Goal: Send notifications when an order scheduled to arrive, when it is shipped, and when it is delivered.
This function shippingNotifier demonstrates a shipping workflow.
Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection), and "active", "archive", "notify" collections.
Requires four buckets metadata, active (the source), archive, and a notify.
The "notify"collection can be used to integrate with SDK or Kafka to send notifications.
Will operate on any doc with type === "ship".
Will update the source document with key information on each notify.
Delivered the shipping recored is archived.
On each notify data is read from the "active" bucket for type === "cust" and type === "order" as needed to build the notification.
Note we could have used curl() to send the notify messages instead of using our staging bucket called "notify".
There are no try catch blocks and only limited error checking to highlight the functionality.
It is expected that the application that processes the "notify" bucket will purge the notification documents.
The notification history is stored in the shipping document and archived for all time.
Input Data/Mutation
Output Data/Mutation
javascript// To run configure the settings for this Function, shippingNotifier, as follows:
// Version 7.1+
// "Function Scope"
// *.* (or try bulk.data if non-privileged)
// Version 7.0+
// "Listen to Location"
// bulk.data.active
// "Eventing Storage"
// rr100.eventing.metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "act_col", "bulk.data.active", "read and write"
// "bucket alias", "arc_col", "bulk.data.archive", "read and write"
// "bucket alias", "snd_col", "bulk.data.notify", "read and write"
// Version 6.X
// "Source Bucket"
// source
// "MetaData Bucket"
// metadata
// Binding(s)
// 1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket", "Access"
// "bucket alias", "act_col", "active", "read and write"
// "bucket alias", "arc_col", "archive", "read and write"
// "bucket alias", "snd_col", "notify", "read and write"
function sendNotifySchedDelivCallback(context) {
// This is a normal sceduled delivery notificaton
// Look up the controlling ship: doc
var shipkey = context.id;
var shipdoc = act_col[shipkey];
if (shipdoc === null) {
// stale timer
// Make sure we are active and still need to send
if (shipdoc.type != "ship" || !shipdoc.active || shipdoc.notifys[context.idx].notifySent) return;
// Look up the realted order: doc
var orderkey = "order" + ":" + shipdoc.id;
var orderdoc = act_col[orderkey];
// Look up the realted cusomer: doc
var custkey = "cust" + ":" + orderdoc.cust_id;
var custdoc = act_col[custkey];
var notifyId = "ntfy" + ":" + context.idx + ":" + shipkey;
// log('shipdoc', shipdoc);
// log('orderdoc', orderdoc);
// log('custdoc', custdoc);
// log("notifyId",notifyId);
var senddoc = {
"notifyReason": context.item.notifyReason,
"first_name": custdoc.first_name,
"last_name": custdoc.last_name,
"email": custdoc.email,
"phone": custdoc.phone,
"items": orderdoc.items,
"utcOffset": shipdoc.utcOffset
// Add any special details
if (context.item.notifyReason === "scheduled delivery") {
senddoc["schedDelivTs"] = shipdoc.schedDelivTs;
} else
if (context.item.notifyReason === "delivered") {
senddoc["deliveredTs"] = shipdoc.deliveredTs;
} else
if (context.item.notifyReason === "shipped") {
senddoc["shippedTs"] = shipdoc.shippedTs;
// Write to send bucket -or- emit via cURL
snd_col[notifyId] = senddoc;
// Mark as sent
shipdoc.notifys[context.idx].notifySent = true;
// See if we are done and can archive this
if (shipdoc.delivered && context.item.notifyReason === "delivered") {
shipdoc.active = false;
// Yes we can archive write to archive bucket
arc_col[shipkey] = shipdoc;
// and remove
delete act_col[shipkey];
} else {
// No just update in the source bucket
act_col[shipkey] = shipdoc;
log("senddoc", senddoc);
function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
// Filter out non interesting items
if (doc.type != "ship" || !meta.id.startsWith("ship:") || !doc.active) return;
var nowMs = Date.now(); // this instant or now in ms.
var nowSec = Math.trunc(nowMs / 1000); // this instant or now in sec.
