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Function: Convert Bucket to Collections

    March 23, 2025
    + 12

    Goal: Demonstrate Converting "upgraded" Buckets to Collections.

    • This function ConvertBucketToCollections demonstrates a simple technique to reorganize into buckets.

    • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection listing to the sample "beer-sample".

    • The sample "beer-sample" is equivalent to an upgraded bucket where all data resides in beer-sample._default._default.

    • Needs Bindings of type "Constant alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).

    • Needs Bindings of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).

    • If "Constant alias" DO_COPY is true

      • move all type` = "brewery" to COLLECTION bulk.data.brewery

      • move all type` = "beer" to COLLECTION bulk.data.beer

    • If "Constant alias" DO_DELETE is true

      • remove all type` = "brewery" from upgrade COLLECTION beer-sample._default._default

      • remove all type` = "beer" from upgrade COLLECTION beer-sample._default._default

    • The function should have higher throughput as you add more workers up to the # of vCPUs.

    • Example of performance using this technique:

      • Test cluster is a symmetric 3 x AWS r5.2xlarge (64 GiB of memory, 8 vCPUs, 64-bit platform).

      • Will process 93K ops/sec in a steady state.

      • 250M small documents: takes 44 minutes to reorganize a bucket with 80 types into a new bucket with 80 collections.

      • 1B small documents: takes 3 hours to reorganize a bucket with 80 types into a new bucket with 80 collections.

    If you alter this function and attempt to run this Eventing function in a single bucket you will have to disable recursion checks. Refer to Disabling infinite recursion checks. In this case, always test your Eventing Function on a non-production system to ensure you do not mistakenly create an infinite recursion loop.
    // To run configure the settings for this Function, ConvertBucketToCollections, as follows: // // Version 7.1+ // "Function Scope" // *.* (or try beer-sample.data if non-privileged) // Version 7.0+ // "Listen to Location" // beer-sample.data.source // "Eventing Storage" // rr100.eventing.metadata // Binding(s) // 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access" // "bucket alias", "src_col", "beer-sample._default._default", "read and write" // "bucket alias", "brewery_col", "bulk.data.brewery", "read and write" // "bucket alias", "beer_col", "bulk.data.beer", "read and write" // // 2. "binding type", "alias name...", "value", // "Constant alias", "DO_COPY", true // "Constant alias", "DO_DELETE", true // // Version 6.6.2 (not applicable) // Upgrades `beer-sample` from a bucket paradigm to a collection/keyspace paradigm. function OnUpdate(doc, meta) { if (doc.type === 'beer') { if (DO_COPY) beer_col[meta.id] = doc; if (DO_DELETE) { if (!beer_col[meta.id]) { // safety check log("skip delete copy not found type=" + doc.type + ", meta.id=" + meta.id); } else { delete src_col[meta.id]; } } } if (doc.type === 'brewery') { if (DO_COPY) brewery_col[meta.id] = doc; if (DO_DELETE) { if (!brewery_col[meta.id]) { // safety check log("skip delete copy not found type=" + doc.type + ", meta.id=" + meta.id); } else { delete src_col[meta.id]; } } } }