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March 16, 2025
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The mcstat tool provides memory-related information for a specified bucket, or for all buckets on a cluster.


The mcstat tool provides memory-related information for a specified bucket, or for all buckets on a cluster.

The tool is located as follows:

Platform Location




C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\mcstats.exe

Mac OS X

/Applications/Couchbase Server.app/Contents/Resources/couchbase-core/bin/mcstats


mcstat [options]

The options are as follows:

Options Description

-h[=statkey]`or `--help[=statkey]

Show the help message and exit. If =statkey is not specified, the common options for the command are listed. If =statkey is specified, the available statkeys for the command are listed instead.

-h or --hostname, with the parameter <hostname[:port]> (for IPv4), or [address]:port (for IPv6)

The name of the host (and optionally, the port number) to connect to. If no port number is specified, either a number specified with the -p option, is used, or the default 11210 is used.

-p or --port <port>

Optionally, the port number to connect to. If unspecified, the default 11210 is used.

-b <bucketname>

The bucket whose statistics are to be retrieved. If not specified, an error is returned, unless the -a option is specified.


Return statistics for each bucket on the cluster.

-u or --user <username>

The username to be used in authentication. Must be specified, unless a certificate and key are provided.

-P or --p <password>

The password to be used in authentication. Must be specified, unless a certificate and key are provided.


Optionally, authenticate by providing a certificate and key (instead of a username and password).

-4 or --ipv4

Connect over IPv4.

-6 or --ipv6

Connect over IPv6.

-j or --json

Print output as unformatted JSON.

-J or --json=pretty

Print output as formatted JSON.

-I or --impersonate <username>

Try to impersonate the specified user.


Print output without color.


Request one or more particular statistics. (Note that a list of available statistics can be returned with mcstat --help=statkey). If particular statistics are not specified, output is provided on all statistics.


The following call returns statistical information for workload and audit, on the travel-sample bucket for host

./mcstat -h -u Administrator -P password -b travel-sample -J workload audit

If successful, the command returns output as follows:

	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_AuxIO:InQsize": 1,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_AuxIO:OutQsize": 0,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_NonIO:InQsize": 536,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_NonIO:OutQsize": 0,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:InQsize": 1,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Reader:OutQsize": 0,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Writer:InQsize": 2,
	"ep_workload:LowPrioQ_Writer:OutQsize": 0,
	"ep_workload:num_auxio": 2,
	"ep_workload:num_nonio": 2,
	"ep_workload:num_readers": 4,
	"ep_workload:num_shards": 1,
	"ep_workload:num_sleepers": 12,
	"ep_workload:num_writers": 4,
	"ep_workload:ready_tasks": 0
	"dropped_events": 0,
	"enabled": false