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Deleting Data

  • how-to

    How to delete documents in Couchbase.
    This guide is for Couchbase Server.


    In situations where data is no longer needed, Couchbase Server provides a remove operation to delete a document from the database permanently.

    Read the following for further information about the clients available:

    Please note that the examples in this guide will alter the data in your sample database. To restore your sample data, remove and reinstall the travel sample data. Refer to Sample Buckets for details.

    Deleting a Document

    To delete a specific field within a document, perform a Sub-Document remove operation.

    • cbc

    • .NET

    • Java

    • Node.js

    • Python

    Use the cbc rm command to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document airport_1254 from the database.

    cbc rm -u Administrator -P password -U couchbase://localhost/travel-sample airport_1254
    airport_1254          Deleted

    For further details, refer to cbc(1).

    Use the RemoveAsync() method to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    await hotelCollection.RemoveAsync("hotel-123");
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to CollectionExtensions.

    Use the remove() method to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    MutationResult removeResult = hotelCollection.remove("hotel-123");
    System.out.println("CAS:" + removeResult.cas());
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Use the remove() function to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    const removeResult = await hotelCollection.remove('hotel-123')
    console.log('CAS:', removeResult.cas)
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundError error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Use the remove() function to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    remove_result = hotel_collection.remove("hotel-123")
    print("CAS:", remove_result.cas)
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Deleting a Sub-Document

    To delete a specific field within a document you can perform a Sub-Document remove operation.

    • cbc-subdoc

    • .NET

    • Java

    • Node.js

    • Python

    1. Connect to the cbc-subdoc interactive shell.

    2. Use the remove command to delete a field from a document.

    3. Pass the field to remove with the --path argument.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    cbc-subdoc -u Administrator -P password -U couchbase://localhost/travel-sample
    subdoc> remove hotel-123 --path url
    hotel-123          CAS=0x16be2f11c6040000
    0. Size=0, RC=LCB_SUCCESS (0)
    If the path cannot be found, cbc-subdoc will return a LCB_ERR_SUBDOC_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.

    For further details, refer to cbc-subdoc(1).

    1. Call the MutateInAsync() method, which takes a document ID and an IEnumerable containing MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    var mutateInResult = await hotelCollection.MutateInAsync("hotel-123",
    	specs => specs.Remove("url")
    Console.WriteLine($"Cas: {mutateInResult.Cas}");
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to CollectionExtensions.

    1. Call the mutateIn() method, which takes a document ID and an array of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    List<MutateInSpec> specs = Arrays.asList(MutateInSpec.remove("url"));
    MutateInResult mutateInResult = hotelCollection.mutateIn("hotel-123", specs);
    System.out.println("CAS:" + mutateInResult.cas());
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    1. Call the mutateIn() method, which takes a document ID and an array of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    mutateInResult = await hotelCollection.mutateIn('hotel-123', [
    console.log('CAS:', mutateInResult.cas)
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundError error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    1. Call the lookup_in() function, which takes a document ID and a list of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    mutate_in_result = hotel_collection.mutate_in(
        "hotel-123", [subdocument.remove("url")]
    print("CAS:", mutate_in_result.cas)
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the View button to see this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Key-Value Operations with SDKs:

    Sub-Document operations with SDKs: