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Enabling and Disabling Auto-Failover

  • reference
March 23, 2025
+ 12
Auto-failover is enabled and disabled by means of the POST /settings/autoFailover HTTP method and URI.

HTTP method and URI

POST /settings/autoFailover


The POST /settings/autoFailover HTTP method and URI can be used to enable and disable auto-failover.

Auto-failover settings are global, and therefore apply to all nodes in the cluster. The Full Admin, Cluster Admin, or Backup Full Admin role is required, to establish the settings.

Curl Syntax

curl -X POST http://<ip-address-or-hostname>:8091/settings/autoFailover -u <username>:<password> -d enabled=[true|false] -d timeout=<number-of-seconds> -d maxCount=<number-of-nodes> -d failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled]=[true|false] -d failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod]=<number-of-seconds> -d canAbortRebalance=[true|false] -d failoverPreserveDurabilityMajority=[true|false]

The parameters are as follows:

  • enabled=[true|false]. Enables or disables automatic failover. Default setting is true. Setting enabled to false automatically sets failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] to false. Note that when enabled is set to false, the values supplied for any additional parameters (including failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] and canAbortRebalance) are ignored. The enabled parameter is required. Setting enabled to true requires that the timeout parameter also be specified.

  • timeout=<number-of-seconds>. Integer between 5 and 3600. Specifies the number of seconds that must elapse, with a node unavailable, before automatic failover is triggered. Default setting is 120. The timeout parameter can only be specified when enabled is set to true. This parameter and its values are ignored if the value for the enabled parameter is false.

  • maxCount=<number-of-nodes>. Specifies the maximum number of nodes to be automatically failed over before administrator-intervention is required The maximum value can be up to the number of configured nodes. The default value is 1. This parameter is optional, and is only supported by Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition. This parameter and its values are ignored if the value for the enabled parameter is false.

  • failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled]=[true|false] Allows the triggering of auto-failover when disk read-write attempts have failed continuously throughout at least 60% of the specified time-period. The default value for failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is false. A value for failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod] must be specified when failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is true.

  • failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod]=<number-of-seconds>. The specified value should be an integer between 5 and 3600. The default value (which is maintained while failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is false) is 120; but if failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is set to true, a value for failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod] must nevertheless be explicitly specified.

    If failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is not specified, but failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod] is specified, the following error message is generated: The value of "failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled]" must be true or false.

    If failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled] is false, but failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod] is specified, the value specified for failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod] is ignored.

    These parameters are optional, and are only supported by Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition. These parameters and their values are ignored, if enabled is set to false.

  • canAbortRebalance. Whether or not auto-failover can be triggered if a rebalance is in progress. This parameter is optional, and is only available in Couchbase Enterprise Edition. The value can be either true (the default) or false. The parameter and its value are ignored, if enabled is set to false.

  • failoverPreserveDurabilityMajority. Can be true or false (the default). If this setting is true, a node is not failed over if this might result in the loss of durably written data. For information, see Preserving Durable Writes.


Success returns 200 OK.

Incorrectly specified values are handled as follows:

  • If the value of enabled is neither true nor false, 400 Bad Request is returned, with the message The value of "enabled" must be true or false.

  • If the value of timeout is incorrectly specified, 400 Bad Request is returned, with the message The value of "timeout" must be a positive integer in a range from 5 to 3600.

  • If the value of timePeriod is incorrectly specified, 400 Bad Request is returned, with the message The value of "failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod]" must be a positive integer in a range from 5 to 3600.

Failure to authenticate returns 401 Unauthorized.


The following example enables auto-failover for the cluster, with a timeout of 72 seconds, and a maxCount of 2. It also enabled auto-failover on disk issues, and establishes the corresponding time period as 89 seconds.

curl -X POST -u Administrator:password \ \ -d 'enabled=true' \ -d 'timeout=72' \ -d 'maxCount=2' \ -d 'failoverOnDataDiskIssues[enabled]=true' \ -d 'failoverOnDataDiskIssues[timePeriod]=89'

See Also

For information on retrieving the current auto-failover parameter-values with the REST API, see Retrieving Auto-Failover Settings.

The Couchbase CLI allows auto-failover to be managed by means of the setting-autofailover command. For information on managing auto-failover with Couchbase Web Console, see Node Availability.

A full description of auto-failover is provided in Automatic Failover.

An overview of durability is provided in Durability. For information on establishing durability settings for a bucket, see Creating and Editing Buckets.