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Integrate Couchbase with your development ecosystem and production and deployment tools.

Third-party and community products and integrations — although not by and large supported by Couchbase (see Support Model section) — are a vital tool for most larger development projects.

These are examples of integrations that Couchbase or partners have developed to enhance Couchbase, Capella, and partner services.

Partner Integrations

Table 1. Partner Integrations List
Integration Summary Links Capella Self-managed Support Model

Hashicorp Terraform

Deploy and manage your clusters with declarative configuration.

Partner Supported

Hashicorp Vault

Securely manage your credentials for database access.

Partner Supported


Use Couchbase Capella and Netlify Serverless Functions to handle dynamic content without needing infrastructure.

Couchbase Officially Supported


Easy build and deploy for your applications.

Couchbase Officially Supported

Molo17 GlueSync

Real-time, cloud-native data replication suite for NoSQL.

Partner Supported


Easily access live Couchbase data from BI, Analytics, Reporting, ETL, & Custom Apps.

Partner Supported

IDE Integrations

Table 2. IDE Plugins
Integration Summary Links Capella Self-managed Support Model

VS Code extension for Couchbase

A seamless experience for Couchbase Server users who want to work within the popular Visual Studio Code editor.

Couchbase Community Support

VS Code extension for Couchbase Lite

A seamless experience for Couchbase Mobile users who want to work within the popular Visual Studio Code editor.

Couchbase Community Support


Provides support for Couchbase in JetBrains IDEs —  to develop Couchbase applications, complete with code completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging support.

Couchbase Community Support

Data Tools

Import, export, and query data from the command line.

Table 3. Data Tools
Integration Summary Links Capella Self-managed Support Model

Couchbase Shell (cbsh)

Interactive shell, based upon nushell, which you can use to extract, transform, and load different data formats in Couchbase.

Couchbase Officially Supported (currently in Developer Preview)


Utility for importing data into Couchbase databases. Included in self-managed Couchbase Server, or downloadable as part of the Capella Tools package.

Couchbase Officially Supported


Utility for exporting data from Couchbase databases. Included in self-managed Couchbase Server, or downloadable as part of the Capella Tools package.

Couchbase Officially Supported


A utility for backing up and restoring a Couchbase database.

Couchbase Officially Supported

Other Shells

Some languages, such as Ruby, come with REPLs (interactive shells) as standard — as is normal with many programming languages. Others have them available as Notebooks, such as Python, with Jupyter Notebook (which works with several different languages), through which you can interactively develop functionality for a Couchbase app, or blend with analytic tools and charts.

Big Data Connectors

Couchbase develops and supports connectors for:

  • Elasticsearch and OpenSearch

  • The Kafka Connect Framework

  • Apache Spark Data Processing Platform

  • The Tableau interactive data visualization platform

Couchbase ODBC and JDBC drivers enable any application based on the ODBC/JDBC standards, for example Microsoft Excel, QlikView, or SAP Lumira, as well as Tableau, to connect to a Couchbase Server or cluster.

Table 4. Big Data Connectors
Connector Summary Docs Source Other Integrations Support Model


Replicate your documents from Couchbase Server or Capella to Elasticsearch or OpenSearch in near real time.

Getting Started docs

Release notes & download links

AO Mode

Couchbase Officially Supported


A plug-in for the Kafka Connect framework, which provides source and sink components.

Kafka connector docs

GitHub repo

Use cases

Couchbase Officially Supported


Connect to the scalable computing engine for Big Data.

Couchbase Spark docs

Couchbase Spark Connector on GitHub

Apache Spark Notebook

Couchbase Officially Supported


Integrate Couchbase Server tabular views and the Tableau interactive data visualization platform.

Tableau connector docs

Tableau Desktop Downloads

Other Tableau Integrations

Couchbase Officially Supported

SDK Language Ecosystem

Couchbase has SDKs in ten popular languages — C, C# (.NET), Go, Java, Kotlin, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Scala.

If you develop in one of these languages, you may be interested in (or already using) other libraries in that language’s ecosystem, and wondering if it will integrate with Couchbase.

There are too many third party integrations to evaluate and list (and absence of a mention in these pages is no judgement on importance or quality), but the following are well worth investigating:

While Couchbase can’t evaluate and list every possible third-party integration, we’ve provided a list of some you might consider in the sections below.

Table 5. Partner Integrations List
Integration SDK Language / Ecosystem Summary Links Capella Self-managed Support Model

Spring Data Couchbase

JVM (Java, Kotlin, Scala)

A familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for new datastores with store-specific features and capabilities. Key functional areas of Spring Data Couchbase are a POJO centric model for interacting with Couchbase Buckets and easily writing a Repository style data access layer.

Couchbase Officially Supported



ODM (Object Document Mapper) for Couchbase. Adds an abstraction layer over Couchbase Node.js SDK and significantly reduces the level of boilerplate needed during application development.

Couchbase Officially Supported



Extends the original Laravel classes to make an Eloquent model and Query builder with support for Couchbase.

Community Supported

Rails Cache Store


Speeds up your Rails application with caching — storing content generated during the request-response cycle and reusing it when responding to similar requests.

Community Supported

Support Model

Table 6. Support Model
Support Level Definitions

Partner Supported

This integration is developed and supported directly through the partner. Couchbase provides support for the Couchbase components and interfaces.

Couchbase Community Supported

Open source integration that is developed by Couchbase. Issues can also be raised in the relevant GitHub repositories or via Couchbase forums or Discord. Support is provided best effort by development team

Couchbase Officially Supported

Open source integration that is developed by Couchbase and officially supported. A subscription to the Enterprise Edition of Couchbase includes technical support with service level commitments via our 24/7 support organization. Issues can also be raised in the relevant GitHub repositories or via Couchbase forums or Discord.

Community Supported

Open source integration that is developed and supported directly by third party community contributor. Issues can also be raised in the relevant GitHub repositories.