March 16, 2025
+ 12

(Deprecated) Backs up an entire running cluster, a bucket or a single node


cbbackup [--username <user>] [--password <password>] [--ssl]
           [--no-ssl-verify] [--cacert <path>] [--bucket-source <name>]
           [--single-node] [--id <vbid>] [--key <regexp>]
           [--mode <full|diff|accu>] [--dry-run] [--verbose] [--silent]
           [--extra <options>] [--help] source backup_dir


DEPRECATION WARNING: This tool has been deprecated please use cbbackupmgr instead

This backup tools creates a copy of the source data onto disk in the specified backup_dir, if the directory does not exist it will be created. The directory should only be used by cbbackup and cbrestore as any alterations to the data by any other process can corrupt the backup data.

The tool can be found in the following directories:

Operating system Location




C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbbackup

Mac OS X


The data is stored in a unique format that will then allow a fast restore using cbrestore. This tool will not only backup the documents but it can backup metadata for full text indexes and aliases, design documents and global secondary indexes, thus on a restore there is no need to redefine them. Although the metadata for this other services is also backed up and restore the indexes will still have to be rebuilt after a restore.

The first backup made is always a full backup regardless of the mode given. The backup directory will looks as follows after a successful first backup:

└── 2019-06-25T124727Z
 └── 2019-06-25T124727Z-full
     ├── bucket-beer-sample
     │   ├── design.json
     │   ├── fts_index.json
     │   ├── index.json
     │   └── node-
     │       ├── data-0000.cbb
     │       ├── failover.json
     │       ├── meta.json
     │       ├── seqno.json
     │       └── snapshot_markers.json
     └── fts_alias.json

The backup directory will have as a name the timestamp of the first backup. Inside it there will be one or more backup folders each named with a timestamp of when they occurred and suffixed with the mode in this case 2019-06-25T124727Z-full. Inside each backup folder we have a folder for each bucket that was backed up, in this case only the "beer-sample" was backed up. At this level we also have a JSON file that contains the full text aliases. Inside each bucket folder we can find the design documents, full text indexes and global secondary indexes definitions. There is also a folder per node in the cluster, which contains the documents for that bucket and cluster. In this case there is only one node in the cluster.


-u,--username <user>

Specifies the username of the user executing the command. If you do not have a user account with permission to execute the command then it will fail with an unauthorized error.

-p,--password <password>

Specifies the password of the user executing the command. If you do not have a user account with permission to execute the command then it will fail with an unauthorized error.


(Deprecated) Specifies that the connection should use SSL verification. If this flag is used then SSL will be used but the cluster certificate will not be verified by the Certificate Authority. This flag is deprecated and not recommended. If you wish to use SSL encryption it is recommended that you specify the cluster host name using either couchbases:// or https://. Each of these connection schemes will ensure that the connection is encrypted with SSL. You may then use either --no-ssl-verify or --cacert in order to customize how your SSL connection is set up.


Specifies that SSL verification should be used but that verifying that the cluster certificate is valid should be skipped. Use of this flag is not recommended for production environments because it does not protect the user from a man-in-the-middle attack.

--cacert <path>

Specifies that the SSL connection should use the cacert provided when connecting to the cluster. This argument takes the path the certificate file as its value. This is the most secure way to connect to your cluster.

-b,--bucket-source <bucket>

Single named bucket from source cluster to transfer. If the backup directory only contains a single bucket, then that bucket is automatically used.


Transfer data only from the source data node.

-i,--id <vbid>

Transfer only items that match a vBucket ID.

-k,--key <regexp>

Transfer only items with keys that match the given regular expression.

-m,--mode <full|diff|accu>

Select the backup mode, the available options are: full, diff, accu. If an option is not provided it defaults to diff. The full mode will perform a full backup. The diff mode will perform a differential incremental backup which backups only the changes since the last full or incremental backup. The accu mode performs a cumulative incremental backup, which backs up all changes since the last full backup.


When specified the tool will not transfer data but only validate parameters, files, connectivity and configuration.


Verbose logging; more -v’s provide more verbosity. Max is -vvv


Reduces the logging verbosity to only include errors.

-x,--extra <options>

Provide extra, uncommon configuration parameters. Comma-separated key=val pairs


The following are extra, specialized command options with the cbbackup -x parameter.

Table 1. cbbackup -x options
-x options Description


Maximum backoff time during the rebalance period.


Transfer this # of bytes per batch.


Transfer this # of documents per batch.


Split backup file on destination cluster if it exceeds the MiB.


By default, disable conflict resolution.

This option doesn’t work in Couchbase Server versions 4.0 and 4.1 but will be re-implemented in version 4.1.1 and in subsequent versions.


For value 1, transfer only data from a backup file or cluster.


For value 1, transfer only design documents from a backup file or cluster. Default: 0.

Back up only design documents which include view and secondary index definitions from a cluster or bucket with the option design_doc_only=1. Restore only design documents with cbrestore -x design_doc_only=1.


Max number of sequential retries if the transfer fails.


For value 0, display extended fields for stdout output.


0 or 1, where 1 retries transfer after a NOT_MY_VBUCKET message. Default: 1.


Amount of bytes for every TCP/IP batch transferred.


For value 1, rehash the partition id’s of each item. This is required when transferring data between clusters with different number of partitions, such as when transferring data from an Mac OS X server to a non-Mac OS X cluster.


Number batches transferred before updating progress bar in console.


Number batches transferred before emitting progress information in console.


By default, start seqno from beginning.


Transfer documents with metadata. Default: 1. Value of 0 is only used when transferring from 1.8.x to 1.8.x.


For value 1, restore data in uncompressed mode.

This option is unsupported. To create backups with compression, use cbbackupmgr, which is available for Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition only. See Backup.


Basic operations

The most basic operation is to backup an entire cluster, this can be done using the following command:

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password

This command will create the following directory structure:

 └── backups
     └── 2019-06-25T124727Z
         └── 2019-06-25T124727Z-full
             ├── bucket-beer-sample
             │   ├── design.json
             │   ├── fts_index.json
             │   ├── index.json
             │   ├── node-
             │   ├── node-
             │   ├── node-
             ├── bucket-gamesim-sample
             │   ├── design.json
             │   ├── node-
             │   ├── node-
             │   └── node-
             └── fts_alias.json

Inside our requested backup directory cbbackup has created another folder named after the time when the command was run. Inside there is only one backup, 2019-06-25T124727Z-full we can see by the prefix that is a full backup. This is expected as there where no other backups in the ~/backups directory Inside out backup we can find the full text aliases in the fts_alias.json as well as another two folders. one for each bucket in the cluster. This cluster had buckets beer-sample and gamesim-sample. Inside the folder for each bucket we find the design documents, full text index and general secondary index definitions. We can see that the gamesim-bucket does not have either a fts_index.json or an index.json this s because this bucket had no indexes. Inside the bucket folders we have a folder for each node in the cluster, this folder contains the documents stored in each node for the corresponding bucket.

After some time data in the buckets will change and a new backup should be made, but instead of backing up all the data again cbbackup can make incremental backups that only contain the data that has changed since the last backup. The command below would create a new differential incremental backup.

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \
  -m diff

After this the backup directory would look as follows (only showing beer-sample for clarity):

├── 2019-06-25T141453Z-full
│   └── bucket-beer-sample
│       ├── design.json
│       ├── node-
│       ├── node-
│       └── node-
└── 2019-06-25T141553Z-diff
    └── bucket-beer-sample
        ├── design.json
        ├── node-
        ├── node-
        └── node-


cbbackup allows the user control of what data is backed up. To backup only a the bucket beer-sample use the following command:

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \
  -b beer-sample

This command will backup only the data relevant to bucket beer-sample from every node in the cluster. The user can also want only data from one node in the cluster this can be done as follows.

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \

The command above will only backup the data stored in node To backup only the data of one bucket in one node the options can be combined as follows:

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \
  --single-node -b beer-sample

The data that is backed up can also be filtered y key using the -k flag. To only backup the documents which keys start with "KEY:" we can use the command:

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \
  -k '^KEY:.*'

The -k option will take any regular expression.

The user can also chose to only backup certain services for example to only backup the documents of the data service we can pass the data_only=1 extra option as follows:

$ cbbackup ~/backups -u Administrator -p password \
  -x data_only=1