option (without the -j option). This displays a legend, which explains the histogram-format; and then, for each operation, a histogram, followed by a total. If no operation is explicitly specified, all operations are included in the output. If one or more operations are explicitly specified, only the explicitly specified operations are included in the output.

  • JSON output is generated by use of the -j option. If no operation is explicitly specified, all operations are included in the output. If one or more operations are explicitly specified, only the explicitly specified operations are included in the output. If the -v option is not also specified, the JSON output is unformatted. If the -v option is also specified, the JSON output is formatted.

Output in Histogram Format

Each row of the histogram takes following format:

[ <lower-bound> - <upper-bound> ] <units> <percentile> <number-of-operations> | <hash-signs>

The elements are as follows:

  • lower-bound. The non-inclusive lower bound of the duration-window within which falls the operation-duration of each operation counted on the current row. For example, if the lower-bound is 13.00, every operation counted on the current row took longer than 13.00 to complete.

  • upper-bound. The inclusive upper bound of the duration-window within which falls the operation-duration of each operation counted on the current row. For example, if the upper-bound is 14.00, every operation counted on the current row took either 14.00 or less to complete.

  • units. The units used for lower-bound and upper-bound on the current row. The units can be us (microseconds), ms (milliseconds), or s (seconds).

  • (percentile). The percentile, for the entire sampling period, of operations whose duration was at maximum the upper-bound for the current row. For example, if the upper-bound is 14.00, the units are us, and the percentile is (65.0000%), this means that sixty-five percent of all operations performed during the sampling period took fourteen microseconds or less to complete. Note that this includes operations whose duration was less than the lower-bound for the current row.

  • number-of-operations. The number of operations for the whole sampling period whose duration was within the duration-window specified on the current row.

  • hash-signs. A graphical representation of the number of operations counted on this row, relative to those counted on other rows.

For example, an output-row might appear as follows:

[ 13.00 -  14.00]us (65.0000%)	  4592| ###################

Output in JSON Format

If the -j or --json[=pretty] option is used, output is provided as JSON. This option may be used with or without the -v option.

The initial section of JSON output might appear as follows:

        "memcachedBucket": "travel-sample",
        "memcachedBucketData": [
                "bucketsLow": 0,
                "command": "GET",
                "data": [

The data array contains timings for a specified command (here, GET) and bucket (here, travel-sample). Each element of the data array is itself an array, which has three members. The first member (in the first instance above, 6) is an upper-bound; the second member (2) is the counted number of operations; and the third member (0.0) is the percentile. For the first element in the data array, the lower-bound is inferred as 0. For each successive element, the lower-bound is inferred as the upper-bound of the previous member.


The following examples indicate how mctimings can be used with different options.

Get Timing-Histograms for All Operations

The following example displays timing-histograms for all operations on host localhost, for the bucket travel-sample:

/opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11210 -u Administrator -P password -b travel-sample -v

The upper part of the output consists of an explanatory legend:

Histogram Legend:
[1. - 2.]3. (4.)    5.|
    1. All values in this bucket were recorded for a higher value than this.
    2. The maximum value inclusive that could have been recorded in this bucket.
    3. The unit for the values of that (1.) and (2.) are in microseconds, milliseconds or seconds.
    4. Percentile of recorded values to the histogram that has values <= the value at (2.).
    5. The number of recorded values that were in the range (1.) to (2.) inclusive.


Following the explanatory legend, the first part of the (extensive) main output takes the following form:


