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The cbft-bleve tool returns information on Moss and Scorch index partitions, and on Zap files.


cbft-bleve [command] [path] [argument] [--help]

The command specified as the principal argument to cbft-bleve can be any one of the following.

Command Description


Checks the contents of a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Counts the number of documents referenced by a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Prints to standard output the term dictionary for a specified field in a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Dumps the contents of a specified Moss index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Cannot be used on a Scorch index partition. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Lists the fields in a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Prints to standard output the mapping used for a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can also be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Executes a specified query against a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can also be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Prints to standard output the analyzers, tokenizers and other components used by a specified index partition. Can be used on a Moss index partition. Can also be used on a Scorch index partition, but only on platforms other than CentOS and Ubuntu Linux. Cannot be used on a Zap file.


Establishes that the index partition on which information is to be returned is a Scorch index partition. Can be used on a Scorch index partition, on any Couchbase-Server supported platform. Cannot be used on either a Moss index partition or a Zap file.


Estabishes that the specified path is that of a Zap file, on which information is to be returned. Can be used on a Zap file, on any Couchbase-Server supported platform. Cannot be used on either a Moss or a Scorch index partition.

When a value for command is not specified, --help prints help text to standard output, describing the acceptable values of command. When a value for command is specified, --help prints help text describing additional syntax entailed by the specified value (see Per Command Syntax, below).

The path is the filesystem path of an index partition or a Zap file: see Specifying Index Partitions, immediately below.

The arguments vary, according to the value specified for command. See the syntax and examples provided in cbft-bleve for Moss Indexes and cbft-bleve for Scorch Indexes.

Specifying Index Partitions

The Search Service divides each Full Text Index into partitions. The default number of partitions per index is six. For information, see Index Partitions.

Many of the commands that can be used with cbft-bleve take as their principal argument the filesystem path of an index partition. Index partitions are themselves directories. The name of each (whether it is a Moss or a Scorch index) is formed from the user-defined index-name, the uuid of the user-defined index, and the partition id: these are connected with underscores, and given the .pindex suffix. For example, myIndex_690ef363c7557832_13aa53f3.pindex.

Index partitions can be found in the following locations, on each node running the Search Service:

OS Location




C:\Program Files\couchbase\server\var\lib\couchbase\data\@fts\


/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/@fts/

To specify a Moss index partition, the pathname of the .pindex directory (located in one of the @fts directories listed above) should be given. To specify a Scorch index partition with any of the command-values listed above except scorch, the pathname of the .pindex directory (located in one of the @fts directories listed above) should be given. To specify a Scorch index partition by means of the scorch command-value, the pathname of the store subdirectory (located in the .pindex directory) should be given.

Some commands provide information on the Zap file provided with each Scorch-index partition. To specify a Zap file, the pathname of the .zap file itself (located in the store subdirectory, under the .pindex directory) should be given.

Note that on Linux and MacOS, supervisor permission may be required, to view and access index partitions: therefore, the sudo command should be used as appropriate.

Per-Command Syntax

Each of the top-level commands that can be specified as a value to cbft-bleve entails its own syntax. The scorch and zap values refer to a specified Scorch index and to its associated Zap file, respectively.

Syntax and command-line examples for cbft-bleve when applied to: