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Buckets API

  • reference
    The Buckets REST API creates, deletes, flushes, and retrieves information about buckets and bucket operations.


    The bucket management and configuration REST API endpoints provide a fine level of control over the individual buckets in the cluster, their configuration, and specific operations.

    Table 1. Bucket endpoints
    HTTP method URI path Description Admin Role



    Retrieves all bucket and bucket operations information from a cluster.

    Full, Cluster, Bucket*



    Retrieves information for a single bucket associated with a cluster.

    Full, Cluster, Bucket*, Bucket A



    Retrieves bucket statistics for a specific bucket.

    Full, Cluster, Bucket*, Bucket A



    Creates a new Couchbase bucket.

    Full, Cluster



    Deletes a specific bucket.

    Full, Cluster



    Flushes a specific bucket.

    Full, Cluster, Bucket*, Bucket A

    "Bucket A" represents a bucket administrator for a single bucket, and Bucket* a bucket administrator with privileges for all buckets in the cluster.