if (doc.shipped || doc.delivered) {
// these are events they do not need to be scheduled via a Timer
if (doc.shipped) {
if (doc.shippedTs === null) {
doc.shippedTs = nowSec;
var item = {
"notifyReason": 'shipped',
"notifyTs": nowSec,
"notifySent": false
if (doc.delivered) {
if (doc.deliveredTs === null) {
doc.deliveredTs = nowSec;
var item = {
"notifyReason": 'delivered',
"notifyTs": nowSec,
"notifySent": false
// Add to the notification array or history
// Write the source doc since we will sending an immediate notification
act_col[meta.id] = doc;
var context = {
"item": item,
"idx": doc.notifys.length - 1,
"id": meta.id
// There no need for a timer we can do this now since it is an event
// Look for any needed notifications in the future
for (var idx = 0; idx < doc.notifys.length; idx++) {
var item = doc.notifys[idx];
if (!item.notifySent) {
// JavaScript works in ms. BUT the doc's fields are in sec. - so convert and make a Date()
var fireAt = new Date(item.notifyTs * 1000);
// Make unique ref for this notification can overwrite/adjust or cancel
var notifyId = "ntfy" + ":" + idx + ":" + meta.id;
// Pass minimal data in our context, the callback will look everything else up.
var context = {
"item": item,
"idx": idx,
"id": meta.id
// We will always 'overwrite' this timer(s) notification by the Timer's
// reference_id (6.6.0+ required for this) on every mutation
// log("create/overwrite notification "+ notifyId, item);
createTimer(sendNotifySchedDelivCallback, fireAt, notifyId, context);
We want to create a test set of three (3) documents. Use the Query Editor to insert the the data items (you do not need an index).
For key "ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", you may want to adjust the timestamps as the times are in seconds since Unix epoch. Use a tool like https://www.dcode.fr/timestamp-converter or https://www.epochconverter.com/ . |
n1ql UPSERT INTO `bulk`.`data`.`active` (KEY,VALUE)
VALUES ( "order:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", {
"type": "order",
"id": "dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002",
"cust_id": 108998,
"items": [
"sku": "SK18768",
"descr": "Ticondorna pencils 12 pack",
"qty": 3
"sku": "SK89736",
"descr": "Sharpie large marker",
"qty": 1
VALUES ( "cust:108998", {
"type": "cust",
"id": 108998,
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "jon.smith@gmail.com",
"addr1": "1010 E. 100th Ave.",
"addr2": "Apt 101B",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"zip": 10000,
"phone": "+1 714-222-2222"
VALUES ( "ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", {
"type": "ship",
"id": "dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002",
"utcOffset": -420,
"orderTs": 1598214610,
"schedDelivTs": 1598486400,
"shippedTs": null,
"deliveredTs": null,
"notifys": [
"notifyTs": 1598450400,
"notifyReason": "scheduled delivery",
"notifySent": false
"exceptions": [],
"shipped": false,
"delivered": false,
"active": true
To fully exercise the logic, run the following steps(to re-run flush the 'active', 'archive' and 'notify' collections and redo the UPSERT the data):
Deploy the Function with a Feed Boundary from "Everything".
Wait for about 7-14 seconds (timers are high volume not wall clock accurate) and notice collection "notify" has our first notification (the timer was scheduled in the past).
The shipping document will be modified in collection 'active' as follows:
jsonUPDATED/OUTPUT: KEY ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "active" { "active": true, "delivered": false, "deliveredTs": null, "exceptions": [], "id": "dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", "notifys": [ { "notifyReason": "scheduled delivery", "notifySent": true, "notifyTs": 1598450400 } ], "orderTs": 1598214610, "schedDelivTs": 1598486400, "shipped": false, "shippedTs": null, "type": "ship", "utcOffset": -420 }
You will now have the first notificaton document in collection 'notify' as follows:
jsonNEW/OUTPUT: KEY ntfy:0:ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "notify" { "notifyReason": "scheduled delivery", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "jon.smith@gmail.com", "phone": "+1 714-222-2222", "items": [ { "descr": "Ticondorna pencils 12 pack", "qty": 3, "sku": "SK18768" }, { "descr": "Sharpie large marker", "qty": 1, "sku": "SK89736" } ], "utcOffset": -420, "schedDelivTs": 1598486400 }
The application log for the Eventing handler will show something like the following:
2021-07-18T21:17:51.715-07:00 [INFO] "senddoc" {"notifyReason":"scheduled delivery","first_name":"John","last_name":"Smith","email":"jon.smith@gmail.com","phone":"+1 714-222-2222","items":[{"descr":"Ticondorna pencils 12 pack","qty":3,"sku":"SK18768"},{"descr":"Sharpie large marker","qty":1,"sku":"SK89736"}],"utcOffset":-420,"schedDelivTs":1598486400}
In collection "active" mutate ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 by setting "shipped" to true.
The shiping document will be automatically modified in collection 'active' as follows:
jsonUPDATED/OUTPUT: KEY ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "active" { "active": true, "delivered": false, "deliveredTs": null, "exceptions": [], "id": "dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", "notifys": [ { "notifyReason": "scheduled delivery", "notifySent": true, "notifyTs": 1598450400 }, { "notifyReason": "shipped", "notifyTs": 1626668498, "notifySent": true } ], "orderTs": 1598214610, "schedDelivTs": 1598486400, "shipped": true, "shippedTs": 1626668498, "type": "ship", "utcOffset": -420 }
You will now have the second notificaton document in collection 'notify' as follows:
jsonNEW/OUTPUT: KEY ntfy:1:ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "notify" { "notifyReason": "shipped", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "jon.smith@gmail.com", "phone": "+1 714-222-2222", "items": [ { "descr": "Ticondorna pencils 12 pack", "qty": 3, "sku": "SK18768" }, { "descr": "Sharpie large marker", "qty": 1, "sku": "SK89736" } ], "utcOffset": -420, "shippedTs": 1626668498 }
The Application log for the Eventing handler will show something like the following
2021-07-18T21:21:38.547-07:00 [INFO] "senddoc" {"notifyReason":"shipped","first_name":"John","last_name":"Smith","email":"jon.smith@gmail.com","phone":"+1 714-222-2222","items":[{"descr":"Ticondorna pencils 12 pack","qty":3,"sku":"SK18768"},{"descr":"Sharpie large marker","qty":1,"sku":"SK89736"}],"utcOffset":-420,"shippedTs":1626668498}
In collection "active", mutate ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 again by setting "delivered" to true.
The shiping document will be removed from collections 'active' and archived to the collection 'archive' as follows:
jsonDELETE/OUTPUT: KEY ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "active" NEW/OUTPUT: KEY ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "archive" { "active": false, "delivered": true, "deliveredTs": 1626668622, "exceptions": [], "id": "dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002", "notifys": [ { "notifyReason": "scheduled delivery", "notifySent": true, "notifyTs": 1598450400 }, { "notifyReason": "shipped", "notifyTs": 1626668498, "notifySent": true }, { "notifyReason": "delivered", "notifyTs": 1626668622, "notifySent": true } ], "orderTs": 1598214610, "schedDelivTs": 1598486400, "shipped": true, "shippedTs": 1626668498, "type": "ship", "utcOffset": -420 }
You will now have the third and final notificaton document in collection 'notify' as follows:
jsonNEW/OUTPUT: KEY ntfy:2:ship:dea0fca2-e7b7-11ea-adc1-0242ac120002 in collection "notify" { "notifyReason": "delivered", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "email": "jon.smith@gmail.com", "phone": "+1 714-222-2222", "items": [ { "descr": "Ticondorna pencils 12 pack", "qty": 3, "sku": "SK18768" }, { "descr": "Sharpie large marker", "qty": 1, "sku": "SK89736" } ], "utcOffset": -420, "deliveredTs": 1626668622 }
The Application log for the Eventing handler will show something like the following
2021-07-18T21:23:42.248-07:00 [INFO] "senddoc" {"notifyReason":"delivered","first_name":"John","last_name":"Smith","email":"jon.smith@gmail.com","phone":"+1 714-222-2222","items":[{"descr":"Ticondorna pencils 12 pack","qty":3,"sku":"SK18768"},{"descr":"Sharpie large marker","qty":1,"sku":"SK89736"}],"utcOffset":-420,"deliveredTs":1626668622}
Note that with respect to the notifications that were created:
index 0 created a Timer that was fired immediately as it used a timer and was in the past.
notifyTs = 2020-08-26T14:00:00.000Z or Wed Aug 26 2020 07:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
index 1 was an event e.g. shipped was mutated to true (it didn’t need a Timer) and fired instantly.
shippedTs = 2021-07-19T04:21:38.000Z or Sun Jul 18 2021 21:21:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
index 2 was an event e.g. delivered was mutated to true (it didn’t need a Timer) and fired instantly.
deliveredTs = 2021-07-19T04:23:42.000Z or Sun Jul 18 2021 21:23:42 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)