The following data is collected for "GET"
[  0.00 -   6.00]us (0.0000%)	   2|
[  6.00 -  10.00]us (10.0000%)	 547| ############################################
[ 10.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	   0|
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	 303| ########################
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (40.0000%)	 233| ##################
[ 12.00 -  14.00]us (50.0000%)	 279| ######################
[ 14.00 -  15.00]us (55.0000%)	  91| #######
[ 15.00 -  17.00]us (60.0000%)	 128| ##########
[ 17.00 -  20.00]us (65.0000%)	 113| #########
[ 20.00 -  23.00]us (70.0000%)	 160| ############
[ 23.00 -  25.00]us (75.0000%)	 121| #########
[ 25.00 -  26.00]us (77.5000%)	  80| ######
[ 26.00 -  27.00]us (80.0000%)	  44| ###
[ 27.00 -  28.00]us (82.5000%)	  49| ###
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (85.0000%)	  64| #####
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (87.5000%)	  71| #####
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (88.7500%)	  31| ##
[ 35.00 -  39.00]us (90.0000%)	  26| ##
[ 39.00 -  61.00]us (91.2500%)	  31| ##
[ 61.00 - 119.00]us (92.5000%)	  32| ##
[119.00 - 271.00]us (93.7500%)	  39| ###
[271.00 - 319.00]us (94.3750%)	  12|
[319.00 - 431.00]us (95.0000%)	  14| #
[431.00 - 543.00]us (95.6250%)	  21| #
[543.00 - 639.00]us (96.2500%)	  15| #
[639.00 - 735.00]us (96.8750%)	  13| #
[735.00 - 831.00]us (97.1875%)	   9|
[831.00 - 927.00]us (97.5000%)	   7|
[  0.93 -   1.02]ms (97.8125%)	  10|
[  1.02 -   1.15]ms (98.1250%)	   7|
[  1.15 -   1.41]ms (98.4375%)	   8|
[  1.41 -   1.60]ms (98.5938%)	   5|
[  1.60 -   1.92]ms (98.7500%)	   3|
[  1.92 -   2.43]ms (98.9062%)	   5|
[  2.43 -   2.94]ms (99.0625%)	   3|
[  2.94 -   3.97]ms (99.2188%)	   5|
[  3.97 -   4.35]ms (99.2969%)	   1|
[  4.35 -   4.61]ms (99.3750%)	   2|
[  4.61 -   5.12]ms (99.4531%)	   2|
[  5.12 -   5.89]ms (99.5312%)	   2|
[  5.89 -   7.17]ms (99.6094%)	   2|
[  7.17 -   8.19]ms (99.6484%)	   1|
[  8.19 -   8.70]ms (99.6875%)	   1|
[  8.70 -   9.22]ms (99.7266%)	   1|
[  9.22 -  10.75]ms (99.7656%)	   1|
[ 10.75 -  11.26]ms (99.8047%)	   1|
[ 11.26 -  11.77]ms (99.8242%)	   1|
[ 11.77 -  11.77]ms (99.8438%)	   0|
[ 11.77 -  22.53]ms (99.8633%)	   1|
[ 22.53 -  22.53]ms (99.8828%)	   0|
[ 22.53 -  29.69]ms (99.9023%)	   1|
[ 29.69 -  29.69]ms (99.9121%)	   0|
[ 29.69 -  29.69]ms (99.9219%)	   0|
[ 29.69 -  31.74]ms (99.9316%)	   1|
[ 31.74 -  31.74]ms (99.9414%)	   0|
[ 31.74 -  31.74]ms (99.9512%)	   0|
[ 31.74 -  31.74]ms (99.9561%)	   0|
[ 31.74 -  31.74]ms (99.9609%)	   0|
[ 31.74 -  86.01]ms (99.9658%)	   1|
[ 86.01 -  86.01]ms (100.0000%)	   0|
Total: 2600 operations
The following data is collected for "SET"
[  0.00 -   3.00]us (0.0000%)	     3|
[  3.00 -   9.00]us (10.0000%)	 10444| ############################################
[  9.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	  7063| #############################
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	  8428| ###################################
[ 11.00 -  11.00]us (40.0000%)	     0|
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (50.0000%)	  8219| ##################################
[ 12.00 -  13.00]us (55.0000%)	  6407| ##########################
[ 13.00 -  13.00]us (60.0000%)	     0|
[ 13.00 -  14.00]us (65.0000%)	  4592| ###################
[ 14.00 -  14.00]us (70.0000%)	     0|
[ 14.00 -  15.00]us (75.0000%)	  3302| #############
[ 15.00 -  16.00]us (77.5000%)	  2325| #########
[ 16.00 -  16.00]us (80.0000%)	     0|
[ 16.00 -  17.00]us (82.5000%)	  1743| #######
[ 17.00 -  19.00]us (85.0000%)	  2247| #########
[ 19.00 -  20.00]us (87.5000%)	   818| ###
