Install Couchbase Server

  • tutorial
March 16, 2025
+ 12
Install and set up Couchbase Server to continue following the Student Record System tutorial.


You can install and run Couchbase Server as a standalone application or as a Docker instance.


To download Couchbase Server as a standalone application:

  1. Go to the Couchbase download page.

  2. Go to Server  Couchbase Server Community.

  3. Select a Version and an OS and click Download.

After Couchbase Server is finished downloading, follow the instructions to install it on your machine.


To download Couchbase Server as a Docker instance:

  1. Download Docker.

  2. Open a terminal window and run this command to provision the server image, set up the storage location, and run the server:

    docker run -t --name db -p 8091-8096:8091-8096 -p 11210-11211:11210-11211 \

Set Up a Cluster

Couchbase Server can run as its own cluster or join another cluster to form a multi-node system. For this tutorial, your server runs as a single node.

To set up a cluster:

  1. Make sure your Couchbase Server is running.

  2. In your browser, go to to access your server’s configuration page.

  3. Click Setup New Cluster.

  4. For your cluster name, enter student-cluster.

  5. For your username, enter username.

  6. For your password, enter password.

  7. Click Next: Accept Terms.

  8. Accept the terms and conditions and click Finish With Defaults to access the Dashboard page.

Next Steps

After installing Couchbase Server and setting up a cluster, you can implement a data model.