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A repository that continues to exist on disk, but has been deleted from the Backup Service, can be imported back into the Backup Service.

HTTP Methods and URIs

POST /cluster/self/repository/import


Imports into the Backup Service of the host cluster a repository that was previously deleted, but which has continued to exist on disk, in a location accessible by the cluster’s Backup-Service nodes.

Curl Syntax

curl -X POST http://<backup-node-ip-address-or-domain-name>:8097/cluster/self/repository/import
  -u -u <username>:<password>
  -d <repository-specification>

The username and password must be those of a user with the Full Admin role. The repository-specification must be a JSON document that provides the following:

  • The id under which the repository was saved to disk. For example, quarterHourBackups.

  • The name of the repository. For example, 5efb4b57-b033-4e84-9671-a35a0ac6dace.

  • The location of the repository. For example, /Users/user/Documents/archives/quarterHourRepo.

Syntactically, the repository-specification is as follows:

  "id": <repository-id>,
  "repo": <repository-name>,
  "archive": <repository-location>

Cloud-Specific Parameters

The following, additional parameters are provided, for defining a repository that uses cloud-based storage:

  • cloud_credential_name. A string that is a set of registered credentials for the cloud. If this is not specified, and cloud-storage is to be accessed, either the cloud_credentials_key or the cloud_credentials_id must be specified instead.

  • cloud_staging_dir. The location to be used as a staging directory. This must be specified, if cloud storage is to be used. The location must be directory on the local file system that is large enough to accommodate approximately 10% of the data set that is to be backed up. A minimum of 50 GB is recommended. The pathname of the location must be accessible to all nodes in the cluster that are running the Backup Service; but the location itself must be not be shared by NFS or any equivalent protocol. Instead, the location must be a non-shared directory on the local file system for the node.

  • cloud_credentials_id. An ID used to connect to object store. For AWS, this is the access key id.

  • cloud_credentials_key. A secret key used to connect to object store. For AWS, this is the AWS secret access key.

  • cloud_region. The AWS Region for the repository. For example, us-east-1, us-west-2.

  • cloud_endpoint. If provided, this overrides the default endpoint used for the cloud provider.

  • cloud_force_path_style. When provided, and using S3 or S3 compatible storages, this enforces the old S3 path style.


Success returns 200 OK. An improperly formatted repository-specification returns 400 Bad Request, and a message such as the following: {"status":400,"msg":"both archive and repository are required"}. An otherwise malformed URI returns 404 Object Not Found.

Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized. An internal error that prevents return or modification of the limits returns 500 Internal Server Error.


The following call imports into the Backup Service the repository located at /Users/user/Documents/archives/quarterHourRepo:

curl -X POST \
-u Administrator:password \
-d '{"id":"quarterHourRepo","repo":"5efb4b57-b033-4e84-9671-a35a0ac6dace","archive":"/Users/user/Documents/archives/quarterHourRepo"}'

Success returns 200 OK, and the repository is imported into the Backup Service.

The following call imports into the Backup Service the cloud-based repository located at s3://my-example-bucket/test_backups:

curl -v -X POST \
-u Administrator:password -d '{"id":"import_test_repository", "archive":"s3://my-example-bucket/test_backups", "repo":"43842820-7265-412c-aacd-9b8f209ff436", "cloud_staging_dir":"/backups_staging/test_backups_staging",

Success returns 200 OK, and the repository is imported into the Backup Service.

See Also

An overview of the Backup Service is provided in Backup Service. A step-by-step guide to using Couchbase Web Console to configure and use the Backup Service is provided in Manage Backup and Restore. For information on archiving a repository, see Archive a Repository. For information on deleting a repository from the Backup Service, see Delete a Repository.