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A list of ongoing cluster tasks can be returned with the GET /pools/default/tasks HTTP method and URI. Additionally, a report on the last-completed rebalance can be returned with GET /logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=<report-id>.

HTTP methods and URIs

GET /pools/default/tasks

GET /logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=<report-id>


By means of GET /pools/default/tasks, ongoing cluster-tasks can be reported; with status, id, and additional information returned for each.

By means of GET /logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=<report-id>, a report can be returned, providing information on a completed rebalance. The required report-id is provided in the object returned by GET /pools/default/tasks.

Curl Syntax

curl -v -X GET -u <username>:<password>

curl -v -X GET -u <username>:<password>

The required report-id is provided in the object returned by GET /pools/default/tasks, as the value of lastReportURI.


For GET /pools/default/tasks, success gives the response code 200 OK, and returns an object containing information on the current status of ongoing tasks. See the examples provided below.

For GET /logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=<report-id>, success gives the response code 200 OK, and returns an object that contains a report on the last-completed rebalance. Specifying a report-id that cannot be found gives 200 OK, but returns an object signifying the error, as follows:

  "error": "enoent"

Specifying a report-id of incorrect length gives 400 Bad Request, and returns an object signifying the error, as follows:

  "errors": {
    "reportID": "Length must be in range from 32 to 32"

For both calls, failure to authenticate gives 401 Unauthorized.

Examples: Retrieving Cluster Tasks

The following examples show output returned in accordance with whether tasks are in progress; and if so, which.

No Tasks Underway

When the cluster has no tasks underway, the method verifies this. Here, the output is piped to the jq tool, to enhance readability.

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X GET \ | jq '.'

Output is as follows:

    "statusId": "28452d665fce646c98385fb590a30adc",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "status": "notRunning",
    "statusIsStale": false,
    "masterRequestTimedOut": false,
    "lastReportURI": "/logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=0c41dba637a8971b1aa921a89e851d83"

The default output indicates that no rebalance is underway. A statusId and task type are provided. The lastReportURI specifies the location of the report of the last rebalance to have been performed. See the Rebalance Reference, for further information.

Adding a Bucket

When a bucket is being added (in this case, the sample bucket beer-sample), status can be returned by entering the method in the standard way, specifying the IP address of the cluster, or localhost, as appropriate:

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | jq '.'

Output is as follows:

    "statusId": "1f05320a7b359e1672ffc8b7ee69a8b5",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "status": "notRunning",
    "statusIsStale": false,
    "masterRequestTimedOut": false,
    "lastReportURI": "/logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=0c41dba637a8971b1aa921a89e851d83"
    "status": "running",
    "type": "loadingSampleBucket",
    "bucket": "beer-sample",
    "pid": "<0.24849.21>"

The output indicates that no rebalance is underway, but that the loadingSampleBucket operation is ongoing.

Compacting a Bucket

When a bucket (in this case, the sample bucket beer-sample) is being compacted, the method can be used to return status as follows:

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X GET \
http://localhost:8091/pools/default/tasks | jq '.'

The following output is provided:

    "statusId": "28452d665fce646c98385fb590a30adc",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "status": "notRunning",
    "statusIsStale": false,
    "masterRequestTimedOut": false,
    "lastReportURI": "/logs/rebalanceReport?reportID=0c41dba637a8971b1aa921a89e851d83"
    "cancelURI": "/pools/default/buckets/beer-sample/controller/cancelBucketCompaction",
    "type": "bucket_compaction",
    "recommendedRefreshPeriod": 2,
    "status": "running",
    "bucket": "beer-sample",
    "changesDone": 177,
    "totalChanges": 682,
    "progress": 25

The output indicates that the beer-sample bucket is being compacted. Progress is reported in terms of changesDone, totalChanges, and a progress figure that is a percentage of total completion. A URI is provided for cancelling compaction, if required.

Rebalance Following Node-Addition

When rebalance is used to eject node from a cluster of three nodes, which has included and in addition to itself, and which is hosting the travel-sample and beer-sample sample buckets, the progress of the task can be retrieved as follows:

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X GET \ | jq '.'

Depending on at what point in the rebalance the method is run, the output might be as follows:

    "statusId": "1a51786a937213ac456d2f066f65c08a",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "subtype": "rebalance",
    "recommendedRefreshPeriod": 0.25,
    "status": "running",
    "progress": 1.531444089632196,
    "perNode": {
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 0.9765625
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 0.9784735812133072
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 2.639296187683282
    "detailedProgress": {
      "bucket": "beer-sample",
      "bucketNumber": 1,
      "bucketsCount": 2,
      "perNode": {
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 0,
            "docsTransferred": 0,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 0
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 2479,
            "docsTransferred": 135,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 323,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 340
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 2419,
            "docsTransferred": 82,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 161,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 332
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 1259,
            "docsTransferred": 0,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 161
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 2495,
            "docsTransferred": 61,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 162,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 331
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 1176,
            "docsTransferred": 8,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 162
    "stageInfo": {
      "data": {
        "totalProgress": 1.531444089632196,
        "perNodeProgress": {
          "ns_1@": 0.009765625,
          "ns_1@": 0.009784735812133072,
          "ns_1@": 0.02639296187683282
        "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:49:22.624-07:00",
        "completedTime": false,
        "timeTaken": 6854,
        "details": {
          "beer-sample": {
            "vbucketLevelInfo": {
              "move": {
                "averageTime": 3150.578947368421,
                "totalCount": 682,
                "remainingCount": 663
              "backfill": {
                "averageTime": 85.21875
              "takeover": {
                "averageTime": 67.2
              "persistence": {
                "averageTime": 57.01063829787234
            "replicationInfo": {
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 2495,
                "inDocsLeft": 2434,
                "outDocsTotal": 1176,
                "outDocsLeft": 1168
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 2419,
                "inDocsLeft": 2337,
                "outDocsTotal": 1259,
                "outDocsLeft": 1259
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 0,
                "inDocsLeft": 0,
                "outDocsTotal": 2479,
                "outDocsLeft": 2344
            "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:49:23.148-07:00",
            "completedTime": false,
            "timeTaken": 6329
    "rebalanceId": "b9a087fb3533d6ada22a1c43d8d09e24",
    "nodesInfo": {
      "active_nodes": [
      "keep_nodes": [
      "eject_nodes": [
      "delta_nodes": [],
      "failed_nodes": []
    "masterNode": "ns_1@"
    "type": "indexer",
    "recommendedRefreshPeriod": 2,
    "status": "running",
    "bucket": "beer-sample",
    "designDocument": "_design/beer",
    "changesDone": 1,
    "totalChanges": 7,
    "progress": 14

Note that the contents of the object differ significantly, once rebalance is in progress.

The response object provides a statusId that now corresponds to the ongoing rebalance operation. The value of progress is the value as it was at the time of running the method. A progress value is also given perNode: each value is a percentage — note that these percentages are displayed by Couchbase Web Console, when it is itself used to monitor rebalance. All progress values are represented as floating-point numbers with fourteen places. A detailedProgress object is also provided for each node, with indications of the status of documents and vBuckets: note that at any one time, this object indicates which of the buckets is currently being redistributed — in this case, it is beer-sample.

The stageInfo object provides information on Data-Service Rebalance Stages. A complete description of the fields is provided in the Rebalance Reference.

Note that a recommendedRefreshPeriod of 2 seconds is given. If the same method is entered subsequently, output indicates that progress has continued:

    "statusId": "1a51786a937213ac456d2f066f65c08a",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "subtype": "rebalance",
    "recommendedRefreshPeriod": 0.25,
    "status": "running",
    "progress": 60.58881772169409,
    "perNode": {
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 58.69140625
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 55.77299412915851
      "ns_1@": {
        "progress": 67.30205278592376
    "detailedProgress": {
      "bucket": "travel-sample",
      "bucketNumber": 2,
      "bucketsCount": 2,
      "perNode": {
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 0,
            "docsTransferred": 0,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 0
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 10517,
            "docsTransferred": 3620,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 223,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 326
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 10594,
            "docsTransferred": 2301,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 112,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 267
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 5236,
            "docsTransferred": 0,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 112
        "ns_1@": {
          "ingoing": {
            "docsTotal": 10485,
            "docsTransferred": 1782,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 111,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 282
          "outgoing": {
            "docsTotal": 5326,
            "docsTransferred": 463,
            "activeVBucketsLeft": 0,
            "replicaVBucketsLeft": 111
    "stageInfo": {
      "data": {
        "totalProgress": 60.58881772169409,
        "perNodeProgress": {
          "ns_1@": 0.5869140625,
          "ns_1@": 0.5577299412915852,
          "ns_1@": 0.6730205278592376
        "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:49:22.624-07:00",
        "completedTime": false,
        "timeTaken": 119473,
        "details": {
          "beer-sample": {
            "compactionInfo": {
              "perNode": {
                "ns_1@": {
                  "averageTime": 1883.333333333333
                "ns_1@": {
                  "averageTime": 131.3333333333333
                "ns_1@": {
                  "averageTime": 310
            "vbucketLevelInfo": {
              "move": {
                "averageTime": 4294.907624633431,
                "totalCount": 682,
                "remainingCount": 0
              "backfill": {
                "averageTime": 54.17595307917889
              "takeover": {
                "averageTime": 78.80994152046783
              "persistence": {
                "averageTime": 42.66529894490035
            "replicationInfo": {
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 2495,
                "inDocsLeft": 0,
                "outDocsTotal": 1176,
                "outDocsLeft": 0
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 2419,
                "inDocsLeft": 0,
                "outDocsTotal": 1259,
                "outDocsLeft": 0
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 0,
                "inDocsLeft": 0,
                "outDocsTotal": 2479,
                "outDocsLeft": 0
            "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:49:23.148-07:00",
            "completedTime": "2020-03-16T04:51:08.273-07:00",
            "timeTaken": 105125
          "travel-sample": {
            "compactionInfo": {
              "perNode": {
                "ns_1@": {
                  "averageTime": 0
            "vbucketLevelInfo": {
              "move": {
                "averageTime": 1198.556390977444,
                "totalCount": 682,
                "remainingCount": 549
              "backfill": {
                "averageTime": 44.24113475177305
              "takeover": {
                "averageTime": 44.74015748031496
              "persistence": {
                "averageTime": 31.35452322738386
            "replicationInfo": {
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 10485,
                "inDocsLeft": 8703,
                "outDocsTotal": 5326,
                "outDocsLeft": 4863
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 10594,
                "inDocsLeft": 8293,
                "outDocsTotal": 5236,
                "outDocsLeft": 5236
              "ns_1@": {
                "inDocsTotal": 0,
                "inDocsLeft": 0,
                "outDocsTotal": 10517,
                "outDocsLeft": 6897
            "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:51:08.455-07:00",
            "completedTime": false,
            "timeTaken": 13641
    "rebalanceId": "b9a087fb3533d6ada22a1c43d8d09e24",
    "nodesInfo": {
      "active_nodes": [
      "keep_nodes": [
      "eject_nodes": [
      "delta_nodes": [],
      "failed_nodes": []
    "masterNode": "ns_1@"

Note that the output indicates that, at this point, the travel-sample bucket is being redistributed. This indicates that redistribution of the beer-sample bucket has concluded.

The lastReportURI corresponding to the rebalance that has been performed must be retrieved by means of a subsequent call, once rebalance has concluded. This is described immediately below.

Example: Getting a Rebalance Report

A rebalance report can be retrieved by means of the URI specified as the value of lastReportURI. For example:

curl -u Administrator:password -v -X \
GET | jq

If successful, the content of the report is returned, and printed to standard output. The initial section might appear as follows:

  "stageInfo": {
    "data": {
      "totalProgress": 100,
      "perNodeProgress": {
        "ns_1@": 1,
        "ns_1@": 1,
        "ns_1@": 1
      "startTime": "2020-03-16T04:49:22.624-07:00",
      "completedTime": "2020-03-16T04:52:13.380-07:00",
      "timeTaken": 170757,
      "details": {
        "beer-sample": {
          "compactionInfo": {
            "perNode": {
              "ns_1@": {
                "averageTime": 1883.333333333333
              "ns_1@": {
                "averageTime": 131.3333333333333
              "ns_1@": {
                "averageTime": 310
          "vbucketLevelInfo": {
            "move": {
              "averageTime": 4294.907624633431,
              "totalCount": 682,
              "remainingCount": 0

A complete description of the fields in the stageInfo object is provided the in Rebalance Reference.

Rebalance Failure

If rebalance fails, the method can be used to retrieve the following confirmation of failure:

    "statusId": "1f05321a7b359e1743ffc8b7ee69a8b9",
    "type": "rebalance",
    "status": "notRunning",
    "errorMessage": "Rebalance failed. See logs for detailed reason. You can try rebalance again."

See Also

Examples of adding a node and rebalancing by means of the UI, CLI, and REST API are provided in Add a Node and Rebalance. The REST method and URI for rebalance is explained in Rebalancing the Cluster. The REST method and URI for bucket-compaction is documented in Performing Compaction Manually.

For additional information on retrieving the progress of the rebalance operation, see Getting Rebalance Progress. See the Rebalance Reference, for detailed information on downloading and reading rebalance reports.