March 16, 2025
+ 12
The REST API can be used to regenerate the cluster’s root and node certificates.

Http Method and URI

POST /controller/regenerateCertificate


When a one-node Couchbase Cluster is first created, a default root certificate for the cluster is automatically provided: additionally, a default node certificate, signed by the root certificate, is automatically provided for the node. Subsequently, as further nodes are added to the cluster, each node is automatically assigned its own, default node certificate, signed by the root certificate.

These default root and node certificates support pre-production certificate-based authentication, including that required by node-to-node encryption. However, being generated by the cluster itself, they provide only minimal security, and are not appropriate for production purposes.

Therefore, in preparation for a cluster’s full, production deployment, a root certificate provided by an acknowledged authority should be uploaded to the cluster; and, on each node, an individual node certificate, signed by the new root, should be uploaded.

Should problems occur during or subsequent to the deployment of these new certificates, all certificates can be regenerated, using the POST method with the /controller/regenerateCertificate URI: this substitutes a default root certificate and, on each node, a default node certificate, for those uploaded by the administrator.

Note that on Couchbase Server Version 7.1 and later, when regeneration is performed, no trusted root certificate is removed from the cluster: all trusted root certificates remain in the cluster’s trust store; and can be removed manually, as appropriate. For information, see Using Multiple Root Certificates.

To regenerate certificates, the administrator must have either the Full Admin or the Local Admin Security Admin role.

Curl Syntax

The curl syntax is as follows:

curl -X POST http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/controller/regenerateCertificate \
-u <username>:<password>


Success returns 200 OK and the text of the regenerated, default root certificate. An incorrect username-password combination fails with 401 Unauthorized. An incorrectly specified URI fails with 404 Object Not Found. An incorrectly specified IP address or domain name causes the attempted connection to time out, with a Failed to connect notification. An attempt to regenerate certificates without the Full Admin, the Local User Security Admin, or the External User Security Admin role fails with either 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden with a notification such as "message":"Forbidden. User needs one of the following permissions","permissions":["!write"].


The following call regenerates the root and node certificates for the cluster of which node is a member:

curl -v -X POST \
-u Administrator:password

If the call succeeds, the text of the regenerated, default root certificate is returned. For example:


The root and node certificates for the cluster have all now been restored to default values.

See Also

Information on uploading and retrieving root and node certificates with the REST API is provided in Upload and Retrieve the Root Certificate and Upload and Retrieve a Node Certificate, respectively. A general introduction to certificates is provided in Certificates. Routines for generating and deploying server and client certificates are provided in Configure Server Certificates and Configure Client Certificates, respectively.