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Manage the backup service plans.


couchbase-cli backup-service [--cluster <url>] [--username <user>]
    [--password <password>] [--client-cert <path>]
    [--client-cert-password <password>] [--client-key <path>]
    [--client-key-password <password>] [--output] plan [--list] [--get]
    [--remove] [--add] [--name <name>] [--description <text>]
    [--services <list>] [--task [<task> …​]]


Manage backup service plans.



List the backup plans.


Get the backup plan by name.


Remove a plan by name.


Add a new plan.


--name <name>

plan name.

--description <text>

An optional description provided when adding a new plan.

--services <list>

An optional comma separated lists of services to backup when adding a new plan.

--task [<task> …​]

One or more tasks to add to the plan. Tasks are given in JSON format. For more information see the examples below.


When specifying a host for the couchbase-cli command the following formats are expected:

  • couchbase://<addr> or couchbases://<addr>

  • http://<addr>:<port> or https://<addr>:<port>

  • <addr>:<port>

It is recommended to use the couchbase://<addr> or couchbases://<addr> format for standard installations. The other formats allow an option to take a port number which is needed for non-default installations where the admin port has been set up on a port other that 8091 (or 18091 for https).


This tool supports authenticating against a Couchbase Cluster by using certificate based authentication (mTLS authentication). To use certificate based authentication a certificate/key must be supplied, there a currently multiple ways this may be done.


An unencrypted PEM encoded certificate/key may be supplied by using: - --client-cert <path> - --client-key <path>

The file passed to --client-cert must contain the client certificate, and an optional chain required to authenticate the client certificate.

The file passed to --client-key must contain at most one private key, the key can be in one of the following formats: - PKCS#1 - PKCS#8

Currently, only the following key types are supported: - RSA - DSA


An encrypted PKCS#8 formatted key may be provided using: - --client-cert <path> - --client-key <path> - --client-key-password <password>

The file passed to --client-cert must contain the client certificate, and an optional chain required to authenticate the client certificate.

Currently, only the following key types are supported: - RSA - DSA


An encrypted PKCS#12 certificate/key may be provided using: - --client-cert <path> - --client-cert-password <password>

The file passed to --client-cert must contain the client certificate and exactly one private key. It may also contain the chain required to authenticate the client certificate.

Currently, only the following key types are supported: - RSA - DSA


To retrieve a summary of all plans run:

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  plan --list
  Name     | # Tasks | Services  | Default
  _daily   | 3       | all       | True
  custom   | 9       | Data      | False

This will show you the name of all the plans registered with the service as well as how many tasks the plans has and what services are included.

To retrieve more in-depth information of a singular plan you can use the --get action argument as shown below.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  plan --get --name _daily
Name: _daily
Description: This plan does a backup every hour and merge 6 hours as well as at the end of the week
Services: all
Default: False

Name                 | Schedule                      | Options
backup_hourly        | backup every hour at 00:00    | N/A
merge_every_6_hours  | merge every 6 hours at 00:30  | Merge from 0 to 0
merge_week           | merge every sunday at 23:40   | Merge from 0 to 7

To retrieve the information in JSON format add --output json before the plan key word.

To remove a plan use the action argument --remove as shown below. Note that only plans that are not being used by an active instance may be removed. To remove a plan that is being used, all the plans that use it must be archived first.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  plan --remove --name _daily

To add a plan use the action argument --add as seen below.

$ couchbase-cli backup-service -c -u Administrator -p password \
  plan --add --name new-plan --description "Optional description"
  --task '{"name":"t1", "task_type":"BACKUP", "full_backup": true, \
  "schedule":{"frequency": 1, "period": "HOURS", "job_type":"BACKUP"}}'
   --services data

The --description is an optional string of up to 140 characters that can be used to describe what the plan does. The --services flag defines what services should be backed up by the tasks in the plan, valid services are [data, gsi, cbas, ft, eventing, views]. Finally, the --task argument accepts JSON task objects. The task objects have the following schema:

    "name": "task-name",
    "task_type": "BACKUP", // it can be either BACKUP or MERGE
    "full_backup": true,   // optional field to make backup tasks full
    "merge_options": {     // optional field to configure what data to merge in merge tasks
        "offset_start": 1, // the offset on which to start merging in days
        "offset_end": 1    // the offset on which to end the merge based from the start in days
    "schedule": {
        "frequency": 5,
        "period": "HOURS",    // period can be [MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONDAY-SUNDAY]
        "job_type": "BACKUP", // either BACKUP or MERGE
        "time": "22:00"       // Optional time at which to run the tasks



Specifies the username to use when executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -u/--username argument on the command line.


Specifies the password of the user executing the command. This environment variable allows you to specify a default argument for the -p/--password argument on the command line. It also allows the user to ensure that their password are not cached in their command line history.


The path to a client certificate used to authenticate when connecting to a cluster. May be supplied with CB_CLIENT_KEY as an alternative to the CB_USERNAME and CB_PASSWORD variables. See the CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION section for more information.


The password for the certificate provided to the CB_CLIENT_CERT variable, when using this variable, the certificate/key pair is expected to be in the PKCS#12 format. See the CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION section for more information.


The path to the client private key whose public key is contained in the certificate provided to the CB_CLIENT_CERT variable. May be supplied with CB_CLIENT_CERT as an alternative to the CB_USERNAME and CB_PASSWORD variables. See the CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION section for more information.


The password for the key provided to the CB_CLIENT_KEY variable, when using this variable, the key is expected to be in the PKCS#8 format. See the CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION section for more information.



Part of the couchbase-cli suite