March 16, 2025
+ 12
Add additional parameters to a Vector Search REST API call to tune the search for recall or accuracy.

You cannot use Vector Search on Windows platforms. You can use Vector Search on Linux from Couchbase Server version 7.6.0 and MacOS from version 7.6.2.

You can still use other features of the Search Service.

The Search Service automatically tunes your Vector Search indexes to achieve a balance between:

  • Recall, or the quality of your search results

  • Latency, or your search response time

  • Memory efficiency

This tuning occurs during indexing and querying. You do not need to adjust these parameters manually.

Specifically, the Search Service dynamically adjusts two critical vector parameters:

nlist, also known as Centroid count

The number of clusters used for indexing. Centroids are used to quickly find the surrounding closest matches in the Vector Search index. Increasing the number of centroids will increase accuracy but will decrease the speed of the search.

The nlist is determined dynamically based on the size of the dataset, or the number of vectors in a partition:

Number of vectors in partition (nvec) Centroid count (nlist calculation) Notes

nvec 200,000


This formula is designed to handle larger datasets where increasing the number of datasets does not yield significant improvements in recall.



This formula targets approximately 100 vectors per cluster, which balances between too few and too many clusters, ensuring efficient indexing.



For a number of vectors less than 1000, the Search Service will carry out a straight forward one-to-one mapping between IDs and vectors with an exact vector comparison. Vectors are directly stored without the need for additional processing for the nlist calculation.

nprobes (or probes)

This is the number of centroids that a Search query will check for similar vectors. The nprobe value is only set when the Search Service is using an Inverted File Index. The Search Service will select the best index type and comparison method depending on the size of the dataset and your vector_index_optimized_for setting.

For more information on the vector_index_optimized_for setting, see Search Index JSON properties.

Query optimization nprobe calculation Notes

Default calculation


This provides a balanced tradeoff between recall and latency by adjusting the number of clusters probed during queries.

Latency-optimized calculation (vector_index_optimized_for: latency)


A minimum value of 1 is enforced to avoid setting nprobe too low.

Default nlist and nprobe calculations on a Vector Search Index

The cluster maintains two dynamically adjusted parameters that will affect the speed, accuracy, and resources used during a search:


The percentage of clusters searched during queries, allowing for fine-tuning of the balance between recall and performance. If the value of nprobe is 5% of nlist (the centroid count), then setting the value of ivf_nprobe_pct higher than 5% will have the search cover a higher percentage of clusters, which will improve the accuracy of the search.


The value represents the percentage of centroids that will be visited during a search. Reducing the value reduces the number of centroids visited, which will decrease accuracy and recall, but will result in faster compute times. The default value is 100 (i.e 100% of the centroids will be visited during the search).

Example 1. Default calculation

If you have a Vector Search index with vector_index_optimized_for set to "recall" and indexPartitions set to 5, then the centroid count (nlist) and nprobe are determined based on the current vector count in a given partition.

Total vectors in index (optimization = recall)


Average vectors in a partition for 5 partitions total


centroid count (nlist) = 4×total vectors in index


nprobes = nlist


Calculated default: ivf_nprobe_pct


Calculated default: ivf_max_codes_pct

100% (default value)

Fine-Tuning Query Parameters

You can set the values of ivf_nprobe_pct and ivf_max_codes_pct in your Vector Search queries to tune the recall or accuracy of your search.

You can add the following parameters to your query:

Using tuning parameters
{ "fields": ["*"], "knn": [{ "k": 10, "params": { "ivf_nprobe_pct": 1, "ivf_max_codes_pct": 0.2 }, "field": "embedding", "vector": [0.024901132253900747, . . .] }] }

In the preceding example, the Search request returns results from any available fields in the index, but specifically searches the embedding field for the 10 closest matches to the vector [0.024901132253900747, . . .]. The vector in the Search request has been truncated to reduce the display size of the example. The parameters have been set to search 1% of the clusters, and 0.2 per cent of the centroids.