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Couchbase’s FTS service is the only service that can create indexes that span collections.

Multi-Collection Index: A user can search multi-collection indexes in the same way as that of a bucket-based index. Since a multi-collection index contains data from multiple source collections, it is helpful to know the source collection of every document hit in the search result.

  • Users can see the source collection names in the fields section of each document hit under the key _$c. See the image below for an example.

fts multi collection behaviour
  • Users can also narrow their full-text search requests to only specific Collection(s) within the multi-Collection index. This focus speeds up searches on a large index.

Below is a sample Collection search request for Collections "airport".


curl -XPOST -H “Content-Type:application/json” - u <username>:<password> http://localhost:8094/api/index/demoindex/query -d ‘{ “explain”: true, “fields”:[ “*” ], “highlight”:{}, “query”:{ “query”:”france” }, “size”:10, “from”:50, “collections”:[“airport”] }’
  • At search time, there is no validation to determine whether or not a collection with a given name exists. As a result, users won’t receive any validation errors for the incorrect collection names within the search request. See the below example:


An incorrect collection name “XYZ” is used.

curl -XPOST -H “Content-Type:application/json” - u <username>:<password> http://localhost:8094/api/index/demoindex/query -d ‘{ “query”:{ “query”:”france” }, “size”:10, “from”:50, “collections”:[“XYZ”] }’


Result: { "status": { "total": 1, "failed": 0, "successful": 1 }, "request": { "query": { "query": "france" }, "size": 10, "from": 50, "highlight": null, "fields": null, "facets": null, "explain": false, "sort": [ "-_score" ], "includeLocations": false, "search_after": null, "search_before": null }, "hits": [ { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21844", "score": 0.8255329922213157, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21652", "score": 0.8236828315727989, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_1364", "score": 0.8232253432142588, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21721", "score": 0.8225069701742189, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21674", "score": 0.8218917130827247, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_35854", "score": 0.8218917094653351, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21847", "score": 0.8212458150010249, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21849", "score": 0.8201164200350234, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_21846", "score": 0.8197896824791812, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } }, { "index": "demoindex_6dbcc808a8278714_4c1c5584", "id": "hotel_20421", "score": 0.8191068922164917, "sort": [ "_score" ], "fields": { "_$c": "hotel" } } ], "total_hits": 141, "max_score": 1.0743017811485551, "took": 999962, "facets": null }

Impact of using Role-Based Access Control

The Couchbase Full Admin can administer Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) roles for full-text search indexes at a Bucket, Scope, or Collection(s) level.

FTS provides two primary roles for managing the access control:

A user must have at least search reader permissions at the source Bucket or Scope or Collection level to access the FTS index.

With multi-collection indexes, the user must have search reader roles for all source collections in order to access a multi-collection index.

Data lifecycle impact

Multi-collection indexes are deleted when any of the corresponding source collections are deleted. Therefore, multi-collection indexes are best suited for collections with similar data lifespans.