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The Backup Service REST API supports the restoration of data from an active, imported, or archived repository into either the host cluster or into another cluster running the Backup Service.

HTTP Methods and URIs

POST /cluster/self/repository/< "active" | "imported" | "archived" >/<repository-id>/restore


Documents from a specified repository are restored from that repository to the cluster. The repository can be active, imported, or archived. Details of the restoration must be specified as a JSON payload.

Curl Syntax

curl -X POST http://<backup-node-ip-address-or-domain-name>:8097/cluster/self/\
repository/< "active" | "imported" | "archived" >/\
  -u <username>:<password>
  -d <restore-specification>

The username and password must identify an administrator with the Full Admin role. The repository-id must be the name of an active, imported, or archived repository, according to the statement’s preceding path-parameter.

The restore-specification must be a JSON document containing the following:

  • The target, which is the IP address or qualified domain-name of the cluster onto which the data is to be restored. Note that this need not be the host cluster, and need not be a cluster running the Backup Service. Port 8091 should be specified.

  • The username and password of an administrator for the target cluster who has the Full Admin role.

  • Optionally, whether data that resides in one bucket (on the repository) is to be restored onto another (on the cluster). The default is for data to be restored to the same bucket.

  • Optionally, whether the intended destination bucket for the restore should be automatically created. The default value is false.

  • Optionally, whether empty collections should be removed from the restore. The default value is false.

  • Optionally, whether data for each specific service should be included or omitted from the restore. The default value is to include all.

  • Optionally, the first and last backups within the repository that are to be included in the restore, along with all backups that occurred in between them. The default is to include all backups.

  • Optionally, regular expressions to filter documents' keys and values, to constrain the documents that are included in the restore. The default is to apply no constraints.

  • Optionally, whether the bucket configuration from the repository should be restored to the bucket currently on the cluster. The default is not to restore the old configuration.

  • Optionally, whether earlier versions of documents (on the repository) should be permitted to overwrite later versions (on the cluster). The default is not to permit this.

  • Optionally, an updated timestamp for the keys. This should only be specified when a new expiration value is established for the documents to be restored; and must be set when all documents are granted a new expiration. The timestamp value can be specified either as a time in RFC3339 format, or 0: 0 means there is no expiration applied.

  • Optionally, a new expiration (time-to-live) value for the documents being restored. This parameter can either be set to none, all or expired; and should be only used when the timestamp for the documents is also updated. If none is specified, TTL values are not changed: this is the default. If all is specified, TTL values for all documents are replaced with the value of the new timestamp. If expired is specified, TTL values are changed only for documents that have already expired.

Syntactically, the restore-specification is as follows:

  "target": <ip-address-or-domain-name>":8091",
  "user": <username>,
  "password": <password>",
  "auto_create_buckets": < true | false >,
  "auto_remove_collections": < true | false >,
  "disable_analytics": < true | false >,
  "disable_data": < true | false >,
  "disable_eventing": < true | false >,
  "disable_ft": < true | false >,
  "disable_gsi_indexes": < true | false >,
  "disable_views": < true | false >,
  "end": <earliest-backup-to-include>,
  "filter_keys": <regular-expression>,
  "filter_values": <regular-expression>,
  "force_updates": < true | false >,
  "map_data": < old-bucket"="new-bucket >,
  "start": <latest-backup-to-include>,
  "enable_bucket_config": < true | false >,
  "replace_ttl": < "all" | "none" | "expired" >,
  "replace_ttl_with": < RFC3339-time-value | "0" >


Successful execution returns 200 OK, and a task-id for the restore.

If the specified repository cannot be located, 404 Object Not Found is returned, with an object such as the following: {"status":404,"msg":"repository res4tRepo does not exist"}.

If the call is improperly formatted, 400 Bad Request is returned; with an object such as the following: {"status":400,"msg":"invalid request body","extras":"invalid character '{' looking for beginning of object key string"}.

If an internal error prevents successful execution, 500 Internal Server Error is returned; with a message containing additional information on the error.

Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized. An incorrectly specified URI returns 404 Object Not Found.


The following example restores to the host cluster data from the Data Service currently contained in the active repository restRepo. The expression specifies start and end backups, and imposes filters on document keys and values. It also restores the data to a new bucket (ts7), to be automatically created by the Backup Service as part of the restore procedure.

curl -v -X POST\
repository/active/restRepo/restore \
-u Administrator:password \
-d '{"target":"","user":"Administrator","password":"password",

If successful, the call returns a task-id, such as the following:


See Also

An overview of the Backup Service is provided in Backup Service. A step-by-step guide to using Couchbase Web Console to configure and use the Backup Service is provided in Manage Backup and Restore.