Pausing and Resuming a Replication

  • reference
March 23, 2025
+ 12
An XDCR replication can be paused and resumed by means of the REST API.

HTTP Method and URI

POST /settings/replications/<settingsURI>


An XDCR replication is paused and resumed by configuring pauseRequested; which is one of the XDCR advanced settings described in Managing Advanced Settings.

The replication to be paused or resumed is specified by means of its settingsURI, which can be returned by using the GET /pools/default/tasks method and URI, described in Getting Cluster Tasks.

The Full Admin, Cluster Admin, or XDCR Admin role is required.

Curl Syntax

curl -X POST http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/settings/replications/<settingsURI>
  -u <username>:<password>
  -d pauseRequested=[ true | false ]

The value of the pauseRequested flag can either be true, which means that the specified replication should be paused; or false, which means that the specified replication should not be paused. The default value is false. If the established value is false and a value of true is then specified, an ongoing replication is paused. If the established value is true and a value of false is then specified, a paused replication is resumed. (Note that the operation is idempotent: specifying true when the established value is already true, or specifying false when the value is already false, has no effect.)


Success returns 200 OK and an object containing all current advanced settings.

If the boolean is incorrectly specified, 400 Bad Request is returned, with the following error message: {"pauseRequested": "The value must be a boolean" }. If authentication is either not attempted or succeeds with inappropriate credentials, 403 Forbidden is returned, with the following error message: {"message": "Forbidden. User needs one of the following permissions", "permissions": ["cluster.bucket[travel-sample].xdcr!execute"]}. If authentication is attempted but specified credentials are not matched, 401 Unauthorized is returned.

If the settingsURI is incorrectly specified, 500 Internal Server Error is returned, with the following error message: requested resource not found. Incorrect specification of the URI returns 404 Object Not Found.


The following example pauses the replication from the source bucket travel-sample to the target bucket ts. Output is piped to the jq command, to facilitate readability.

curl -v -X POST \
http://localhost:8091/settings/replications/2b5dcd1b0101a9d52f31a802d8c4231e%2Ftravel-sample%2Fts \
-u Administrator:password \
-d pauseRequested=true | jq '.'

If execution is successful, the replication is paused, and the following object, containing all current advanced settings, is returned:

  "checkpointInterval": 600,
  "ckptSvcCacheEnabled": true,
  "colMappingRules": {},
  "collectionsExplicitMapping": false,
  "collectionsMigrationMode": false,
  "collectionsMirroringMode": false,
  "collectionsOSOMode": true,
  "compressionType": "Auto",
  "desiredLatency": 50,
  "docBatchSizeKb": 2048,
  "failureRestartInterval": 10,
  "filterBypassExpiry": false,
  "filterBypassUncommittedTxn": false,
  "filterDeletion": false,
  "filterExpiration": false,
  "filterExpression": "",
  "hlvPruningWindowSec": 259200,
  "jsFunctionTimeoutMs": 20000,
  "logLevel": "Info",
  "mergeFunctionMapping": {},
  "networkUsageLimit": 0,
  "optimisticReplicationThreshold": 256,
  "pauseRequested": true,
  "preReplicateVBMasterCheck": true,
  "priority": "High",
  "replicateCkptIntervalMin": 20,
  "retryOnRemoteAuthErr": true,
  "retryOnRemoteAuthErrMaxWaitSec": 3600,
  "sourceNozzlePerNode": 2,
  "statsInterval": 1000,
  "targetNozzlePerNode": 2,
  "type": "xmem",
  "workerBatchSize": 500

As the output indicates from the displayed value of pauseRequested, the replication has been paused.

The following example restarts the replication

curl -v -X POST \
http://localhost:8091/settings/replications/2b5dcd1b0101a9d52f31a802d8c4231e%2Ftravel-sample%2Fts \
-u Administrator:password \
-d pauseRequested=false | jq '.'

If execution is successful, the replication is restarted, and the following output is returned:

  "checkpointInterval": 600,
  "ckptSvcCacheEnabled": true,
  "colMappingRules": {},
  "collectionsExplicitMapping": false,
  "collectionsMigrationMode": false,
  "collectionsMirroringMode": false,
  "collectionsOSOMode": true,
  "compressionType": "Auto",
  "desiredLatency": 50,
  "docBatchSizeKb": 2048,
  "failureRestartInterval": 10,
  "filterBypassExpiry": false,
  "filterBypassUncommittedTxn": false,
  "filterDeletion": false,
  "filterExpiration": false,
  "filterExpression": "",
  "hlvPruningWindowSec": 259200,
  "jsFunctionTimeoutMs": 20000,
  "logLevel": "Info",
  "mergeFunctionMapping": {},
  "networkUsageLimit": 0,
  "optimisticReplicationThreshold": 256,
  "pauseRequested": false,
  "preReplicateVBMasterCheck": true,
  "priority": "High",
  "replicateCkptIntervalMin": 20,
  "retryOnRemoteAuthErr": true,
  "retryOnRemoteAuthErrMaxWaitSec": 3600,
  "sourceNozzlePerNode": 2,
  "statsInterval": 1000,
  "targetNozzlePerNode": 2,
  "type": "xmem",
  "workerBatchSize": 500

As the output indicates from the displayed value of pauseRequested, the replication has been restarted.

See Also

XDCR Advanced Settings are described in Managing Advanced Settings.

The settingsURI is returned by using the GET /pools/default/tasks method and URI, described in Getting Cluster Tasks.

An overview of XDCR is provided in Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR).