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Scopes can be dropped, by means of the REST API.


Scopes are dropped by means of the DELETE /pools/default/buckets/<bucket_name>/scopes/<scope_name> HTTP method and URI.

HTTP Method and URI

DELETE /pools/default/buckets/<bucket_name>/scopes/<scope_name>


The curl syntax is as follows:

curl -X DELETE -v -u [admin]:[password]

The <bucket-name> path-parameter specifies the bucket whose scope is to be dropped. The <scope-name> path-parameter specifies the scope that is to be dropped.


Success returns 200 OK. Failure to authenticate gives 401 Unauthorized. A malformed URI fails with 404 Object Not Found. If the scope-name is improperly specified, a notification such as "name":"Length must be in range from 1 to 30" or "name":"Can only contain characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and the following symbols _ - %" is displayed. See Scopes and Collections, for an account of naming conventions.


Curl request example:

curl -X DELETE -v -u Administrator:password \\

If successful, the call returns a UID. For example:


See Also

An overview of scopes and collections is provided in Scopes and Collections. Step-by-step procedures for management are provided in Manage Scopes and Collections. See also the CLI reference page for the collection-manage command.