March 16, 2025
+ 12
Trusted CA (or 'root') certificates previously loaded into the Couchbase-Server cluster can be deleted.

Http Method and URI

DELETE /pools/default/trustedCAs/<id>


Removes from the list of trusted CA certificates for the cluster the certificate with the specified id. The id can be retrieved by means of the GET /node/controller/trustedCAs method and URI: for information, see Get Root Certificates.

Removal fails if there is on the cluster at least one node certificate that is directly or indirectly (that is, by means of one or more intermediate certificates) signed by the specified certificate. Removal is idempotent.

Note that this API can be used only on clusters all of whose nodes are running Couchbase Server Version 7.1 or later. It cannot be used on clusters any of whose nodes is running a version of Couchbase Server prior to 7.1.

Either the Full Admin or the Security Admin role is required.

Curl Syntax

The curl syntax is as follows:

curl -X DELETE http://<ip-address-or-domain-name>:8091/pools/default/trustedCAs/<id>
 -u <username>:<password>

The id must be an integer that is the id of the certificate that is to be deleted: this can be retrieved as the value of the id key, in the array returned by GET /node/controller/trustedCAs. See Get Root Certificates.


Success returns 200 OK. If no root certificate corresponding to the specified id can be found, deletion fails with 404 Object Not Found; and the message Not found is displayed.

If an attempt is made to delete a root certificate that has signed a node-certificate that is currently in use, deletion fails with 400 Bad Request, and an error message such as: {"errors":{"_":"The CA certificate is in use by the following nodes:"}}.

Failure to authenticate returns HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized. Authentication with inadequate credentials returns 403 Forbidden, and an error message such as: {"message":"Forbidden. User needs the following permissions","permissions":["!write"]}.

A malformed URI returns HTTP/1.1 404 Object Not Found. An incorrect method returns HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed.


The following call removes from the list of trusted CA certificates for the cluster the certificate whose id is 3 :

curl -X DELETE -u Administrator:password

See Also

An overview of certificate management is provided in Certificates. Steps for certificate creation are provided in Configure Server Certificates and Configure Client Certificates.