- reference
The BUILD INDEX statement enables you to build one or more GSI indexes that are marked for deferred building all at once.
By default, CREATE INDEX starts building the created index after the creation stage is complete.
However for more efficient building of multiple indexes, CREATE INDEX can mark indexes for deferred building using the defer_build:true
BUILD INDEX is capable of building multiple indexes at once, and can utilize a single scan of documents in the keyspace to feed many index build operations.
BUILD INDEX is an asynchronous operation. BUILD INDEX creates a task to build the primary or secondary GSI indexes and returns as soon as the task is queued for execution. The full index build operation happens in the background.
Index metadata provides a state field.
The index state may be scheduled for creation
, deferred
, building
, pending
, online
, offline
, or abridged
This state field and other index metadata can be queried using system:indexes.
You can also monitor the index state using the Couchbase Web Console.
If you attempt to build an index which is still scheduled for background creation, the request fails.
If you kick off multiple index build operations concurrently, then you may sometimes see transient errors similar to the following.
To work around this issue, wait for index building to complete (that is, for all indexes to get to the online state), then issue the BUILD INDEX command again. |
BUILD INDEX is also idempotent. On execution, the statement only builds indexes which have not already been built. If any of the indexes specified by BUILD INDEX have already been built, BUILD INDEX skips those indexes.
When building an index which has automatic index replicas, all of the replicas are also built as part of the BUILD INDEX statement, without having to manually specify them.
RBAC Privileges
User executing the BUILD INDEX statement must have the Query Manage Index privilege granted on the keyspace. For more details about user roles, see Authorization.
build-index ::= 'BUILD' 'INDEX' 'ON' keyspace-ref '(' index-term (',' index-term)* ')'

- keyspace-ref
(Required) Specifies the keyspace where the indexes are built. Refer to Keyspace Reference below.
- index-term
(Required) Specifies the indexes to build. Refer to Index Term below.
- index-using
(Optional) Specifies the index type. Refer to USING Clause below.
Keyspace Reference
keyspace-ref ::= keyspace-path | keyspace-partial

keyspace-path ::= ( namespace ':' )? bucket ( '.' scope '.' collection )?

keyspace-partial ::= collection

The simple name or fully-qualified name of the keyspace on which to build the index. Refer to the CREATE INDEX statement for details of the syntax.
Index Term
index-term ::= index-name | index-expr | subquery-expr

You can specify one index term, or multiple index terms separated by commas. An index term must be specified for each index to be built.
In Couchbase Server 6.5 and later, each index term may be an index name, an index expression, or a subquery expression. The BUILD INDEX clause may contain a mixture of the different types of index term.
Index Name
index-name ::= identifier

An identifier that refers to the name of an index.
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.airline(ix1, ix2, ix3);
Index Expression
index-expr ::= string | array

An expression that may be a string, or an array of strings, each referring to the name of an index.
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.airline('ix1', 'ix2', 'ix3');
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.airline(['ix1', 'ix2', 'ix3']);
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.airline('ix1', ['ix2', 'ix3'], ['ix4']);
Arrays of identifiers are not permitted.
Subquery Expression
subquery-expr ::= '(' select ')'

Use parentheses to specify a subquery.
The subquery must return an array of strings, each string representing the name of an index. See Example 4 for details.
For more details and examples, see SELECT Clause and Subqueries.
Create a set of primary and secondary indexes in the landmark
keyspace with the defer_build
CREATE INDEX idx_landmark_country
ON `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark(country)
WITH {"defer_build":true};
CREATE INDEX idx_landmark_name
ON `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark(name)
WITH {"defer_build":true};
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX idx_landmark_primary
ON `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark
WITH {"defer_build":true};
Query system:indexes
for the status of an index.
SELECT * FROM system:indexes WHERE name="idx_landmark_country";
"indexes": {
"bucket_id": "travel-sample",
"datastore_id": "",
"id": "d079aec40eb0c6cc",
"index_key": [
"keyspace_id": "landmark",
"name": "idx_landmark_country",
"namespace_id": "default",
"scope_id": "inventory",
"state": "deferred", (1)
"using": "gsi"
1 | The index is in the deferred state. |
Kick off a deferred build using the index name.
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark(idx_landmark_country) USING GSI;
Alternatively, kick off all deferred builds in the keyspace, using a subquery to find the deferred builds.
BUILD INDEX ON `travel-sample`.inventory.landmark (( (1)
SELECT RAW name (2)
FROM system:indexes
WHERE keyspace_id = 'landmark'
AND scope_id = 'inventory'
AND bucket_id = 'travel-sample'
AND state = 'deferred' ));
Note that it is only possible to kick off all deferred builds in a single collection — it is not possible to kick off all deferred builds in all collections in all scopes within a bucket.
1 | One set of parentheses delimits the whole group of index terms, and another set of parentheses delimits the subquery. In this case there is a double set of parentheses, as the subquery is the only index term. |
2 | The RAW keyword forces the subquery to return a flattened array of strings, each of which refers to an index name. |
Query system:indexes
for the status of an index.
SELECT * FROM system:indexes WHERE name="idx_landmark_country";
"indexes": {
"bucket_id": "travel-sample",
"datastore_id": "",
"id": "d079aec40eb0c6cc",
"index_key": [
"keyspace_id": "landmark",
"name": "idx_landmark_country",
"namespace_id": "default",
"scope_id": "inventory",
"state": "online", (1)
"using": "gsi"
1 | The index has now been created. |