Run a Geospatial Search Query with the REST API and curl/HTTP

  • how-to
    Search for geospatial data in your Couchbase Server database with a compatible Search index, the REST API and curl/HTTP.

    For more information about how the Search Service scores documents in search results, see Scoring for Search Queries.


    • You have the Search Service enabled on a node in your database. For more information about how to deploy a new node and Services on your database, see Manage Nodes and Clusters.

    • You have a bucket with scopes and collections in your database. For more information about how to create a bucket, see Create a Bucket.

    • You have documents in your database that contain geospatial data.

      For more information about the supported data types, see geopoint or geoshape.

    • Your user account has the Search Admin role for the bucket where you want to create the Search index.

      If you only want to run a search, you only need the Search Reader role.

    • You installed the Couchbase command-line tool (CLI).

    • You have the hostname or IP address for the node in your database where you’re running the Search Service. For more information about where to find the IP address for your node, see List Cluster Nodes.


    To run a geospatial Search query, create a Search index with a geospatial type mapping.

    Create a Search Index with a Geospatial Type Mapping

    To create the Search index with a geospatial type mapping:

    1. Create a Search Index with the REST API and curl/HTTP with the following JSON payload, replacing all placeholder values that start with a $:

        "type": "fulltext-index",
        "name": "$INDEX_NAME",
        "sourceType": "gocbcore",
        "sourceName": "$BUCKET_NAME",
        "planParams": {
          "maxPartitionsPerPIndex": 1024,
          "indexPartitions": 1
        "params": {
          "doc_config": {
            "docid_prefix_delim": "",
            "docid_regexp": "",
            "mode": "scope.collection.type_field",
            "type_field": "type"
          "mapping": {
            "analysis": {},
            "default_analyzer": "standard",
            "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional",
            "default_field": "_all",
            "default_mapping": {
              "dynamic": true,
              "enabled": false
            "default_type": "_default",
            "docvalues_dynamic": false,
            "index_dynamic": true,
            "store_dynamic": false,
            "type_field": "_type",
            "types": {
              "$SCOPE_NAME.$COLLECTION_NAME": {
                "dynamic": true,
                "enabled": true,
                "properties": {
                  "$FIELD_NAME": {
                    "dynamic": false,
                    "enabled": true,
                    "fields": [
                        "include_in_all": true,
                        "index": true,
                        "name": "$FIELD_NAME",
                        //Replace with "geoshape" if your field contains GeoJSON data, instead.
                        "type": "geopoint" 
          "store": {
            "indexType": "scorch",
            "segmentVersion": 15,
            "spatialPlugin": "s2"
        "sourceParams": {}

    Run a Geospatial Search Query

    To run a Search query against the Search index:

    1. In your command-line tool, enter a curl command with the XPOST verb.

    2. Set your header content to include "Content-Type: application/json".

    3. Enter your username, password, and the Search Service endpoint on port 8094 with the name of the index you want to query:

      curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD} http://${CB_HOSTNAME}:8094/api/bucket/${BUCKET-NAME}/scope/${SCOPE-NAME}/index/${INDEX-NAME}/query -d \

      To use SSL, use the https protocol in the Search Service endpoint URL and port 18094.

    4. Enter the JSON payload for your query.

    Example: Geopoint Query

    For example, the following query searches a geospatial field, geo, for any locations within a 100 mile radius of the coordinates -2.235143, 53.482358 with a Distance/Radius-Based Geopoint Query:

    curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD} http://${CB_HOSTNAME}:8094/api/bucket/${BUCKET-NAME}/scope/${SCOPE-NAME}/index/${INDEX-NAME}/query 
        -d '{
          "from": 0,
          "size": 10,
          "query": {
            "location": {
              "lon": -2.235143,
              "lat": 53.482358
              "distance": "100mi",
              "field": "geo"
          "sort": [
              "by": "geo_distance",
              "field": "geo",
              "unit": "mi",
              "location": {
              "lon": -2.235143,
              "lat": 53.482358

    If the REST API call is successful, the Search Service returns a 200 OK. Using the landmark collection, the query can return the following JSON response:

        "status": {
            "total": 1,
            "failed": 0,
            "successful": 1
        "hits": [
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17411",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?E#9\u003eN\u000c\"e"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17409",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?O~i*(kD,"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17403",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?Sg*|/t\u001f\u0002"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17410",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?Z3T6 \u0010\u0019@"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17412",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?]-\u000fm?\u000b\u0014#"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17408",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?^DV7\u0014t:^"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17406",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?_\u003c\u00009\u001eW\u0013\u0012"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17397",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?c\u001cx\u0010n\u0016Wl"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17407",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?c!7\u0001@SwS"
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_78125822b3de7be3_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_17391",
                "score": 0.009274733001968816,
                "sort": [
                    " \u0001?dgzZ[\u0007;y"
                "partial_match": true
        "total_hits": 640,
        "cost": 157249,
        "max_score": 0.17106779096990765,
        "took": 15349178,
        "facets": null

    Example: GeoJSON Query

    To run the following example against the landmark collection in the travel-sample dataset, run the following SQL++ query from the Query Workbench:

    UPDATE `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
        SET geojson = { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [geo.lon,] }
        WHERE geo IS NOT null;

    For example, the following query searches a geospatial field, geojson, for any locations within a defined shape with a Polygon GeoJSON Query:

    curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -u ${CB_USERNAME}:${CB_PASSWORD} http://${CB_HOSTNAME}:8094/api/bucket/${BUCKET-NAME}/scope/${SCOPE-NAME}/index/${INDEX-NAME}/query 
        -d '{
            "query": {
                "field": "geojson",
                "geometry": {
                    "shape": {
                        "coordinates": [
                        "type": "Polygon"
                    "relation": "within"

    If the REST API call is successful, the Search Service returns a 200 OK. Using the landmark collection, the query can return the following JSON response:

        "status": {
            "total": 1,
            "failed": 0,
            "successful": 1
        "hits": [
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_40010",
                "score": 0.1332053777355554,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_40011",
                "score": 0.1332053777355554,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_554",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_11323",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_37316",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_581",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_15903",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_570",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_566",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
                "index": "travel-sample.inventory.geo-index_642c3761fc0a2c73_4c1c5584",
                "id": "landmark_22565",
                "score": 0.016920542554627847,
                "sort": [
                "partial_match": true
        "total_hits": 257,
        "cost": 35339,
        "max_score": 0.1332053777355554,
        "took": 10019436,
        "facets": null

    Next Steps

    You can customize your Search index to improve search results and performance.

    You can also:

    If you want to add autocomplete to your database’s search, see Use Autocomplete with the Search Service.