[ 20.00 -  21.00]us (88.7500%)	   671| ##
[ 21.00 -  23.00]us (90.0000%)	  1136| ####
[ 23.00 -  24.00]us (91.2500%)	   494| ##
[ 24.00 -  26.00]us (92.5000%)	   810| ###
[ 26.00 -  28.00]us (93.7500%)	   665| ##
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (94.3750%)	   490| ##
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (95.0000%)	   482| ##
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (95.6250%)	   238| #
[ 35.00 -  39.00]us (96.2500%)	   340| #
[ 39.00 -  47.00]us (96.8750%)	   462| #
[ 47.00 -  51.00]us (97.1875%)	   181|
[ 51.00 -  55.00]us (97.5000%)	   148|
[ 55.00 -  63.00]us (97.8125%)	   235|
[ 63.00 -  79.00]us (98.1250%)	   187|
[ 79.00 - 159.00]us (98.4375%)	   171|
[159.00 - 191.00]us (98.5938%)	   116|
[191.00 - 207.00]us (98.7500%)	    83|
[207.00 - 247.00]us (98.9062%)	   105|
[247.00 - 335.00]us (99.0625%)	    93|
[335.00 - 607.00]us (99.2188%)	    98|
[607.00 - 895.00]us (99.2969%)	    49|
[  0.89 -   1.34]ms (99.3750%)	    51|
[  1.34 -   1.98]ms (99.4531%)	    51|
[  1.98 -   2.69]ms (99.5312%)	    52|
[  2.69 -   4.09]ms (99.6094%)	    47|
[  4.09 -   5.12]ms (99.6484%)	    22|
[  5.12 -   6.14]ms (99.6875%)	    29|
[  6.14 -   7.68]ms (99.7266%)	    24|
[  7.68 -  10.24]ms (99.7656%)	    21|
[ 10.24 -  12.80]ms (99.8047%)	    25|
[ 12.80 -  14.34]ms (99.8242%)	    13|
[ 14.34 -  16.38]ms (99.8438%)	    14|
[ 16.38 -  17.41]ms (99.8633%)	    10|
[ 17.41 -  20.48]ms (99.8828%)	    12|
[ 20.48 -  23.55]ms (99.9023%)	    13|
[ 23.55 -  25.60]ms (99.9121%)	     5|
[ 25.60 -  28.67]ms (99.9219%)	     7|
[ 28.67 -  31.74]ms (99.9316%)	     5|
[ 31.74 -  34.81]ms (99.9414%)	     8|
[ 34.81 -  38.91]ms (99.9512%)	     8|
[ 38.91 -  38.91]ms (99.9561%)	     0|
[ 38.91 -  40.96]ms (99.9609%)	     3|
[ 40.96 -  45.06]ms (99.9658%)	     5|
[ 45.06 -  47.10]ms (99.9707%)	     2|
[ 47.10 -  51.20]ms (99.9756%)	     2|
[ 51.20 -  55.29]ms (99.9780%)	     5|
[ 55.29 -  55.29]ms (99.9805%)	     0|
[ 55.29 -  55.29]ms (99.9829%)	     0|
[ 55.29 -  57.34]ms (99.9854%)	     2|
[ 57.34 -  65.54]ms (99.9878%)	     1|
[ 65.54 -  73.73]ms (99.9890%)	     1|
[ 73.73 -  73.73]ms (99.9902%)	     0|
[ 73.73 -  90.11]ms (99.9915%)	     1|
[ 90.11 -  98.30]ms (99.9927%)	     1|
[ 98.30 - 106.50]ms (99.9939%)	     1|
[106.50 - 106.50]ms (99.9945%)	     0|
[106.50 - 106.50]ms (99.9951%)	     0|
[106.50 - 114.69]ms (99.9957%)	     2|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9963%)	     0|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9969%)	     0|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9973%)	     0|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9976%)	     0|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9979%)	     0|
[114.69 - 114.69]ms (99.9982%)	     0|
[114.69 - 122.88]ms (99.9985%)	     1|
[122.88 - 122.88]ms (100.0000%)	     0|
Total: 63289 operations
The following data is collected for "STAT"
[  0.00 -  15.00]us (0.0000%)	    2|
[ 15.00 -  51.00]us (10.0000%)	 5751| #################################
[ 51.00 -  55.00]us (20.0000%)	 3845| ######################
[ 55.00 -  59.00]us (30.0000%)	 6022| ###################################
[ 59.00 -  61.00]us (40.0000%)	 7505| ############################################
[ 61.00 -  61.00]us (50.0000%)	    0|
[ 61.00 -  61.00]us (55.0000%)	    0|
[ 61.00 -  67.00]us (60.0000%)	 2751| ################
[ 67.00 -  79.00]us (65.0000%)	 1548| #########
[ 79.00 - 511.00]us (70.0000%)	 2021| ###########
[511.00 - 607.00]us (75.0000%)	 2734| ################
[607.00 - 639.00]us (77.5000%)	  330| #
[  0.64 -   1.34]ms (80.0000%)	 1138| ######
[  1.34 -   1.47]ms (82.5000%)	 1058| ######
[  1.47 -   1.60]ms (85.0000%)	 1079| ######

