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    The GROUP BY clause arranges aggregate values into groups, based on one or more fields.


    Use the GROUP BY clause to arrange aggregate values into groups of one or more fields. This GROUP BY clause follows the WHERE clause and precedes the optional LETTING, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses.


    group-by-clause ::= 'GROUP' 'BY' group-term ( ',' group-term )*
                        letting-clause? having-clause? | letting-clause
    Syntax diagram

    Group Term


    LETTING Clause


    HAVING Clause

    Group Term

    group-term ::= expr ( ('AS')? alias )?
    Syntax diagram

    At least one group term is required.


    String or expression representing an aggregate function or field to group together.


    Assigns another name to the group term. For details, see AS Clause.

    Assigning an alias to the group term is optional. If you assign an alias, the AS keyword may be omitted.

    LETTING Clause

    letting-clause ::= 'LETTING' alias '=' expr ( ',' alias '=' expr )*
    Syntax diagram

    [Optional] Stores the result of a sub-expression in order to use it in subsequent clauses.


    String or expression representing the name of the clause to be referred to.


    String or expression representing the value of the LETTING alias variable.

    HAVING Clause

    having-clause ::= 'HAVING' cond
    Syntax diagram

    [Optional] To return items where aggregate values meet the specified conditions.


    String or expression representing the clause of aggregate values.


    GROUP BY works only on a group key or aggregate function.

    A query needs a predicate on a leading index key to ensure that the optimizer can select a secondary index for the query. Without a matching predicate, the query will use the primary index. The simplest predicate is WHERE leading-index-key IS NOT MISSING. This is usually only necessary in queries which do not otherwise have a WHERE clause; for example, some GROUP BY and aggregate queries. For more details, refer to Index Selection.


    Example 1. Group the unique landmarks by city and list the top 4 cities with the most landmarks in descending order
    SELECT city City, COUNT(DISTINCT name) LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
    GROUP BY city
    ORDER BY LandmarkCount DESC
    LIMIT 4;
        "City": "San Francisco",
        "LandmarkCount": 797
        "City": "London",
        "LandmarkCount": 443
        "City": "Los Angeles",
        "LandmarkCount": 284
        "City": "San Diego",
        "LandmarkCount": 197
    Example 2. Use LETTING to find cities that have a minimum number of things to see
    SELECT city City, COUNT(DISTINCT name) LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
    GROUP BY city
    LETTING MinimumThingsToSee = 400
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT name) > MinimumThingsToSee;
        "City": "London",
        "LandmarkCount": 443
        "City": "San Francisco",
        "LandmarkCount": 797
    Example 3. Use HAVING to specify cities that have more than 180 landmarks
    SELECT city City, COUNT(DISTINCT name) LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
    GROUP BY city
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT name) > 180;
        "City": "London",
        "LandmarkCount": 443
        "City": "Los Angeles",
        "LandmarkCount": 284
        "City": "San Francisco",
        "LandmarkCount": 797
        "City": "San Diego",
        "LandmarkCount": 197
    The above HAVING clause must use the aggregate function COUNT instead of its alias LandmarkCount.
    Example 4. Use HAVING to specify landmarks that begin with an "S" or higher
    SELECT city City, COUNT(DISTINCT name) LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
    GROUP BY city
    HAVING city > "S"
    ORDER BY city;
        "City": "Sacramento",
        "LandmarkCount": 2
        "City": "Saint Albans",
        "LandmarkCount": 5
        "City": "Saint Andrews",
        "LandmarkCount": 13
        "City": "Saint Annes Head",
        "LandmarkCount": 1
    // ...

    (execution: 1s docs: 138)

    Example 5. Using WHERE yields the same results as HAVING, however, WHERE is faster
    SELECT city City, COUNT(DISTINCT name) LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
    WHERE city > "S"
    GROUP BY city
    ORDER BY city;
        "City": "Sacramento",
        "LandmarkCount": 2
        "City": "Saint Albans",
        "LandmarkCount": 5
        "City": "Saint Andrews",
        "LandmarkCount": 13
        "City": "Saint Annes Head",
        "LandmarkCount": 1
    // ...

    (execution: 480.2ms docs: 138)

    The WHERE clause is faster because WHERE gets processed before any GROUP BY and doesn’t have access to aggregated values. HAVING gets processed after GROUP BY and is used to constrain the resultset to only those with aggregated values.
    Example 6. Using an alias for a group term
    SELECT Hemisphere, COUNT(DISTINCT name) AS LandmarkCount
    FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark AS l
      WHEN l.geo.lon <0 THEN "West"
      ELSE "East"
    END AS Hemisphere;
        "Hemisphere": "East",
        "LandmarkCount": 459
        "Hemisphere": "West",
        "LandmarkCount": 3885
    The CASE expression categorizes each landmark into the Western hemisphere if its longitude is negative, or the Eastern hemisphere otherwise. The alias in the GROUP BY clause enables you to refer to the CASE expression in the SELECT clause.