Arithmetic Operators

  • reference
March 16, 2025
+ 12

Arithmetic operations perform the basic mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo within an expression or any numerical value retrieved as part of query clauses. Additionally, SQL++ provides a negation operation which changes the sign of a value.

These arithmetic operators only operate on numbers. In SQL++, arithmetic operators have their usual meaning. However, in any of these expressions:

  • If any operand is MISSING, the value of the expression is MISSING.

  • If any operand is NULL and no operand is MISSING, the value of the expression is NULL.

  • If any operand is not a number, the operator evaluates to NULL.


There are six different arithmetic syntaxes:

arithmetic-term ::= expr '+' expr |
                    expr '-' expr |
                    expr '*' expr |
                    expr '/' expr |
                    expr '%' expr |
                    '-' expr
Syntax diagram
Operator Description


Add values.


Subtract right value from left value.


Multiply values.


Divide left value by right value.


Modulo. Divide left value by right value and return the remainder.

NOTE: Modulo is an integer operator and will use only the integer part of each value.


Negate value.


expr1, expr2

Number or an expression that results in a number value.

Return Value

A number, representing the value of the arithmetic operation.


To try the examples in this section, set the query context to the inventory scope in the travel sample dataset. For more information, see Query Context.

Example 1. Select the longest flight and return its two airports and the distance in feet
SELECT sourceairport, destinationairport, ROUND(distance) AS DistanceInMiles, ROUND(distance)*5280 AS DistanceInFeet FROM route ORDER BY distance DESC LIMIT 1;
[ { "DistanceInFeet": 72906240, "DistanceInMiles": 13808, "destinationairport": "DFW", "sourceairport": "SYD" } ]
Example 2. Select the modulo of 5 and 3 and compare to the modulo of 5.4 and 3.4
Modulo with integers
SELECT 5 % 3;
[ { "$1": 2 } ]
Modulo with fractions
SELECT 5.4 % 3.4;
[ { "$1": 2 } ]

Refer to Comparison Operators for numeric comparisons.