Get a Timing-Histogram for a Single Operation

The following example gets a timing histogram for the GET operation, on localhost, for the bucket travel-sample:

/opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11210 -u Administrator -P password -b travel-sample -v GET

Following the explanatory legend, the first part of the (extensive) main output takes the following form:

The following data is collected for "GET"
[  0.00 -   6.00]us (0.0000%)	   2|
[  6.00 -  10.00]us (10.0000%)	 547| ############################################
[ 10.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	   0|
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	 303| ########################
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (40.0000%)	 233| ##################
[ 12.00 -  14.00]us (50.0000%)	 279| ######################
[ 14.00 -  15.00]us (55.0000%)	  91| #######
[ 15.00 -  17.00]us (60.0000%)	 128| ##########
[ 17.00 -  20.00]us (65.0000%)	 113| #########
[ 20.00 -  23.00]us (70.0000%)	 160| ############
[ 23.00 -  25.00]us (75.0000%)	 121| #########
[ 25.00 -  26.00]us (77.5000%)	  80| ######
[ 26.00 -  27.00]us (80.0000%)	  44| ###
[ 27.00 -  28.00]us (82.5000%)	  49| ###
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (85.0000%)	  64| #####
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (87.5000%)	  71| #####
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (88.7500%)	  31| ##

Get Timing-Histograms for Multiple, Specified Operations

The following example returns timing-histograms for the GET and SET operations:

/opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11210 -u Administrator -P password -b travel-sample -v GET SET

Exerpts from the (extensive) main output are as follows:

The following data is collected for "GET"
[  0.00 -   6.00]us (0.0000%)	   2|
[  6.00 -  10.00]us (10.0000%)	 547| ############################################
[ 10.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	   0|
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	 303| ########################
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (40.0000%)	 233| ##################
[ 12.00 -  14.00]us (50.0000%)	 279| ######################
[ 14.00 -  15.00]us (55.0000%)	  91| #######
[ 15.00 -  17.00]us (60.0000%)	 128| ##########
[ 17.00 -  20.00]us (65.0000%)	 113| #########
[ 20.00 -  23.00]us (70.0000%)	 160| ############
[ 23.00 -  25.00]us (75.0000%)	 121| #########
[ 25.00 -  26.00]us (77.5000%)	  80| ######
[ 26.00 -  27.00]us (80.0000%)	  44| ###
[ 27.00 -  28.00]us (82.5000%)	  49| ###
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (85.0000%)	  64| #####
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (87.5000%)	  71| #####
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (88.7500%)	  31| ##
[ 35.00 -  39.00]us (90.0000%)	  26| ##
[ 39.00 -  61.00]us (91.2500%)	  31| ##
[ 61.00 - 119.00]us (92.5000%)	  32| ##
[119.00 - 271.00]us (93.7500%)	  39| ###
[271.00 - 319.00]us (94.3750%)	  12|
The following data is collected for "SET"
[  0.00 -   3.00]us (0.0000%)	     3|
[  3.00 -   9.00]us (10.0000%)	 10444| ############################################
[  9.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	  7063| #############################
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	  8428| ###################################
[ 11.00 -  11.00]us (40.0000%)	     0|
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (50.0000%)	  8219| ##################################
[ 12.00 -  13.00]us (55.0000%)	  6407| ##########################
[ 13.00 -  13.00]us (60.0000%)	     0|
[ 13.00 -  14.00]us (65.0000%)	  4592| ###################
[ 14.00 -  14.00]us (70.0000%)	     0|
[ 14.00 -  15.00]us (75.0000%)	  3302| #############
[ 15.00 -  16.00]us (77.5000%)	  2325| #########
[ 16.00 -  16.00]us (80.0000%)	     0|
[ 16.00 -  17.00]us (82.5000%)	  1743| #######
[ 17.00 -  19.00]us (85.0000%)	  2247| #########
[ 19.00 -  20.00]us (87.5000%)	   818| ###
[ 20.00 -  21.00]us (88.7500%)	   671| ##
[ 21.00 -  23.00]us (90.0000%)	  1136| ####
[ 23.00 -  24.00]us (91.2500%)	   494| ##
[ 24.00 -  26.00]us (92.5000%)	   810| ###
[ 26.00 -  28.00]us (93.7500%)	   665| ##
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (94.3750%)	   490| ##
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (95.0000%)	   482| ##
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (95.6250%)	   238| #
[ 35.00 -  39.00]us (96.2500%)	   340| #
[ 39.00 -  47.00]us (96.8750%)	   462| #
[ 47.00 -  51.00]us (97.1875%)	   181|

Get Timings Over a Secure Connection

The following example establishes a secure connection, and returns a total for each operation performed during the sampling period:

$ /opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11207 -s -u Administrator -P password -b travel-sample

If successful, the call returns the following:

GET 2600 operations
SET 63289 operations
STAT 43196 operations
HELLO 40 operations
SET_VBUCKET 1024 operations
GET_ALL_VB_SEQNOS 4922 operations
DCP_OPEN 36 operations
DCP_STREAM_REQ 7168 operations
DCP_GET_FAILOVER_LOG 7168 operations
DCP_CONTROL 105 operations
SELECT_BUCKET 9870 operations
GET_META 2600 operations
ENABLE_TRAFFIC 1 operations
GET_CLUSTER_CONFIG 9038 operations
SUBDOC_MULTI_LOOKUP 2600 operations
GET_CMD_TIMER 6663 operations

Write JSON Output to a File

The following example gets JSON output on uses of the DCP_OPEN command across all buckets; and writes the output to a file. Note that the output is formatted by means of the -v option:

/opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11210 -u Administrator -P password \
-j -v -a DCP_OPEN > /home/vagrant/dcpopen.json

The JSON contents of the file can now be inspected as follows.

more /home/vagrant/dcpopen.json

The appearance of the initial part of the file-content is as follows:

    "memcachedBucket": "travel-sample",
    "memcachedBucketData": [
        "bucketsLow": 0,
        "command": "DCP_OPEN",
        "data": [

Display JSON File-Content as Histograms

The following example uses the -f option; to read the JSON timing-data from the previously created JSON file, and display it in histogram format:

/opt/couchbase/bin/mctimings -h localhost:11210 -u Administrator -P password \
-f /home/vagrant/test.json

The initial part of the output appears as follows:

The following data is collected for "GET"
[  0.00 -   6.00]us (0.0000%)	   2|
[  6.00 -  10.00]us (10.0000%)	 843| ############################################
[ 10.00 -  10.00]us (20.0000%)	   0|
[ 10.00 -  11.00]us (30.0000%)	 485| #########################
[ 11.00 -  12.00]us (40.0000%)	 357| ##################
[ 12.00 -  13.00]us (50.0000%)	 257| #############
[ 13.00 -  14.00]us (55.0000%)	 176| #########
[ 14.00 -  16.00]us (60.0000%)	 232| ############
[ 16.00 -  18.00]us (65.0000%)	 128| ######
[ 18.00 -  22.00]us (70.0000%)	 239| ############
[ 22.00 -  24.00]us (75.0000%)	 201| ##########
[ 24.00 -  25.00]us (77.5000%)	  83| ####
[ 25.00 -  26.00]us (80.0000%)	  98| #####
[ 26.00 -  27.00]us (82.5000%)	  68| ###
[ 27.00 -  28.00]us (85.0000%)	  74| ###
[ 28.00 -  30.00]us (87.5000%)	  90| ####
[ 30.00 -  33.00]us (88.7500%)	 100| #####
[ 33.00 -  33.00]us (90.0000%)	   0|
[ 33.00 -  35.00]us (91.2500%)	  37| #
[ 35.00 -  43.00]us (92.5000%)	  48| ##
[ 43.00 -  79.00]us (93.7500%)	  47| ##
[ 79.00 - 107.00]us (94.3750%)	  23| #
[107.00 - 191.00]us (95.0000%)	  22| #
[191.00 - 255.00]us (95.6250%)	  24| #
[255.00 - 335.00]us (96.2500%)	  25| #
[335.00 - 511.00]us (96.8750%)	  24| #
[511.00 - 607.00]us (97.1875%)	  14|
[607.00 - 671.00]us (97.5000%)	  14|

See Also

The tool cbstats timings provides an alternative way of returning timing information.