Manage Settings
Couchbase-Server settings can be established by the administrator.
Settings Overview
The settings for Couchbase Server can be accessed via Couchbase Web Console. Left-click on the Settings tab, in the left-hand navigation menu:

By default, this brings up the General settings panel. Along the upper, horizontal control-bar, multiple tabs appear, from which different settings-categories can be selected:

The tabs are:
General. Allows configuration of name, memory quotas, storage modes, and node availability for the cluster; and of advanced settings for the Index and Query Services These are described in General.
Auto compaction, whereby data on the server is automatically compacted if specified thresholds are met. These are described in Auto-Compaction.
Email Alerts, whereby users can be notified of critical system-events. These are described in Email Alerts.
Sample buckets, whereby buckets pre-populated with documents can be installed, for the purpose of experimentation and testing. These are described in Sample Buckets.