Manage Backup Configuration

      This method lets you get and set the rotation size for Backup Service history.

      HTTP Methods and URIs

      Get the current rotation configuration:

      GET /api/v1/config

      Apply a new configuration:

      POST /api/v1/config
      Table 1. POST Parameter
      Name Description Schema


      The maximum size of the backup history can grow to before the Backup Service starts removing older history.

      Integer value between 5 and 200

      Curl Syntax

      curl -X GET http://$BACKUP_SERVICE_NODE:$BACKUP_SERVICE_PORT/api/v1/config
      curl -X POST http://$BACKUP_SERVICE_NODE:$BACKUP_SERVICE_PORT/api/v1/config
        -d '{"history_rotation_size":$HISTORY_ROTATION_SIZE}'

      Required Permissions

      To call this method via GET: Full Amin, Backup Admin, or Read-Only Admin.

      To call this method via POST: Full Admin or Backup Admin.


      Value Description

      200 OK and when calling via GET, a JSON object containing the current settings.

      Successful call.

      400 Bad Request plus the JSON message { "status": 400, "msg": "Rotation size has to be between 5 and 200"}

      Returned when trying to set the rotation size to an invalid value.

      401 Unauthorized

      Authorization failure due to incorrect username or password.

      403 Forbidden, plus a JSON message explaining the minimum permissions.

      The provided username has insufficient privileges to call this method.


      The following call returns the current configuration limits:

      curl -v -X GET \
      -u Administrator:password

      If successful, the call returns 200 OK, and the following object:


      The following call modifies the rotation size:

      curl -v -X POST -u Administrator:password \
      -d '{"history_rotation_size":51}'

      Success returns 200 OK.

      See Also

      • For an overview of the Backup Service, see Backup Service.

      • For a step-by-step guide to using Couchbase Server Web Console to configure and use the Backup Service, see Manage Backup and Restore.