Set Up and Connect the Couchbase Java SDK

  • tutorial
    Set up the Couchbase Java SDK to connect and interact with your student cluster.


    Before continuing this tutorial, you must first:

    The easiest way to install and manage Java SDKs and Maven on your machine is through SDKMan.

    After following the instructions to install SDKMan, open a terminal window and run the commands sdk install java and sdk install maven to install the latest versions of Java and Maven.

    For more information about the Java SDK installation, see the full installation page.

    Set Up the Java SDK

    To set up the Java SDK:

    1. Create the following directory structure on your computer:

      📂 ~ (your home directory)
        📂 student
          📂 src
            📂 main
              📂 java
    2. In the student directory, create a new file called pom.xml.

      📂 ~ (your home directory)
        📂 student
        📃 pom.xml ⬅ here!
        📂 src
          📂 main
            📂 java
    3. Paste the following code block into your pom.xml file:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project xmlns=""
          <!-- The `<dependencies>` section of the code block lists all the libraries required to build your application. In the case of the student record tutorial, you only need the Couchbase client SDK. -->
    4. Open a terminal window and navigate to your student directory.

    5. Run the command mvn install to pull in all the dependencies and finish your SDK setup.

    You can now connect your Java SDK to your cluster.

    Connect the SDK to Your Cluster

    To connect to the cluster:

    1. In your java directory, create a new file called

      📂 ~ (your home directory)
        📂 student
          📃 pom.xml
          📂 src
            📂 main
              📂 java
                📃 ⬅ here!
    2. Paste the following code block into your file:

      import java.time.Duration;
      public class ConnectStudent {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // Calls `Cluster.connect` to create a channel to the named server 
              // (in this case, `localhost` is running on your local machine)
              // and supplies your username and password to authenticate the connection.
              Cluster cluster = Cluster.connect("localhost",
                      "username", "password"); 
              // The `cluster.bucket` retrieves the bucket you set up when you installed Couchbase Server.
              Bucket bucket = cluster.bucket("student-bucket");  
              // Most of the Couchbase APIs are non-blocking. 
              // When you call one of them, your application carries on and continues to perform other actions while the function you called executes. 
              // When the function has finished executing, it sends a notification to the caller and the output of the call is processed.
              // While this usually works, in this code sample the application carries on without waiting for the bucket retrieval to complete after you make the call to `cluster.bucket`. 
              // This means that you now have to try to retrieve the scope from a bucket object that has not been fully initialized yet. 
              // To fix this, you can use the `waitUntilReady` call. 
              // This call forces the application to wait until the bucket object is ready.
              // The `bucket.scope` retrieves the `art-school-scope` from the bucket.
              Scope scope = bucket.scope("art-school-scope");   
              // The `scope.collection` retrieves the student collection from the scope.
              Collection student_records = scope.collection("student-record-collection"); 
              // A check to make sure the collection is connected and retrieved when you run the application. 
              // You can see the output using maven.
              System.out.println("The name of this collection is " +; 
              // Like with all database systems, it's good practice to disconnect from the Couchbase cluster after you have finished working with it.

      You must re-run mvn install in your student directory whenever you make a change to a java file to rebuild your application.

    3. Open a terminal window and navigate to your student directory.

    4. Run the command mvn install to pull in all the dependencies and rebuild your application.

    5. Run the following command to check that the connection works:

      mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="ConnectStudent" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false

      If the connection is successful, the collection name outputs in the console log.

      Console showing successful connection to server

    If you come across errors in your console, see the troubleshooting page.

    Next Steps

    After setting up and connecting the Java SDK, you can add student and course records to your cluster.