
  • reference
    Retrieves statistics that are logically grouped and aggregated together by prefixes.


    cbstats HOST:11210 dcpagg


    This command retrieves statistics that are logically grouped and aggregated together by prefixes.

    For example, if all your DCP connections started with the string xdcr: or replication:, you could use the command cbstats dcpagg to request statistics grouped by everything before the first colon character, giving you a set for xdcr: statistics and a set for replication: statistics.

    The following table describes the aggregated DCP statistics.

    Table 1. Aggregated DCP statistics
    Name Description


    Number of connections matching this prefix


    Total producer connections with this prefix


    Total items sent with this prefix


    Total items remaining to be sent with this prefix


    Total number of bytes sent with this prefix


    Total backfill items remaining to be sent with this prefix




    The following example shows a request for a set of aggregated DCP statistics:

    # ./cbstats dcpagg

    Here’s the output from the command:

     :total:backoff:                 0
     :total:count:                   6
     :total:items_remaining:         0
     :total:items_sent:              0
     :total:producer_count:          3
     :total:total_backlog_size:      0
     :total:total_bytes:             6630
     replication:backoff:            0
     replication:count:              6
     replication:items_remaining:    0
     replication:items_sent:         0
     replication:producer_count:     3
     replication:total_backlog_size: 0
     replication:total_bytes:        6630