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Deleting Data

  • how-to
    How to delete documents in Couchbase.


    In situations where data is no longer needed, Couchbase Server provides a remove operation to delete a document from the database permanently.

    Read the following for further information about the clients available:

    Please note that the examples in this guide will alter the data in your sample buckets. To restore your sample data, remove and reinstall the travel-sample bucket. Refer to Sample Buckets for details.

    Deleting a Document

    To delete a specific field within a document, perform a Sub-Document remove operation.

    • cbc

    • .NET

    • Java

    • Node.js

    • Python

    Use the cbc rm command to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document airport_1254 from the database.

    cbc rm -u Administrator -P password -U couchbase://localhost/travel-sample airport_1254
    airport_1254          Deleted

    For further details, refer to cbc(1).

    Use the RemoveAsync() method to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    await hotelCollection.RemoveAsync("hotel-123");
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to CollectionExtensions.

    Use the remove() method to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    MutationResult removeResult = hotelCollection.remove("hotel-123");
    System.out.println("CAS:" + removeResult.cas());
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Use the remove() function to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    const removeResult = await hotelCollection.remove('hotel-123')
    console.log('CAS:', removeResult.cas)
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundError error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Use the remove() function to delete a document from the database.

    The example below deletes document hotel-123 from the database.

    remove_result = hotel_collection.remove("hotel-123")
    print("CAS:", remove_result.cas)
    If the document doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a DocumentNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Deleting a Sub-Document

    To delete a specific field within a document you can perform a Sub-Document remove operation.

    • cbc-subdoc

    • .NET

    • Java

    • Node.js

    • Python

    1. Connect to the cbc-subdoc interactive shell.

    2. Use the remove command to delete a field from a document.

    3. Pass the field to remove with the --path argument.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    cbc-subdoc -u Administrator -P password -U couchbase://localhost/travel-sample
    subdoc> remove hotel-123 --path url
    hotel-123          CAS=0x16be2f11c6040000
    0. Size=0, RC=LCB_SUCCESS (0)
    If the path cannot be found, cbc-subdoc will return a LCB_ERR_SUBDOC_PATH_NOT_FOUND error.

    For further details, refer to cbc-subdoc(1).

    1. Call the MutateInAsync() method, which takes a document ID and an IEnumerable containing MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    var mutateInResult = await hotelCollection.MutateInAsync("hotel-123",
    	specs => specs.Remove("url")
    Console.WriteLine($"Cas: {mutateInResult.Cas}");
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to CollectionExtensions.

    1. Call the mutateIn() method, which takes a document ID and an array of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    List<MutateInSpec> specs = Arrays.asList(MutateInSpec.remove("url"));
    MutateInResult mutateInResult = hotelCollection.mutateIn("hotel-123", specs);
    System.out.println("CAS:" + mutateInResult.cas());
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    1. Call the mutateIn() method, which takes a document ID and an array of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    mutateInResult = await hotelCollection.mutateIn('hotel-123', [
    console.log('CAS:', mutateInResult.cas)
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundError error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    1. Call the lookup_in() function, which takes a document ID and a list of MutateInSpec objects.

    2. Use a MutateInSpec object to specify the sub-operation to be performed within the lookup.

    A MutateInResult object is returned, containing the result and metadata relevant to the sub-document remove operation.

    The example below deletes the url field from document hotel-123.

    mutate_in_result = hotel_collection.mutate_in(
        "hotel-123", [subdocument.remove("url")]
    print("CAS:", mutate_in_result.cas)
    If the path doesn’t exist, the SDK will return a PathNotFoundException error.

    Click the GitHub button to view this code in context.

    For further details, refer to Collection.

    Key-Value Operations with SDKs:

    Sub-Document operations with SDKs: