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Create a Search Index with the REST API and curl/HTTP

  • how-to
March 23, 2025
+ 12
You can create a Search index with the Search Service API.

You must create a Search index before you can run a search with the Search Service.


  • You have the Search Service enabled on a node in your database.

  • You have a bucket with scopes and collections in your database.

  • Your user account has the Search Admin role for the bucket where you want to create the index.

  • You’ve installed the Couchbase command-line tool (CLI).

  • You have the hostname or IP address for your database.


To create a Search index with the REST API:

  1. In your command-line tool, enter a curl command with the XPUT verb.

  2. Set your header content to include Content-Type: application/json.

  3. Enter your username, password, and the Search Service endpoint on port 8094 with the name of the index you want to create:

    curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u $CB_USERNAME:$CB_PASSWORD http://$CB_HOSTNAME:8094/api/index/landmark-content-index -d \
  4. Enter the JSON payload for the settings you want in your index.

    Don’t include the uuid or sourceUUID parameters.

    If you remove the uuid and sourceUUID parameters, you can copy the Search index definition JSON payload from the Couchbase Server Web Console to use in your REST API call. For more information about how to create an index with the UI, see Create a Basic Search Index with the Web Console.

    In the following example, the JSON payload creates a simple index named landmark-content-index on the travel-sample bucket. It creates a type mapping for the inventory.landmark collection, with a child field, content:

    curl -s -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -u $CB_USERNAME:$CB_PASSWORD http://$CB_HOSTNAME:8094/api/index/landmark-content-index -d \ '{ "type": "fulltext-index", "name": "landmark-content-index", "sourceType": "gocbcore", "sourceName": "travel-sample", "planParams": { "maxPartitionsPerPIndex": 1024, "indexPartitions": 1 }, "params": { "doc_config": { "docid_prefix_delim": "", "docid_regexp": "", "mode": "scope.collection.type_field", "type_field": "type" }, "mapping": { "analysis": {}, "default_analyzer": "standard", "default_datetime_parser": "dateTimeOptional", "default_field": "_all", "default_mapping": { "dynamic": true, "enabled": false }, "default_type": "_default", "docvalues_dynamic": false, "index_dynamic": true, "store_dynamic": false, "type_field": "_type", "types": { "inventory.landmark": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "properties": { "content": { "dynamic": false, "enabled": true, "fields": [ { "docvalues": true, "include_in_all": true, "include_term_vectors": true, "index": true, "name": "content", "store": true, "type": "text" } ] } } } } }, "store": { "indexType": "scorch", "segmentVersion": 15 } }, "sourceParams": {} }'

    For more information about the available JSON properties for a Search index, see Search Index JSON Properties.

Next Steps

After you create a Search index, you can Run a Simple Search with the REST API and curl/HTTP to test your Search index.

If you want to edit your index with another REST API call, include the uuid parameter with the UUID the Search Service assigned to your Search index.

You can also Run A Simple Search with the Web Console or with one of the Couchbase SDKs: