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Creating a Geopoint Index via the REST API

    March 23, 2025
    + 12

    This example quickly creates the same index as Creating a Geopoint Index via the UI.

    The cURL command below was initially created via the Classic Editor in the UI, however the follwoing modifications were made.

    • The curl flag "-s" to suppress some runtime output.

    • The credentials "-u <username>:<password>" were altered to "-u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD}".

    • The hostname or IP address was replaced with ${CB_HOSTNAME}.

    • The commands output is piped through the utility jq to enhance readability.

    • The two (2) UUIDs were removed (similar to the below) because we want to make a new index not modify an existing one.

      "uuid": "273a60635f5248e5", "sourceUUID": "2b421d183cb76aebbffa45424736ec2e",

    The Creation Command

    The full command to create the index is below and can be executed verbatim if you have the environment variable ${CB_USERNAME}, ${CB_PASSWORD} and ${CB_HOSTNAME} set.

    curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD} http://${CB_HOSTNAME}:8094/api/index/test_geopoint -d \ '{ "type": "fulltext-index", "name": "test_geopoint", "sourceType": "gocbcore", "sourceName": "travel-sample", "planParams": { "maxPartitionsPerPIndex": 1024, "indexPartitions": 1 }, "params": { "doc_config": { "docid_prefix_delim": "", "docid_regexp": "", "mode": "scope.collection.type_field", "type_field": "type" }, "mapping": { "analysis": {}, "default_analyzer": "standard", "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional", "default_field": "_all", "default_mapping": { "dynamic": true, "enabled": false }, "default_type": "_default", "docvalues_dynamic": false, "index_dynamic": true, "store_dynamic": false, "type_field": "_type", "types": { "_default._default": { "dynamic": true, "enabled": true, "properties": { "geo": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "include_in_all": true, "index": true, "name": "geo", "type": "geopoint" } ] } } } } }, "store": { "indexType": "scorch", "segmentVersion": 15, "spatialPlugin": "s2" } }, "sourceParams": {} }' | jq .

    If you successfully create the index you should a response liekt the follwoing

    { "status": "ok", "uuid": "274e2bf04ddc8d3e" }

    Test the Geopoint Index with a simple query

    Request the first 10 item closet to a longitude of -2.235143 and a latitude of 53.482358. The target-field geo is specified, as is a distance of 100 miles: this is the radius within which target-locations must reside for their documents to be returned. Don’t worry about newlines when you paste the text.

    curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD} http://${CB_HOSTNAME}:8094/api/index/test_geopoint/query \ -d '{ "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "location": { "lon": -2.235143, "lat": 53.482358 }, "distance": "100mi", "field": "geo" }, "sort": [ { "by": "geo_distance", "field": "geo", "unit": "mi", "location": { "lon": -2.235143, "lat": 53.482358 } } ] }' | jq .

    The output of a ten (10) hits (from a total of 847 matching docs) is as follows

    { "status": { "total": 1, "failed": 0, "successful": 1 }, "request": { "query": { "location": [ -2.235143, 53.482358 ], "distance": "100mi", "field": "geo" }, "size": 10, "from": 0, "highlight": null, "fields": null, "facets": null, "explain": false, "sort": [ { "by": "geo_distance", "field": "geo", "location": { "lat": 53.482358, "lon": -2.235143 }, "unit": "mi" } ], "includeLocations": false, "search_after": null, "search_before": null }, "hits": [ { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17411", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?E#9>N\f\"e" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17409", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?O~i*(kD," ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17403", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?Sg*|/t\u001f\u0002" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_17413", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?U]S\\.e\u0002_" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_17414", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?Z\u0000./\u0007Q\u0012\t" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17410", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?Z3T6 \u0010\u0019@" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17412", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?]-\u000fm?\u000b\u0014#" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17408", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?^DV7\u0014t:^" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17406", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?_<\u00009\u001eW\u0013\u0012" ] }, { "index": "test_geopoint_274e2bf04ddc8d3e_4c1c5584", "id": "landmark_17397", "score": 0.025840756648257503, "sort": [ " \u0001?c\u001cx\u0010n\u0016Wl" ] } ], "total_hits": 847, "max_score": 0.2099587543053028, "took": 69084563, "facets": null }