March 23, 2025
+ 12
Server groups can be renamed with the PUT /pools/default/serverGroups/<:uuid> HTTP method and URI.

HTTP method and URI

PUT /pools/default/serverGroups/<:uuid>


This renames a server group. The new name must be unique, across the cluster. Names cannot be longer than 64 bytes.

Curl Syntax

curl -X PUT -u <administrator>:<password>
-d name=<newGroupName>

As this indicates, the uuid of the group to be renamed must be appended to the URI. The uuid can be determined by means of the procedure explained in Getting Server Group Information. Note that the group’s uuid is itself unchanged by the changing of the group’s name.


Success gives 200 OK, and returns and empty object. An incorrectly specified uuid gives 404 Object Not Found, and returns an object of the form ["Could not find group with uuid: <submitted-uuid>"]. Specifying a name already assigned to an existing group gives 400 Bad Request, and returns an object of the form {"name": "already exists"}. Failure to authenticate gives 401 Unauthorized.


The following example assumes that the procedure described in Getting Server Group Information has provided output containing the following:

"name": "Group 2",
      "uri": "/pools/default/serverGroups/3b66b3c3177f44a3ffa6771ffeb31f36",

This indicates that the cluster contains a group named Group 2, whose uuid is 3b66b3c3177f44a3ffa6771ffeb31f36.

Therefore, by specifying 3b66b3c3177f44a3ffa6771ffeb31f36, the following request changes the name of Group 2 to Group X:

curl -X PUT -u Administrator:password \\
3b66b3c3177f44a3ffa6771ffeb31f36 \
-d 'name="Group X"'

See Also

See Getting Server Group Information for getting information on the current node-to-group configuration for the server. See Server Group Awareness, for a conceptual overview of groups. See Updating Server Group Memberships for an example of changing the node-to-group configuration. See Manage Groups, for examples of managing groups by means of Couchbase Web Console.