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A Couchbase Cluster can be created and managed by means of the Couchbase Web Console, the CLI, and the REST API.

Cluster Management

A Couchbase cluster consists of one or more nodes, which are network-accessible systems each running an instance of Couchbase Server. The nodes are added to the cluster, one by one. From this point, buckets can be defined on the cluster, to store data items. Logs can be maintained, settings adjusted, backups scheduled, security measures applied, and Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR) performed, to ensure availability of data.

The pages in this section provide examples of how to perform all key Couchbase Server management tasks, using all available tools.

Couchbase Server Tools

Couchbase Server can be managed by means of Couchbase Web Console, the Command-Line Interface (CLI), and the REST API.

The CLI and REST API both allow the IP address or domain-name of a Couchbase Server-node to be specified, so that the target server is identified on the network. Both the CLI and REST API can be used in administrator-created scripts and programs, as well as on the command-line.

Couchbase Web Console is browser-based, and allows administrator-authentication at a login screen. Once granted access, the Full Administrator can view all nodes in the cluster; including details of assigned services, memory quotas, statistics, and more. (Such information can also be returned by specific CLI and REST calls.)

Couchbase Server enforces Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), whereby all users are assigned roles that correspond to privileges on system-resources. Credentials must therefore be passed with each CLI or REST call. Within Couchbase Web Console, features are made available based on the assigned roles of the authenticated user. See Roles for detailed information.

Note that Couchbase Web Console and CLI are themselves based on the REST API. By using the CLI with the -d (debug) option, the underlying REST method can be revealed in standard output. Developer Tools provided by a browser such as Chrome likewise show ongoing REST calls, while Couchbase Web Console is in use.

For a complete list of CLI commands, see the CLI Reference. For a complete list of REST API methods, see the REST API Reference. For an introduction to Couchbase Web Console, see Couchbase Web Console.