Goal: Show how to access the Data Service when Eventing is listening to multiple collections. Couchbase Server 7.1.1
This function multiCollectionEventing demonstrates how to access the Data Service when using wildcard bindings.
Requires four (4) keyspaces in two buckets "rr100" and "source"
Needs two Bindings of type "bucket alias" (as documented in the Scriptlet).
Will operate on three test documents. Add them one at a time after the function is deployed.
Highlights the use of meta.keyspace
Input Data/Mutation
Output Log (reverse order)/Mutation
javascript// To run configure the settings for this Function, multiCollectionEventing, as follows:
// Setup four (4) required keyspaces in two buckets "rr100" and "source"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// source._default._default
// source.myscope.mycol1
// source.myscope.mycol2
// Version 7.1.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try source.* if non-privileged)
// "Listen to Location"
// source.*.*
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Create four (4) Bindings
// "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "bucket alias", "alias_ro", "source.myscope.*", "read only"
// "bucket alias", "alias_rw", "source.myscope.*", "read and write"
// Deploy the Function
// Create the following three (3) documents one at a time and inspect the Application log each time
// "bucket.scope.collection" KEY DATA
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// source._default._default doc0 {"data": "doc0"}
// source.myscope.mycol1 doc1 {"data": "doc1"}
// source.myscope.mycol2 doc2 {"data": "doc2"}
function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
log('>>>A IN',doc, meta);
// TEST GET with hardcode keyspace
var res1 = couchbase.get(alias_ro,{"id": "doc2", "keyspace":
{"bucket_name": "source","scope_name": "myscope","collection_name": "mycol2"}});
log('>>>B fixed read',"res1", res1);
// protect against reading from something outside the alias
if (meta.keyspace.scope_name == "myscope") {
// TEST GET with keyspace form meta
var res2 = couchbase.get(alias_ro,meta);
log('>>>C read using passed meta (must be myscope)',"res2", res2);
if (meta.keyspace.collection_name == "mycol2") {
// TEST UPSERT with hardcode keyspace
// add a field to the doc we read in res1
res1.doc.random1 = Math.random();
var res3 = couchbase.upsert(alias_rw,{"id": "doc2", "keyspace":
{"bucket_name": "source","scope_name": "myscope","collection_name": "mycol2"}}, res1.doc)
log('>>>D upsert',"res3", res3);
// TEST REPLACE with hardcode keyspace
res1.doc.random2 = Math.random();
var res4 = couchbase.replace(alias_rw,{"id": "doc2", "keyspace":
{"bucket_name": "source","scope_name": "myscope","collection_name": "mycol2"}}, res1.doc)
log('>>>E replace',"res4", res4);
// TEST GET with hardcode keyspace
var res5 = couchbase.get(alias_rw,meta);
log('>>>F get (show added fields)',"res5", res5);
// TEST DELETE with hardcode keyspace (so we can TEST the insert)
var res6 = couchbase.delete(alias_rw,{"id": "doc2", "keyspace":
{"bucket_name": "source","scope_name": "myscope","collection_name": "mycol2"}})
log('>>>G delete',"res6", res6);
// TEST INSERT with hardcode keyspace
// now remove the added items put thnigs back
delete res1.doc.random1;
delete res1.doc.random2;
var res7 = couchbase.insert(alias_rw,{"id": "doc2", "keyspace":
{"bucket_name": "source","scope_name": "myscope","collection_name": "mycol2"}}, res1.doc)
log('>>>H upsert',"res7", res7);
We want to create a small test doc set of three documents
Use the Query Editor to insert the above data items (you do not need an Index) add them one at a time and check the Eventing log each time.
n1ql UPSERT INTO source._default._default (KEY,VALUE) VALUES ( "doc0", {"data": "doc0"} );
UPSERT INTO source.myscope.mycol1 (KEY,VALUE) VALUES ( "doc1", {"data": "doc1"} );
UPSERT INTO source.myscope.mycol2 (KEY,VALUE) VALUES ( "doc2", {"data": "doc2"} );
logLOG/OUTPUT: KEY doc0 2022-07-28T17:02:04.599-07:00 [INFO] ">>>B fixed read" "res1" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false} 2022-07-28T17:02:04.597-07:00 [INFO] ">>>A IN" {"data":"doc0"} {"cas":"1659052924529868800","id":"doc0","expiration":0,"flags":0,"vb":642,"seq":6,"datatype":"json","keyspace":{"bucket_name":"source","scope_name":"_default","collection_name":"_default"},"cid":0} LOG/OUTPUT: KEY doc1 2022-07-28T17:03:52.902-07:00 [INFO] ">>>C read using passed meta (must be myscope)" "res2" {"doc":{"data":"doc1"},"meta":{"id":"doc1","cas":"1659053032885387264","datatype":"json"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:03:52.901-07:00 [INFO] ">>>B fixed read" "res1" {"error":{"code":1,"name":"LCB_KEY_ENOENT","desc":"The document key does not exist on the server","key_not_found":true},"success":false} 2022-07-28T17:03:52.898-07:00 [INFO] ">>>A IN" {"data":"doc1"} {"cas":"1659053032885387264","id":"doc1","expiration":0,"flags":0,"vb":389,"seq":9,"datatype":"json","keyspace":{"bucket_name":"source","scope_name":"myscope","collection_name":"mycol1"},"cid":8} LOG/OUTPUT: KEY doc2 Function Log - multiCollectionEventing 2022-07-28T17:04:37.807-07:00 [INFO] ">>>H upsert" "res7" {"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077807104000"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.806-07:00 [INFO] ">>>G delete" "res6" {"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077806055424"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.805-07:00 [INFO] ">>>F get (show added fields)" "res5" {"doc":{"data":"doc2","random1":0.7875783578859457,"random2":0.47914947531399843},"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077803827200","datatype":"json"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.804-07:00 [INFO] ">>>E replace" "res4" {"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077803827200"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.803-07:00 [INFO] ">>>D upsert" "res3" {"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077802516480"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.800-07:00 [INFO] ">>>C read using passed meta (must be myscope)" "res2" {"doc":{"data":"doc2"},"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077704474624","datatype":"json"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.799-07:00 [INFO] ">>>B fixed read" "res1" {"doc":{"data":"doc2"},"meta":{"id":"doc2","cas":"1659053077704474624","datatype":"json"},"success":true} 2022-07-28T17:04:37.797-07:00 [INFO] ">>>A IN" {"data":"doc2"} {"cas":"1659053077704474624","id":"doc2","expiration":0,"flags":0,"vb":140,"seq":38,"datatype":"json","keyspace":{"bucket_name":"source","scope_name":"myscope","collection_name":"mycol2"},"cid":9}